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What are your thoughts on homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality? I know mine, I am a bisexual, so it's kind of obvious, I think people who hate on homosexuals, or any kind of sexuality are just over dramatic idiots. Unless it's hate on pedophiles.

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I am straight and have absolutely no problem with other sexualities.


Me to, and I don't care.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I'm Catholic, and here's what the stance is from the church. Marriage is between 1 man, and 1 woman. Sex outside of marriage is sin. So having sex with someone of the same sex is sin. Other than that, having an interest in the same sex, love, sexual interest, etc, it's all perfectly fine, just not the actual sex part.


So kiss away, rub away, just don't be getting busy with the same sex.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Myself, I am Christian and very religious, but as far as I'm concerned, if you are homosexual or bisexual and have a same sex partner, as long as you truly love that person, it doesn't matter what you do as long as you do good things in general, because a good deed can outweigh the sins you do. And in the end, for me understanding someone else's sexuality is more important than judging them for it. For me, being Christian is not about judging people, but humbly accepting them as they are and understand them instead, and therefore actively working for a more peaceful environment around you. We all sin, it's what humans do. But that does not automatically make us bad people.


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I don't believe in any religion, even though I would like to. But it's just not possible for me to believe in something like that, unless someday I witness some kind of miracle or some shit like that, who knows. So that doesn't affect my view on sexuality.

I have nothing against different sexualities, I think they should have every single rights every one else has, including raising children. If I was born homosexual or bisexual and ended up having a male partner (btw, I'm a dude...) I would want to have a family one day just as much as I want now, and I don't think anyone should be stopped from the possibility of doing their part in the human race and following their dreams. I've heard many people, including in discussions where I was included, stating that children can't grow up with two fathers and two mothers, and that sounds completely outrageous to me, there is absolutely no reason why It shouldn't work, and it has worked many times. The only problem is that the kid's friends might not accept him easily because kids are fucking evil and very easily influenced by society, and society gives the wrong message.

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As an atheist, I don't subscribe to the morals of ancient oral-storytellers and sheepherders who got their stories written down in various books that were eventually compiled by ancient councils into an everyday bestseller.


That said, I am free to compile an ethical code of ethics, one where women and men are equal, and everybody has the same rights. Man or woman, marry and sex up whoever you like.

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I'm straight, but I believe love is love, no matter what gender you or the other person may be. I'm more or less kind of curious about other sexualities, just because pairing off is usually for the sake of continuing a species, but I suppose human intellect etc sort of override simple instincts.

I mostly fall under an agnostic point of view, so no religion really feeds into that. Sex, have it when you damn well feel like it.

The glass is never half empty because I drink out of the carton.

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i dont really get why some people care about gays/lesbians/bisexuals/straights. i mean, if somebody has feelings for somebody else, then its perfectly fine. my country just approved homosexual marriages, slapping the church in the face, but everybody is complaining now about homosexuals having kids... its just nonsensical...


myself, im just a straight, 15 YO guy, who really ,doesn't give a fuck about it. oh, and regarding the church, i just believe in "god" (not god as God, but as something abstract that makes things make sense when its impossible to explain them)

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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I myself am bisexual and I support same sex marriages.



I wish others could see it the way you do.

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I'm straight, and my religious affiliation is... kind of complicated, and varies depending on my mood.


My best friend - and by "best friend" I mean "would leave my life behind, pick up my sword and follow, no questions asked if she called for help" is a bisexual woman - who I used to have a crush on.


While I am usually what most people would consider "Conservative," this really only applies to economics and security, not to social issues. I reject the validity of "scriptures" as at best inadequate descriptions of the desires of whatever God exists. Personally, I do not believe that the Shaper and Maintainer of All the Universes has the time or inclination to care much what two (or more) consenting grownups do in their bedrooms.


That leaves me with economics. Is there any way in which homosexuality or any other alternative sexuality picks my pocket? Not so far as I've been able to determine.


I did have a guy friend come out to me once. The conversation went like this...

Friend (kinda blurted out) : "I'm gay."

Me: "Uh-huh."

Friend: "... well?"

Me: "Well, what?"

Friend: "Don't you have anything to say?"

Me:: "um... are you interested in me?

Friend: "...what? No. No. NO!!!"

Me: "So what do I care if.... wait... WHY NOT? What's WRONG with ME???"

**Cue both of us laughing**

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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To be honest I find same-sex marriages to be bullying christianity, I could go into how childish and illogical I feel religion/superstition is but that is not the topic. The ideals of marriage, which as far as I know was invented on the grounds of religion, only include one man and one woman in a marriage/relationship. Why not create a new concept or event of chaining people in love together that doesn't have to involve any religion or churches? Start with a new and empty canvas instead of trying to change a complex painting, the world view of radical religious folk is probably not going to change much for the next hundreds of years much like the hundreds of years already behind us.

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I did have a guy friend come out to me once. The conversation went like this...

Friend (kinda blurted out) : "I'm gay."

Me: "Uh-huh."

Friend: "... well?"

Me: "Well, what?"

Friend: "Don't you have anything to say?"

Me:: "um... are you interested in me?

Friend: "...what? No. No. NO!!!"

Me: "So what do I care if.... wait... WHY NOT? What's WRONG with ME???"

**Cue both of us laughing**


That is awesome, if only everyone had that kind of attitude towards it.


As for me I have had some bad experiences with a lesbian teacher who would tell us that straight couples abuse there kids and gay couples doesn't since they "actually" want to have kids. So for a while I figured every lesbian has short hair and always keeps a baseball bat in there car just in case they get really mad.

As long as gays don't make a scene about it and try to bring it up for no reason. Your sexual preference shouldn't define you as a person, just be yourself


As for religious (orthodox) views, they don't allow homosexual couples to be married under church, but I don't think it is bad if they are together and actually love each other.


Finally I am curious about bisexuality, not trying to be derogatory, but I knew a bunch of girls who claimed to be bisexual but it really looked like they were just doing it to get attention. Never really thought that someone can go both ways, for some reason the concept is still somewhat difficult to grasp, I don't know why :S

Again I don't want to insult, it's just my personal opinion.

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To be honest I find same-sex marriages to be bullying christianity, I could go into how childish and illogical I feel religion/superstition is but that is not the topic. The ideals of marriage, which as far as I know was invented on the grounds of religion, only include one man and one woman in a marriage/relationship. Why not create a new concept or event of chaining people in love together that doesn't have to involve any religion or churches? Start with a new and empty canvas instead of trying to change a complex painting, the world view of radical religious folk is probably not going to change much for the next hundreds of years much like the hundreds of years already behind us.



Christians will never change their view, but that does not take away peoples rights, I mean, the KKK hates black people, and since they have rights is that bullying them?

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Christians will never change their view

This is a gross generalization that targets a radical minority. It's not like Christians, as a whole, are fanatic bible thumpers who will persecute anyone who is different than them. Personally, I think the use of religion as an argument against same sex marriage is ridiculous; religion isn't as relevant today as it used to be. The argument, in my opinion, should be left to the difference between political ideals rather than religious.

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