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As most if not all of you know by now Fallout 4 has been announced and a E3 showcase is planed on the 14th.

I honestly don't have high hopes for this game seeing what they did to The Elder Scrolls with Skyrim.

They also screwed up the lore already with there being a vertibird in a prewar scene. If you didn't know vertibirds weren't finished until post war by the Enclave, so if Bethesda can't get something that basic right I can only imagine how bad the story is going to be this time.


What does everyone else here think?

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I have super high hopes for it. Bethesda did a perfect job with Fallout 3, much better than any of their Elder Scrolls games.

And Vertibirds were in prototype form during the pre-war era. If you remember, you see them in use during the Operation Anchorage simulation, meaning at least one was in operation before the bombs dropped.

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The guy in charge of this was the same guy in charge of ALL the Elder Scrolls games, and Fallout 3... I'm sure he'll do good on this.


As for the Vertibirds... Military special units frequently get special and prototype gear, a VTOL dropship/gunship would be no different.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have super high hopes for it. Bethesda did a perfect job with Fallout 3, much better than any of their Elder Scrolls games.

And Vertibirds were in prototype form during the pre-war era. If you remember, you see them in use during the Operation Anchorage simulation, meaning at least one was in operation before the bombs dropped.


Hey guy, wanna know something that's great? Anchorage was a simulation. As in, that's not how Anchorage actually was. If you payed attention to audio logs and notes you can find, General Constantine was losing his shit and was modifying the simulation to add things that weren't at Anchorage, including Vertibirds which didn't reach a functioning state until LONG after the bombs fell.


Get off it dude.

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General Constantine was losing his shit and was modifying the simulation to add things that weren't at Anchorage


This, T-51b is also present in the sim but wasn't manufactured until the US counter attacked China with the T-45d getting slogged down in Chinese jungles. It was made with that and the New Plague/Limit 115/Blue Flu disease in mind.

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Are we actually sure that the vehicle seen in the pre-war segment is the VB-02 type vertibird?

It's a little out of frame, so it's hard to look at details, but is it at all possible that this is a simple helicopter type transport, such as maybe a VB-01?

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Get off it dude.

Off what?

It's a reference.


Are we actually sure that the vehicle seen in the pre-war segment is the VB-02 type vertibird?

It's a little out of frame, so it's hard to look at details, but is it at all possible that this is a simple helicopter type transport, such as maybe a VB-01?


As far as I'm aware there has never been a VB-01. If there was it was likely only a prototype model that was phased out for the VB-02. The model we also see in the trailer is the VB-02 seen here:




I'm curious who the writers are since it can't be the same who did the AO expansion since they would know about the Vertibirds. If it's the same writers then they're not very good if they don't even take a look back at older installments to double check their facts.

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Looking around on the Fallout wiki's, I'm having trouble finding a Vertibird model that looks much like that one. The biggest difference is that none of the known models have the open bay design on the side. Plus, the other models appear to have some form of encompassing exhaust ports on the bottom of the engine nacelles. For comparison:






Note the rather large bulge section where the open bay would be in the above image.

Thus, I'm somewhat convinced that it isn't the Enclave style vertibird we are used to.

Afterall, the VB-02 likely wasn't the very first VTOL vehicle in Fallout. Merely the most advanced.


I say, give it time. We're jumping to conclusions here, I think.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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If you notice, the tail section is inverted as well...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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My favourite part is the puppy-dog.

I've been playing Fallout 3 cause my boyfriend got it for me in mini-celebration for Fallout 4 so it's semi-sparked an interest for me. X3 I was concerned about the graphics of Fallout 4 at first but then I realized I have poor-ass internet so it's not like I can watch it in 1080p, that and I have a laptop so all my games run on minimum graphics anyway. As long as Fallout 4 doesn't have the same issues as Fallout 3 (not being able to run on most computers without some added lines of code), I say 'bring it'! :D

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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RIP Fallout. There are so many things wrong in the E3 showcase I don't know where to start.

What, like the removal of skills?

The voiced protagonist?

