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Share your (physical) pain and misery! :D

I like listening to people's stories of how they broke their leg, or how they wound up in hospital. X3 Don't... ask...

I'll share an experience of my own! I have plenty more but one at a time. XP


I was jumping on a trampoline (seems to be the cause of 90% of all injuries XD ), just me and my sister. I jumped high, stealing my sisters' jump, jumped a little... too high... I wish video game logic existed because I seriously wanted to turn 180 degrees mid-air as I found myself plummeting down towards the metal side. A big BANG, as I found myself planted on the metal railing of the trampoline, body sideways, head facing down. It was... very unpleasant. X3 This was a few years ago, still a kid, so naturally I was crying and wailing about as I fell off the side and onto the ground. Didn't break anything, but gah, I certainly felt out of breath from that one. XP

And naturally, me as a kid, I hop on the trampoline 10 minutes later when my stomach and chest didn't hurt anymore. XD


Let's go one story at a time to make this thread last! :D

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Screw the rules, I'm sharing one really short story (sentence long) and a good length one (paragraph).


Once in a while while sleeping, I will wake up due to leg cramp, it fucking hurts, most of the time it lasts a few minutes (but feels like hours).


Now, a year or two ago, family was over, and we decided to play catch in the backyard with the (American) football. Something we do almost every time family visits, same with poker (Texas Hold 'em). Everything is going fine, some fake outs, all good fun. Anyhow, one time, the ball was thrown in my direction, I had to back up to catch it, it hits my hand, and thumb, kinda really hard. Like I was uncertain if I had broken it or not. It was one of those "you would know if you x" kind of moments with possible broken bone, but in my defense, how would you know if you broke a bone if you or no one else in your family, has experienced it? Now luckily, I didn't, however, it still hurt like hell. IIRC, the pain lasted a couple of days.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I find myself strangely drawn to this thread....


I have rather poor vision, and thus I've been wearing contacts since 4th grade. The Saturday after I started wearing them, it felt as if my left contact had ripped inside of my eye. My vision was blurry, but I was convinced that the contact, or at least a piece of it, was still in my eye. I went into the bathroom and attempted to remove it so as not to risk damaging my cornea. I pried and pried, but it never came out. Eventually, my eye was extremely irritated and each attempt to remove the contact was agonizing. It was only after a visit to the ER that I discovered the contact had fallen out completely and that I was futilely picking at my cornea. 7 years later, just thinking about it still makes me cringe. I still wear contacts and it's very agitating whenever one refuses to come out.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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It was only after a visit to the ER that I discovered the contact had fallen out completely and that I was futilely picking at my cornea. 7 years later, just thinking about it still makes me cringe. I still wear contacts and it's very agitating whenever one refuses to come out.


XD Oh my gosh, you poor thing. This happened to my friend. She thought she had her contact in and kept trying to get it out. XP She actually made her eye bleed and when she went to the hospital, it was like; "Uh. There's nothing in there, mate."


Anyhow, one time, the ball was thrown in my direction, I had to back up to catch it, it hits my hand, and thumb, kinda really hard. Like I was uncertain if I had broken it or not.


I have a story kinda like that. X3 I was ice skating, for the first time. I SUCKED. XD I could barely keep myself up. Now, this was with my other family in WA, so when I fell over, I was kinda hesitant to say anything. So I got myself back up, and kept trying. Until I fell over again, XP on my arm again. It huuuurt sooo baaad. My vision went blurry and everything around me seemed so much more quieter except the people 5 feet in front of me. I felt dizzy and I needed to vomit. Blurgh. I really thought I had broken it. I had pestered my family to take me to the hospital to check it out. I kinda felt bad for it though now... it was only a sprain and I dragged them to the hospital for no reason. :S

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Only injury I've ever went to a doctor for was a work injury... A full ice cart (about 600lbs) rammed the back of my heel, and I couldn't walk on it for a few days. Turned out it just hit right on the edge of the tendon just above where it attaches to the bone.


Only sicknesses I've gone to a doctor for were when I had mono, and when I got an ear infection. Both passed normally , and with no permanent damage.


I have never had a broken bone in my life, and not for lack of trying.


