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Fallout 4

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Maybe we should just get back to the subject. XP No screaming at faces please. Don't care who started it cause I'm finishing it.


What I like about Fallout:

- The graphics. They look REALLY nice.

What I don't like:

- I was never into upgrading in games. X3 I prefer weapons that are just... Either a pistol or a rifle. None of this "+2" dmg snot. I can never keep on top of that stuff. :S But it doesn't usually put me off of games. Skyrim has the enchanting system which I can bare with so I'm sure the Fallout weapons won't be that severely upsetting to me. XP


Who knows though. That's all I've gotten from the trailers and tid-bits of information. And I've only played Fallout 3. And about 10 hours of it. XD But I can say I like the whole idea itself of the game. A "Fallout" world. I assume Fallout 4 will be bigger, look better, runs better and feels better. :3 You know, none of this "use the same voice actor twice in a row" kinda thing. X3

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Eh... I wouldn't be so sure about the voice acting, Bethesda was never good at that. And I'm sorry to hear you don't like upgrading in games, but it's a completely optional thing. Bethesda's never made you use one of their systems, and while they aren't always totally balanced you can complete their games with any set up you like.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I mean, we have seen a bobblehead in game for Barter, so we know at least something skill related is there.


That is true, but at the same time you must admit from what it appears skills are DEFINITELY gone as we know them. So far I'm inclined to believe it will be a perk progression system similar to Skyrim's, which IS dumbing down a system that was easy as hell to understand. Elitest or not it doesn't change the fact that Bethesda has shown their intention to simplify things that really didn't need it. Surely you can at least see that, right?


It's gameplay revolving around re-building in a post-apocalyptic world. I can certainly think of game conventions that would be far more misplaced than that.


My issue with it once again revolves around that I feel it will offer next to nothing rather than a simple timer waster. Now obviously that may change as Pete Hines DID state he understands people's concerns with Bethesda's vision of Fallout, but until then I'm going to assume it will be as bland and generic with no consequences like Fallout 3.


Todd also mentioned putting greater thought into giving consequences to player actions, so maybe the story will be more along the lines of NV. And yeah, that's just conjecture, but again, that's really all we have to work with here.


Again, see above. I understand that they have already noticed some feedback similar to mine and intend to hopefully change that, but until I see anything else I'm gonna go by what we see.


(and are in NV, too, so don't start)


True, but it's even implied through dialogue that it's very looked down on in post-apocalyptic society in NCR to eat 200 year old Salisbury steak. It just falls back on, "What do they eat?" Simple as that.


Not to the level you're describing, anyway.


It was bad enough to the point they had to start issuing T-51b to police officers. And it was implied especially in Tactics (hurr), that it was BAD. Like society was on the brink of collapsing on itself.


Sure, you're allowed. It's just all hot air, though.


I wouldn't say experiences based on previous empty promises and crappy deliveries is hot air. Especially when, from what we can see a lot of things got cut for a more "inviting" experience. IE: Dumbing down. No way around that, maybe Bethesda will surprise us. We don't know. Once again it's not an unreasonable thing to state what looks like an issue before they either denounce it, or confirm it.


Yeah, if only you could shut up and let other people have opinions.


Guy, so far you're the one who's been stupid aggressive and a general sociopath. And K4's not wrong, guy. Considering it's really just 2 guys having a reasonable discussion and you're just trying to twist and turn a discussion to make it come off as something else.


Do you have autism or something mate?

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Oh my gosh. Just stop with the insulting. I've seen 500 "You're rude, bitch" hypocrites. No more please. >:(

Sure, state your opinion, but why add an insult in there?? Is it necessary? Take your insults to the PMs. Not here. Not pointing fingers.


OT: I guess that's what I like about it though. The enchanting and upgrading is something I can just ignore. X3 If I get an upgraded or enchanted weapon, Hooray for me! But when it comes to crafting, I'm glad it's not a compulsory thing. I know games where you HAVE to upgrade to progress. Luckily, there's other ways of getting through it. I'm sure Fallout 4 won't fail me.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Everyone here should calm down. No need for insults. It's a game, and not worth people going nuts about. Whether people are discussing speculation, or thoughts on that speculation, or thoughts on those thoughts...or actually discussing confirmed stuff and so on, there's still no good reason for people to get riled with each other.


It's also worth stating the obvious here that everyone's going to have different opinions, and regardless of how another person's opinions may be 'WRONG' to you, the same could well be true of the reverse, and you'll most likely not be able to convince each other of your respective side of things. And it certainly won't happen through insults, flame, and hypocrisy (and by this I'm referring to those accusing others of being aggressive, etc whilst at the same time including provocative or aggressive comments in their own posts, only serving to fuel the fire).


