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Ross's fun-filled Beg-A-Thon!

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Uh, I apologize for sounding like I have no appreciation for Ross and his work then :) Of course I do - I am a fan and I think what he does is brilliant and far above most even much more popular youtubers. He's the only one that to this day haven't made a one not interesting video, to my taste (even his videos where he asks for money are entertaining! Who else can do that?) .

I should have structured my post more as a question, which it really is - "why you don't do that?" than a direct "hey, you should".

Thanks for reply. Yeah, different way of putting out your advice would work ;) I'm happy that you appreciate Ross!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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w00! Thanks to this donation drive I now know the rough cost in American $ of a can of non-bug-fortified beans in Poland!


I can now rest easy at night.

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I just registered to say this: While i do agree that the youtubers who play popular games, sometimes have a bigger audience, i really do hope Ross will stay true to his style. I suppose that sometimes it might be tempting to pick up a popular game but that wouldn't really work for him.


The way I see Ross is almost like a blast from the past and i'm not necessarily talking about the old games he plays. It's the way he talks and acts kinda makes me think about the '90 atmosphere, movies with Jean-Claude Van Damme, weird cassette mix tapes, the illusion that computer hackers would have graphics with bombs and pirates and 3D trippy stuff while doing their thing. I think part of his appeal is that you feel like he's that one weird friend that finds a gorish scene from an obscure movie or game to be funny. You know what i'm talking about ?


I think that's why his style works for his audience (at least for me anyway) and shouldn't change it.

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@shinysapling - I mostly agree with you, but I think it doesn't matter so much the type or popularity of the game Ross talks about, but his enthusiasm for the game. I feel that the game dungeons are driven by the fact Ross has found games that are so interesting/bizarre he needs to talk about them, and this compulsion is part of what makes the videos so good.

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I will probably donate at some point, maybe my on my next paycheck. Have you ever thought about making a "Freeman's mind Season 1" Dvd set or something? I would definitely buy that. (I still hold out hope there might one day be more Freeman's Mind in HL2 for a "season 2" sort of thing or something, haha)

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Sorry, but it won't happen, that would be an issue with copyright from Valve, you'll just have to live with being able to download them for free.

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What about a VHS or Betamax set?

I bet they wouldn't even know you were doing it, then! ;)

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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What about a VHS or Betamax set?

I bet they wouldn't even know you were doing it, then! ;)

How dare you leave out the king of home video formats? He clearly should also have a Freeman's Mind LaserDisc collection!

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What about a VHS or Betamax set?

I bet they wouldn't even know you were doing it, then! ;)

How dare you leave out the king of home video formats? He clearly should also have a Freeman's Mind LaserDisc collection!

Theres also those giant cd things. I forget what they were called, one of my teachers in high school had a documentary or something on one, lol.

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Yes, Laserdisc. And no, no selling of Freeman's Mind, Civil Protection, or any works created with Valve's IP. Or the IP of any other game or media unless permission is specifically given.


Making money on physical goods like this is kind of a hairy thing. Best to avoid it altogether and watch it through YouTube. On Ross's channel.

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We could make a laserdisk with a link to each of the episodes, and a streaming program on it... Wouldn't violate the IP then.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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First up glad the fund raising is going well for you Ross! You always deliver quality content that I'm happy to consume, and so it's nice to see you getting your due.


As for things you can do prize wise, have you thought of offering something to do with game dungeon?


Perhaps after x amount of dollars have been reached give us a poll with a certain number of games on it, and let us vote for the one we'd like to see next?


Or maybe even take it further, and allow someone who went above, and beyond on donating pick a game to be reviewed for it (with restrictions of course to make it more in line with normal GD reviews. Like short game, obscure, and so on)


That way it's stuff that wouldn't take much time/effort on your part?


Edit: I also realized I was not enlightened on whether, or not I could defeat you in Kombat. No sweep kicking in corners.


Also bonus donation dollars for referencing Vampire: Masq. It's probably one of, if not my favorite game of all time to be honest. The modding community keeps it alive, and I end up replaying it, and then remodding it probably every 6 months.

I'll tally the requests list at some point and make something based off that. Right now the most requests are probably for Fallout, Nox, VTM Bloodlines, or The Neverhood.



Hey, Ross! First, let me apologize for my english in advance :) I want to give you some advice - one of the problem is that you don't make any content that can be really massively popular. Your popular videos are - either HL-HL2 related or about a bit obscure games, like in the GameDungeon. Well, HL is pretty popular game, but its popularity is declining, and it isnt what it used to be, say, back in 2007. So, you have to start one more series, that will have a potential to become a view-attracting machine to your channel - review new games! Or, do anything at all, but with New, Hot games that are on #1 popularity right now.

Ok, I may sound like i'm over-confident in what I'm saying - but theres a reason for that, I have a pretty big experience in internet and social media marketing, although in Russian market, but internet and its inhabitants are pretty the same everywhere.

And, I don't wont to sund like what you do right now is bad - no, it's super good, and I like your content a lot, but sometimes, in order to make money, you have to do not what's best, but just what is popular.

PS you've got my 20$ ;)

Well maybe. I feel like me just repeating what everyone else is saying probably wouldn't be as popular as you might think. Additionally, I don't play these games until years later half the time, it would require me being ahead of the curve, for which there is a lot of competition. Plus, I think the extra numbers I got would evaporate more rapidly too, whereas I really appreciate long-term fans who come back to check in on the videos. It's more fun for me to cover games I have opinions about that not a lot of people have heard of. Ultimately, I'd most like to make just original videos and storylines, but that takes way more production work, so the videogame coverage is a more enjoyable balance.

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Goodness, the generosity of this fan base astounds me. It reminds me of that one time a guy hacked the website and just left a playful note telling Ross to beef up his security. Good on everyone, I'm very excited for things to come!

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Right now the most requests are probably for Fallout, Nox, VTM Bloodlines, or The Neverhood.


I'll second Nox. As well as Total Annihilation, although there is definitely more to talk about in Nox. When/If Firefly Studios ever kicks the bucket, the original Stronghold would be a fun one to do as well.


Also sorry I couldn't donate this year, last year was also my pinnacle "36K" year as well, but this year was not so good. I'll try to make up for it next year.

...but time flows like a river...

...and history repeats...

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Right now the most requests are probably for Fallout, Nox, VTM Bloodlines, or The Neverhood.

Too bad they aren't asking for Wasteland 1, the one that started the Fallout series. (same creator, and he just couldn't get the IP back from EA to be able to do Wasteland 2 instead of Fallout)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Donated. I did the monthly option, because I've been laughing at your videos too long to not give you SOMETHING.

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a 100th post of this thread. fitting.


Ross hit 15k. now he can fortify his body with irons! I would've donated if i didn't have a little fender bender last week.

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Ross, do you have any use for game keys? I've hesitated to ask in the past since I don't know if that kind of thing is of any value to you and you've never really talked about it one way or the other. In case you've been on mars, what happens is people who buy a lot of bundles (pretty much the only smart way to get indie games these days) wind up with a lot of repeat keys. Some trade them, some give them to friends. I've got tons, especially for services I don't use, like desura and gog. I imagine many of your other fans do as well.


The main drawback is it can be a little time consuming separating the shovelware from the genuinely good stuff.

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