All scrapes, cuts, burns, other illnesses, etc. were all treated at home with basic first aid, and farmer's intuition. (my parents both grew up on farms, and I sort of did as well)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Only injury i've ever had was from a bike race when I was 11. It involved trying to balance myself after hitting a speed bump at a fast speed, a deep wound in my knee (I still have the scar) and me being banned from biking by my mom.

Welp, now what?

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In 11th grade high school I broke my collar bone clean in half during PE soccer. The break was so bad that they were considering realignment surgery but ultimately decided not to on the grounds that it's not a vital bone so they just let it heal on it's own. Even now if you were to compare both my collarbones you can clearly see the right one is several inches out of alignment.


Now for the description! :D


The circumstances of the break can be attributed to overly competitive behavior. It was me and 5 other semi-friends (we always grouped up during PE but rarely talked outside of it) so 3v3. I was on the far right running down the field while the other 2 were on the left. the ball got kicked out to the right so I bolted for it. Thing is the ball was about equal distance between me and one other on the opposite side, and we both weren't about to let the other get it. Both of us went running as fast as we could towards the ball, and I managed to get there first and kick the ball. Missions accomplished, eh? Not quite. The ball was relatively equal distance from us both, and we both run at about the same speed. I kicked that ball away, but there was no way either of us were able to stop, and we collided.


We collided so hard that I don't remember anything between kicking the ball, and rolling onto my side to get up off the grass. All I remember is I put my hand down to help push me up and the most intense pain in my shoulder caused me to sit back down. To make matters worse no one initially thought it was that bad at first and one of them walked up behind me and started doing that hand massage thing on my shoulder going "You alright?", gripping down hard directly on the broken bone. They had to call the janitor cart to give me a ride to the nurses office because the force of impact and the break sent me into shock and I couldn't walk or speak. (I wanted to say something but I couldn't get my mouth to work) The nurse took one look and went "oh yeah, that's broken." and the doctor who checked it out said that I was lucky the broken bone didn't puncture the skin.

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One time I accidentaly slammed a door so hard against my little toe that the nail almost fell off. It was only connected to the toe by 1/4.

It wasn't funny at the time, but I love seeing people cringe when I tell them about it now!

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Me and my friend were gonna see who could stand up for the longest period of time on a see-saw in 5th grade.

I put one leg up on the see-saw and when I was lifting the other one up, my friend pushed it down so that I fell backwards and landed on my arm.

I cannot the describe the pain but its probably the worst pain that Ive ever felt, I couldnt scream or anything, I was just laying on the ground, rolling around in agony.


My friend thought I was faking it, but then called my dad (who also thought that I faked it), dad picked me up and more or less called me a pussy.

He then drove me to the emergency room, got x-rayed and it turned out that my arm was broken.


Probably the dumbest way to break an arm, but there ya go :P

"Life sucks sober!"

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I was on an FRC robotics team in high school (I just graduated this year). This kind of group naturally generates interesting people, and one of my friends has been doing blacksmithing for several years. He also happens to be a history buff, and so am I. This somehow progressed to use buying some cheap training swords and axes (the dense polypropylene ones) on amazon and organizing Medieval Fight Club on a regular basis. My friend decided that this wasn't good enough and built most of a suit of armor (Breastplate, pauldrons, full helmet, and full cover for his right arm). This wasn't some wimpy LARP armor, he used 16-14 gauge steel with leather padding and tempered the breastplate. Of course we had to test it out, but we only had one set of armor. To make it fair we pitted me and another friend against the guy in armor. I was using a viking style shield I had made, and at one point I rushed at him while trying to block his sword. I completely misjudged the swing and took the full force of the blow to my bare solar plexus (It was the middle of Alabama summer, anyone who has experienced that will understand why I wasn't wearing a shirt). The result was me crawling into a bush while making the kind of sounds associated with strangling murders. Luckily, I was fine after a few minutes of writhing. Somewhere there existed a iPhone video of this, but it cuts off just as I start sucking wind.

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I seem to understand, that if it's a sprain or a broken bone, people are less likely to scream, but still feel IMMENSE pain? X3 My mother jammed her fingers in a door and broke them, didn't scream. But I see people screaming from like, cuts and stuff. It's strange. I guess that's the whole shock system coming into play (thank God for shock).


