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Interview: Valve News Network

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That's absolutely horrible! And data caps? WTF is up with that? Sounds to me like your ISPs are some greedy bastards trying to cram together as many people as possible using their limited resources. Why sell gigabit internet to one guy when you can split that for 200 people and get more money?


My current plan includes 100Mbps DL/100 Mbps UL and a free usb stick modem with 3,6Mbps speed, I think. I get this for the equivalent of 10$. Speed tests reveal about 95Mbps real speed, matching my HDD speed, I think. They are willing to upgrade this plan to 300Mbps for free if I sign for 12 more months with them but that means I have to buy a new router and an SSD. I actually wonder what private individual needs gigabit internet...

And I thought this only happens here in the Philippines. Hell, we're even ranked as having the shittiest net speed in Southeast Asia. And yes, our ISPs here are greedy bastards, greedy bastards with a nearly non-existent customer service.

Welp, now what?

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I was shocked when I first got to know how slow and expensive internet in USA is on average. It seems logical that faster internet = development of business = development of the whole country... but I guess it's too much to bear for the internet providers, let's stall the whole country and oppress majority of the people instead :P

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I was shocked when I first got to know how slow and expensive internet in USA is on average. It seems logical that faster internet = development of business = development of the whole country... but I guess it's too much to bear for the internet providers, let's stall the whole country and oppress majority of the people instead :P


Probably they offer all the benefits to their enterprise customers, the average people are just good for milking.

Little Freemans - Episodes 1-5


Malf Hockery - Episodes 1-5

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So handsome! ;)

"Nie mówię po polsku, czy mówi Pan na angielsku?" ;) Widzę, że Ross nieźle opieprza się w nauce polskiego skoro zna tylko te dwa zwroty i nazwy warzyw :)

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So handsome! ;)

"Nie mówię po polsku, czy mówi Pan na angielsku?" ;) Widzę, że Ross nieźle opieprza się w nauce polskiego skoro zna tylko te dwa zwroty i nazwy warzyw :)

Nie komentuj wrażliwego tematu.... :roll: Ross jest daleki od opieprzania się, to muszę poprawic, nawet jesli to miał być żart.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Nie komentuj wrażliwego tematu.... :roll: Ross jest daleki od opieprzania się, to muszę poprawic, nawet jesli to miał być żart.


Pffff Of course I was joking :) I think Ross's polish pronunciation is pretty damn good, altough in my opinion he hasn't master our language yet ;)

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I couldn't live in Poland too cold for me i'm surprised Ross can handle it being from Lousiana and all i live in the southern part of Texas myself 20 minutes away from Lousiana and in my experience when i worked in North Dakota i froze to death and just could never get used to that kind of weather.

Back by popular demand!

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I couldn't live in Poland too cold for me i'm surprised Ross can handle it being from Lousiana and all i live in the southern part of Texas myself 20 minutes away from Lousiana and in my experience when i worked in North Dakota i froze to death and just could never get used to that kind of weather.

With recent climate changes... the winter is less and less here. Last winter there was practically no snow and it got barely below freezing. And we have to remember about traditional anomalous European heatwave every summer :D Maybe even two, the summer is not over yet!


But it depends to what average temperatures you're used to.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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You should show us some of those crazy Unreal plays you were talking about.

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One the subject of Dark Souls: I haven't played Demon's Souls, but I have played Dark Souls 1 and 2. In the first Dark Souls at least, with few exceptions, it is entirely possible for an observant player to beat the game without dying. Also, you probably remember that in Demon's Souls you lost half your max health upon dying. That mechanic is gone in Dark Souls. I really wouldn't recommend just watching a let's play as I feel the game really takes advantage of the medium, and just watching it wouldn't be even remotely close to the same experience. If you must, might I recommend the let's play series done by Christopher Odd, which can be found here:

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Hi there,


long time watcher, first time poster here. On the subject of Poland: I live in Berlin and ride my bike to Poland every now and then. I can think of more reasons than just love and internet (if those really aren't enough) why anybody would want to go to our neighbour and stay there.


Poland sometimes has that stigma of being backwards, rural an cannot into space. While quite the opposite is the case already, the country is also on the fast lane getting ahead of the competition. Quality of life is better than in all other Warsaw-Pact-States, except Czech maybe, which is on par. Technology is just as advanced as in the west, cities are usually clean.


The landscapes, ooooh the landscapes... This might be special for a german dude only, because here you can't go for more than 10 km without some sort of settlement interrupting the nature. But Poland? Hell you can get lost there. If you like offroading a little bit, you can go to whatever direction you like and soon say to yourself: "If I crash here, nobody will find me ever!". There are roads in great condition that go like snakes through forests for miles and miles... and I only scratched the surface so far, I usually keep it close to Odra river.


Some more minor reasons:

- cheap cigs (no tobacco though, which sucks)

- great food, if you like it savory and meaty. Excellent quality too, not manufactured by shit like Monsanto

- beautiful women

- great vodka

- I don't know polish people living in Poland personally, but I am a Counter Strike player and the polish community is full of bros, they make up a large portion of my friends list


So yeah, great choice Ross!


P.S.: Wow, I didn't know US ISPs suck THAT MUCH. This country of mine is capitalist as fuck, but I get 25/10 kbps for 25,- €

P.P.S.: You have to make the movie.

P.P.P.S.: Dat awkward look on Ross's face during the facial hair segment.

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Finally got round to watching both videos. Quite good, though it was jumpcut city in part 1 which was almost distracting.


I am in agreement about his inability to play Half-Life now. I'm not sure I could replay it properly now without constantly thinking of FM.


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I feel like if Ross was to play Half Life or even Half Life 2 he could just do it without thinking of either and if he did a just a lets play or lets discuss/podcast with Magda I do think it would be something he could do and in his subconcious maybe think holy shit im doing freemans mind all over again but with replaying Half Life I sort of think you could do it if you are Ross but do it as a one off if you want to play it again but then again we may never know what he will do, if he will make Freemans Mind 2 or not, I can say if he does do so after his machinima movie I do think I will want to marry him but as a joke....since Ross is a fucking genius....I still can say with RGD and CP aswell as FM I can say theres alot of replay value for me, I dont get sick of the jokes............*sees Crate explode with HECU units popping out* WHAT THE FUCK!? *Shoots them all* WHAT THE FUCK!? DID THEY JUST POP OUT OF A BOX!? WHY WERE THEY IN A BOX!? THATS LOONEY TUNES CRAP!!!! Jesus!

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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I was playing Half-Life a couple weeks ago. I played it normally most of the time but every now and again, there'd be a scene in which a Freeman's Mind quote would invariably get stuck in my head and I'd start giggling madly.


"Well, obviously SOMETHING happened. I woke up in a trash compactor again."

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well that can happen but hey we never know Daniel....he could play HL1 for RGD :P

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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