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Any Alternate History fans?

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So, is there anyone here who is a fan of Alternate History here? For those familiar to the genre, this is the place to discuss alternate history scenarios, works of fiction, recommendations, etc.


Here are a few works of AH that I recommend to people new to the genre:


How Few Remain, where the Confederacy wins the American Civil War and establishes itself as an independent nation.


The Man in the High Castle, where World War II is won by the Axis as America pursues a more isolationist path than in real life. The Axis go on to invade America in the late Fifties and occupy most of the country. Not a very plausible scenario, but still worth reading. Also being made into a TV series by Amazon.


Fatherland, where the Nazis manage to defeat the Soviet Union and have most of Europe under their rule, and is currently locked in a Cold War with the United States. More plausible than "The Man in the High Castle" and a good read.


Festung Europa: The Anglo-American/Nazi War, where, simillar to Fatherland, the Nazis are victorious against the Soviet Union and control the European continent. Hostilities resume in the early Fifties and Europe is torn apart by the renewed war. One of the best works of AH I've read, and a must read for all fans of the genre.


Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, where, as the title indicates, Iran is invaded by the US during the War on Terror. A well-researched timeline that explores the many consequences of the "Iran War", on the United States, the Middle East, and globally.


A Giant Sucking Sound, where Ross Perot becomes President of the United States in 1992.



The Yiddish Policman's Union, where a settlement in Sitka, Alaska is made for Jews persecuted by the Nazis and fleeing the destruction of Israel. The novel itself takes place decades after the settlement is established and follows a detective trying to solve a murder case.


A World of Laughter, A World of Tears, where Walt Disney is convinced to run for President in 1952, after Eisenhower drops out from health concerns. Bad things happen as President Disney is not prepared to handle the crises presented to him while in office.


Decisive Darkness, where after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Japanese government is taken over by hardline militarists who want the war to continue. More atomic bombings and an invasion of Japan take place in order to end the war, and massive bloodshed ensues.


So, opinions and thoughts are much appreciated.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I have a rather strong interest in the subject but unfortunately haven't found anything outside of silly fanfictions. Thanks for posting those links, I'll have to check them out when I get the chance. Don't have any to recommend myself unfortunately.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I have a rather strong interest in the subject but unfortunately haven't found anything outside of silly fanfictions. Thanks for posting those links, I'll have to check them out when I get the chance. Don't have any to recommend myself unfortunately.


Your welcome. :)

I'd recommend that you check this place out as well when you've got the time:


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I've read the Southern Victory series, of which How Few Remain is the first book, and I've also read some short stories from Turtledove, the Axis of Time series, and the Days of Infamy series, also from Turtledove. I really liked all of them, especially Axis of Time because time travel is cool.

They're not panties, so it's not embarrassing.

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Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I occasionally read alternative history. The Fatherland and The Man in the High Castle - I read both and liked them quite a lot. The Man in the High Castle is my favourite of the two.


To me the plausibility of what-if speculation is less important, though, than the plot and the Sci-Fi elements.


I read some Turtledove novels - especially those about the aliens invasion during the WWII.


I also loved his American Civil War novel where General Lee's army got equipped with AK-47s just before the Battle in the Wilderness. It's called "The Guns of the South".


But as I said, Sci-Fi part is more important for me than the What-if part, so I prefer books like the Destroyermen series to pure alternative historical speculations...



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