@TheFarris: Is it bad that I'm curious to see that video? XD

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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@TheFarris: Is it bad that I'm curious to see that video? XD


Not in the slightest; unfortunately, when I had my friend send it to me it was compressed to the point of being unintelligible. It may still exist somewhere, but my friend has a bad habit of going through phones pretty fast.


To further expand the original story, the guy in armor got brained from behind when someone ran at him and jumped into the air while whacking him in the back of the head (The jump was a bit necessary considering he's about 6' 4"). It staggered him pretty badly, but it also proved his helmet is good enough to keep his brain in his head.

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I seem to understand, that if it's a sprain or a broken bone, people are less likely to scream, but still feel IMMENSE pain? X3

You would be correct. Atleast when I broke the arm I couldnt scream (I also remember it being really hard to breathe).

I wish I could describe the pain in detail (and hopefully have someone come in here with charts and stuff to make the discussion even more interesting) but all I can say is: It fucking hurts, and it fucking hurts ALOT. :)

"Life sucks sober!"

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I broke my hand last summer, because of a berry-picker in a Volvo 855 coming around a bend on the gravel road I was working on! He lost control and went into a spin, hit the front end of my truck with the back end of the Volvo, spun around and hit the front wheel of my truck which caused the steering wheel to spin around and hit me with the brodie knob... He was pretty lucky I managed to stop the 50-60 tons of gravel and steel I was driving BEFORE he hit me!


The berry picker was from Thailand, didn't speak a word of English and had been sent of in a car without an MOT test by some ass of a boss...


My hand still hurt after 2 days so I went to the clinic and was sent 70 kilometres to get an ex-ray on a Friday around 2 pm, took them 20 minutes to ex-ray and then I was told to wait in the emergency room for a doctor to check it. At 8 pm I hadn't heard anything so I left and went home.


Five days later I receive a letter from a doctor saying: Yeah, that's broken you better come back here and get a cast.

So I went and got that done and walked around with a cast for four weeks feeling handicapped every time I tried playing a game or working with tools... Showering sucks but its a lot easier then when I had plaster over my whole left leg up to and over the knee after breaking that a couple of years ago.


Here's a bonus picture of my swollen hand, I went full dinosaur pinching evrything with a thumb and a finger.


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Yesterday I trapped two fingers between a couple of large stones while I was taking apart a flowerbed. Nothing serious, but painful enough to yell out, and will find bass playing tricky until the bruises heal.


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I recently walked into a door. My toenail came off. Apparently the nail acted as a lever, de-rooting the entire "structure" from its base. Bleeding wasn't too bad and I am currently waiting for it to grow back. Every time I see the toe, I am reminded of a carrot. Don't ask.


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I was helping my dad bring down a wall during a home renovation last year. While I was reenacting my personal Berlin Wall, with a little Shining on the side, I accidentally drove my right hand (which is close to the head of the sledgehammer) through the concrete. I didn't feel the pain until after two more hits, as well as seeing blood coming from my ring finger. I thought I was gonna lose that finger. The only thing I lost instead is a nail. It only took a month and a half for it to grow back.

Welp, now what?

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One time when helping my parents with yard work one summer, I was using a hack saw to cut up some branches we'd cut off of one of the low trees. Having never really used one before and not aware of how sharp those things are, even after years of use had dulled it, I didn't put enough pressure on the saw and it caught and bounced out of the notch I had cut. Luck has it it bounced and went right across the surface of my arm. It wasn't a deep cut but it spanned about a foot in length, looked nasty, and hurt to high hell. Never underestimated a saw of any sorts again.

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All of these are making me cringe so bad. XD


A few years ago, I was leaving the swimming resort, getting into the car that dad was driving to pick me up. He must have been in a rush! Didn't even wait for me to fully get it, ran over my foot, and he freaking stopped the car on my foot. The car already had 3 people in it, and it was on my foot. XD Yeah... That hurt. There wasn't any injury, it just felt really uncomfortable.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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So I just ripped part of my big toe nail off just now when it caught on the wheel of my office chair (I have no idea how, I wasn't watching when i felt it).


Strangely enough it doesn't hurt. I mean it did initially but right now, nothing. I do have to shampoo the rug in my room now though for obvious reasons.

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