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More Game Dungeon! I was hoping to have this out earlier in the month, but the whole last 2 months has been defined by me making things I meant to do weeks ago. This episode is pretty typical for Game Dungeon, though I'm going to do my best to get as many out as I can this month. I might be attempting too many, but I hope to get 3 more out this month. One short one, one similar to this, and one longer one. We'll see what happens! Also thanks again to everyone who has donated, it's been really fantastic. I'm still trying to respond to everyone, but I've been flooded with emails on top of everything else. It may take a little while to get back to you!



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Cool, the new title sequence is the most unique yet! But I can hardly believe this game. That's its actual title? Does that guy in the prequel really throw up? I can never look at Bob the Builder the same again. This is awesome.

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Another hilarious game and episode, did anyone else notice Bob's monster claw hands? An unrelated suggestion I have for future game dungeons is to try contacting the creators of these games if at all possible, telling them you are making a video on their game and asking for any comments or thoughts they may have and putting those into the episode more frequently, as that is one of my favorite parts of previous episodes.

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That wasn't bad, about the appropriate length for weaker game(s). Personally if a game isn't a solid one I'd like one or two more jokes/bloopers/cuts to something funny, and maybe a little more about what inspired you to examine said game. It's very cool that you're doing videos on games no one else has.


That flicker was pretty weird. I know what can cause flicker in Atari 2600 sprites, but this was all PC based.

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A really weak game, but interesting the guy never stopped selling any of them. Honestly that's the most interesting thing at play here, beyond possibly the fact this guy hates children's programming so much he wants to throw them into a hellpit.

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Awesome episode, a real crap game, Im glad this isnt abandonware so there is that...glad its not 18 bucks US so there is that too, but damn this was crazy

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"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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This video successfully proves that you don't need to cover hot/popular/current titles. Quintessential Game Dungeon.


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Man I'd love to play this game. and by love I mean get that away from me dear god burn it

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things." ~ Elric, the Technomage

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I looked through the games on the OSP website. Surprisingly full descriptions of the games and on the screenshots, all things considered.

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"Tune in next week, where we'll go to hell properly! .... sinners!"

We're going to play doom again?


Probably not. I think Ross has said everything he wants to say about Doom in the Strife video.

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Watch Ross play the world's most boring game and call it hell because the episode took forever to make and now we have to suffer through it. And it's 45 minutes. And it's also a bad episode compared to the ones before, in which Ross doesn't cut out messed up lines.

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Epicness... Can't wait for more. (disclaimer: exaggeration)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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So the "Bouncing Factory" has little to no care for its employees' well-being, and has Bob go through hours of work just so he can come back the next day and do it all over again for his whole life.


This sounds suspiciously like Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. :P

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Not my type of game but you made it entertaining at least!


Also, wanted to give everyone a quick heads up. Between October 29 and November 2, I'm going to be out of town and away from my computer. If any videos come out during that time, I'll address them WRT subtitles when I get back.


So busy.... :)

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You gotta appreciate that guy's audacity. He seriously thought it plausible that people would still buy his game in 2015, despite the game being decades old and not very good to begin with.


"Tune in next week, where we'll go to hell properly! .... sinners!"

We're going to play doom again?

There are... a LOT of games where you visit Hell. I'm still holding out hope for Dark Corners of the Earth to get covered this October (you visit a metaphorical Hell... underwater... shut up). If not, well, there's always next October.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Nice episode! Ross`s voiceover for Construction Bob in Escapes from Hell part, in the beginning of the "show", sort of reminded me of Goofy. Anyone else?

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There are... a LOT of games were you visit Hell. I'm still holding out hope for Dark Corners of the Earth to get covered this October (you visit a metaphorical Hell... underwater... shut up). If not, well, there's always next October.
Sorry, not this year. You'll get a little bit of Dagon this month though.

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