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Subtitle Organizing!

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So, what is danielsangeo doing while waiting for the next video to be uploaded, whatever that is?


Well I am, unbelievably, free this weekend and have decided to take this opportunity to address the sorry state of my subtitle compendium and, as such, also address the glaring lack of non-English language subtitles on the official YouTube videos. This is entirely my fault. There have been people uploading subtitles for non-English languages and I have not acknowledged them. I truly apologize to everyone!


So, here's what I've done so far to rectify this situation:

I have gone through every single AF video on the YouTube channel and marked down what is uploaded, then I went through the forums and downloaded everything I could download for every language, then went through my hard drive and looked at what was on there and not in the compendium and on the YouTube channel.


...and I created a spreadsheet which makes SOME sense, in a mad kind of way. You can view that spreadsheet here:



The "Y" cells are where the YouTube channel has that language.

The "H" cells are where I have the subtitles on my hard drive and I just need to verify them.

The "F" cells are where I have just downloaded the subtitles from the forum and will need to verify them.

When I address these, I will change the F and H cells to "TBU", which will say that they're ready to go and I'll throw them all in a zip and send them off to be uploaded.


The blank cells? I don't have subtitles for them. The percentages above each language is how complete the language is. If anyone wants to address any of them, I'd be glad to have them! If you've created subtitles for these videos and the cells are still blank, I don't have them. You'll have to reupload them or find some way of getting them to me. My apologies.


In the meantime, I'm going to work on those F and H cells! :mrgreen:

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