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EA and Sims 4 DLC.

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So far i am pretty sure here everyone knows EA is corrupt.


But this has been now taken too far with this. I will tell about a subject that should be illegal. Yet its somehow legal?


The sims 4 has hidden cheat codes that allow things but there is one in particular that triggered me.




This shows objects like forks and what not but also inside these items are unused ones,heres 2 from the cutting room floor they found.


The In-House Outhouse

Throne of Thrones


Wow... This sound like items that fit into the DLC!


Even worse is that the items are complete. This means EA has removed content from the sims 4 and put them into DLC for more money.


The strategy is this:Finish the game,delay it,remove the objects so that the game is almost empty and then charge for the content they removed after launch. Gamers will have to buy the content for more objects because the game is devoid of them and give EA more money.


This might have been the thing ross wanted to adress to gamers in the ross's game dungeon follow up episode. However this might be something new to him and he will have more work to do.

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There's similar hidden content in Sims 2, why would you think it would be DLC?

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Just about every game has content that is for all intents and purposes complete but never actually used in the game for one reason or another. From the sounds of it these were never items you could get even when it was launched meaning there's probably other reasons for them removing them.


EA is a wreathing pot of dirty business practices but even that sounds a bit far even for them.

Retired Forum Moderator

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