The fact that the Vault-Tek guy just happens to coincidentally show up on the day of the war to sign you up for the vault?

This is a pretty dull forum, so any discussion points are appreciated.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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This is a pretty dull forum, so any discussion points are appreciated.


We can do that. Looking back it's really disgusting and apparent how they're blatantly trying to kill any and all roleplaying aspects that made the game what it is. I mean like you said Skills looking like they got the axe, forcing the player character into a role they can't really do much about. Also looks like they nuked weapon condition, and for whatever reason they decided to make crits a button you can press to get guaranteed criticals rather a dice role like an actual RPG.


Really seems a lot of appealing to the lowest common denominator with the whole "Call of Duty is an RPG and we want that audience!"

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Lets not forget Todd Howard thinks that developers should ignore their established player base and 'follow their passions.' Or rather in this case follow the will of Skyrim sales figures.


Straight from Wikipedia.

He also said that developers should ignore demographics and installed base, and follow their passions, saying “if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables.”

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All of this stuff about no traits/skills is bunk... I saw nothing in any of the E3 footage to indicate that it doesn't have them. If you didn't specifically show character creation, or the skill/trait PipBoy screen in the previous Fallout games, you would get very similar footage. This is the same for weapon condition and the VATS system. (seriously, who would put a regular kill in a video when you can watch their head explode?) Actually, there was at least one of those VATS clips that showed a non-crit. (though it's nice now that VATS doesn't completely pause time, just slow it a lot)


Biggest benefits are the massive customizations for the weapons, and the Rust-like building system. (there were mods to create your own fortress in NV and Skyrim, but they can't begin to compare to the way it's apparently done in 4) Oh, and let's not forget the physics!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I agree with BTG. My biggest disappointment is that the armour system appears to be a Skyrim-style one, if the values on the power armour are any indication. At least the armour is part specific like it always should have been.


Also, Todd is right. Your base is a shit source of critiques and information. No matter what you do or don't do, there will ALWAYS be a horde of screaming cunts declaring the franchise to be ruined forever. Flat ignoring them is bad, but take everything they say with not just a grain, but an entire shaker full of salt.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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All of this stuff about no traits/skills is bunk... I saw nothing in any of the E3 footage to indicate that it doesn't have them.


Which is cute and all, but so far there's way more evidence showing that there won't be any skills at all, or outright be gone as we know them and abandoned for a system like Skyrim's which would be a bunch of dog shit.


If you didn't specifically show character creation, or the skill/trait PipBoy screen in the previous Fallout games, you would get very similar footage.


The old games would be nice enough to have a huge obvious tab showing "HEY THIS IS WHERE YOUR SKILLS GO!" and have the SPECIAL skill descriptions actually state what skills they modify, hell the fact that agility directly somehow sets how sneaky you are only reinforces that skills got removed.


This is the same for weapon condition


Once again, if that was the case why is there outright nothing showing it there?






Biggest benefits are the massive customizations for the weapons


And I hope if you customize an energy weapon at all, the Brotherhood of steel would want to slice your heart and guts out.


and the Rust-like building system. (there were mods to create your own fortress in NV and Skyrim, but they can't begin to compare to the way it's apparently done in 4) Oh, and let's not forget the physics!


If I wanted to play a mediocre survival building game, I'd play a mediocre survival building game. Not a crappy attempt to cash in on that market by Bethesda in a game it has no business belonging in. Though I suppose that makes up for completely ruining it as an RPG to appeal to the masses huh?


No matter what you do or don't do, there will ALWAYS be a horde of screaming cunts declaring the franchise to be ruined forever.


Because they are. Bethesda bought an IP that was great, dumbed it down to appeal to morons that wanted to seem intelligent by calling the abortion an "RPG", and completely took a shit all over the universe that Black Isle established. If Fallout 4 was true to the previous games, I can tell you right now that there would've been a fire bomb that goes right through the player character's window before the bombs fell.


But who cares about that when a game is epik fun amirite? only nerdz care about that kinda stuff xDDDDDDDD

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