Now lets all try to get along. I'd hate to have to lock the thread and/or dish out bans...


As for the game itself, it seems like an interesting game, to me. I've only played a bit of Fallout 3 in the past, and have entirely by coincidence started playing it again recently. For this game I've seen both the initial trailer and some gameplay, and it doesn't look too bad to me. Visually speaking the game certainly appears detailed, and I liked the talk of player freedom I saw mentioned in this video. Whether or not this is successfully pulled off remains to be seen, but I am hopeful.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I'm a long time fallout fan and from what I've seen in 4's trailers and reveals I'm a bit hopeful. I wish we knew more about the story and more about settlements and the setting but that's fine I guess.


I just really hope it doesn't end up like Fallout 3 in terms of world design and writing.

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I really kinda hopeful this might be good from what we have seen from the trailers and such but thanks to last 2 years of E3 (Mainly including the 'Fake' game-play trailer of Alien: Colonial marines), I will just wait on the sidelines until the game comes out.


Also got to agree and disagree with Jeb_CC, the graphic in the fallout 3 has kinda is aging badly with how long is been out and this could happen so quick with fallout 4 depending on how the graphic style is but got to agree with basically how 'upgrading' is really dumb and guns could just keep as they are.

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I'm a long time fallout fan and from what I've seen in 4's trailers and reveals I'm a bit hopeful. I wish we knew more about the story and more about settlements and the setting but that's fine I guess.


I just really hope it doesn't end up like Fallout 3 in terms of world design and writing.

Fallout 3 has kinda grown on me over the years. I used to kinda dislike it (because it was immensely inferior to Fallout 2 in terms of tone and gameplay) but now I love it. I guess if you install enough mods it can be fun.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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My issues with Fallout 3 and NV are purely from a technical standpoint. More so in NV than 3 they cut SO many corners model wise. Like I've seen students model and texture weaponry that looked way better than what I saw in NV.


Aside from that little peeve I have always enjoyed the gameplay so I'm interested in seeing what they have to offer on 4.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm a long time fallout fan and from what I've seen in 4's trailers and reveals I'm a bit hopeful. I wish we knew more about the story and more about settlements and the setting but that's fine I guess.


I just really hope it doesn't end up like Fallout 3 in terms of world design and writing.

Fallout 3 has kinda grown on me over the years. I used to kinda dislike it (because it was immensely inferior to Fallout 2 in terms of tone and gameplay) but now I love it. I guess if you install enough mods it can be fun.


My problem isn't so much the technical stand point but the writing and the world design. The settlements to me make little to no sense and the areas they're in (Like Rivet City) is just so hostile no one in their right mind would go there.


I also have a big problem with the linear and plothole filled main quest and how short the DLCs fell in content and writing. Sometimes there isn't enough content in them and sometimes the content is just ridiculously overpowered and can be acquired at an early level like the chinese stealth armor in Operation Anchorage or the alien weaponry in Mothership Zeta.

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I have a friend who told me this joke about Fallout 4:


" If they can remove the story, logic and optimisation, and add more bugs, cute dogs and make it more like COD Advanced Warfare, That would be the best game ever. Fuck other fallout games Amirite? "

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I have a friend who told me this joke about Fallout 4:


" If they can remove the story, logic and optimisation, and add more bugs, cute dogs and make it more like COD Advanced Warfare, That would be the best game ever. Fuck other fallout games Amirite? "

lol, the funny thing is that CoD AW didn't have a dog in it, that was Ghosts.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I personally think they should have an option of which breed of dog for companion... Different breeds with different effects. (like a Rottweiler having a slightly better attack, or an Australian Shepherd giving a charisma boost, etc.)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I personally think they should have an option of which breed of dog for companion... Different breeds with different effects. (like a Rottweiler having a slightly better attack, or an Australian Shepherd giving a charisma boost, etc.)


And that is what mods are for.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I personally think they should have an option of which breed of dog for companion... Different breeds with different effects. (like a Rottweiler having a slightly better attack, or an Australian Shepherd giving a charisma boost, etc.)


And that is what mods are for.

Mods are wonderful, aren't they... It's sad more companies don't make mods a high priority for their singleplayer games.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Mods are wonderful, aren't they... It's sad more companies don't make mods a high priority for their singleplayer games.


Nope. Only the company this thread was specifically created to condemn.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Mods are wonderful, aren't they... It's sad more companies don't make mods a high priority for their singleplayer games.


Nope. Only the company this thread was specifically created to condemn.

I thought this thread was specifically created to discuss Fallout 4...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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If you read the first post, you'll see that it wasn't worded as a discussion, but as a condemnation for not showing in the original E3 footage what some people wanted to see.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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