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Personality type thread

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I can't stop laughing.

Zaraki - INFP-T

AP_Pastor - INFP-T

I'm loving this '4%' coincidence we have going on here.

Reverend_UshankaCat is gonna have a hard time coping with life now. XD You're still special to me!!

That's freaking brilliant, but also really really sad. 3/11 of people on this thread are INFP-T which is 27%. Those who feel special in this thread, now do not feel so special. :P

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Looks like we can have a three-way challenge as to who's the most special to settle this. Who's up for it? :P

Welp, now what?

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Of course, 100/16 = 6.25. Essentially, this whole game seems to be secretly rigged for the punchline "We're all special!"

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I believe that INFJ is the rarest personality type (1% of the population) followed by INTJ (2%). The most common are ISFJ/ESFJ (13%) and ISTJ (11%). INFP actually is one of the rarer types, but I do find it funny that this forum is heavily populated by them, not to mention that a large majority of my close friends consists of INFPs.


My INFP friends do sometimes irritate me with their aversion to cold hard analysis, but they definitely are my "moral anchors." I'm sure I'd be much more cynical and closed-minded if not for their overwhelming influence. INFPs only truly anger me in their approaches to solving problems. From my experiences with them, they're more disposed to dreaming/idealizing and wanting to feel better about having their problems, which conflicts with my penchant for just solving them as rationally and efficiently as possible. Other than that, I don't think I know of any personality type as devoted to the well-being of their peers.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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I believe that INFJ is the rarest personality type (1% of the population) followed by INTJ (2%). The most common are ISFJ/ESFJ (13%) and ISTJ (11%). INFP actually is one of the rarer types, but I do find it funny that this forum is heavily populated by them, not to mention that a large majority of my close friends consists of INFPs.


My INFP friends do sometimes irritate me with their aversion to cold hard analysis, but they definitely are my "moral anchors." I'm sure I'd be much more cynical and closed-minded if not for their overwhelming influence. INFPs only truly anger me in their approaches to solving problems. From my experiences with them, they're more disposed to dreaming/idealizing and wanting to feel better about having their problems, which conflicts with my penchant for just solving them as rationally and efficiently as possible. Other than that, I don't think I know of any personality type as devoted to the well-being of their peers.


I have to admit I'm drawn to threads like this, because I can't help but find it rather fascinating how accurate lot of people seem to feel the results are. I mean, I too was slapped with the -NFP part, and I'm bang alongside you getting miffed about people going all Dreams and Visions when there's actual stuff to do right here.

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Finally got around to taking this test.




These online tests aren't gonna be the most accurate read but I can confirm a lot of what I'm seeing. Heck, the introversion is at 62% which I really can't disagree with. Not sure how much I agree with the Feeling, especially at 43% because I spend so much time on my own thinking about random junk and considering both sides of the issue and trying to figure where I stand on the matter. I guess Either way this was a fun and insightful little test.


Edit: let me try and put a bit of perspective on the whole "dreaming" thing though. I do things like this but my reasons aren't exclusively for escape from reality (though sometimes it is because, man, fuck the world sometimes.) For me, it's how I keep sane. There's a lot that really gets under my skin, and it's very hard for me to function properly when that happens. So I use those "dreams" as a way to calm me down, generally create a short ideal world where I don't have to put up with all the crap, and when I'm sufficiently calmer I come back to reality and face the problem. Though I can imagine some people get stuck there...

Retired Forum Moderator

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Now I'm just pissing myself in laughter. ANOTHER INFP?? 4% my ass. This forum IS cursed. XD Geez.

Reverend_UshankaCat, you poor poor cat.


@Epsilon - Is my personality type not suited to the well being of others? INFJ that is. From memory, they're said to be great friends, X3 lucky to have one as a friend, but if you get on their bad side you might as well kiss the world goodbye.

I can agree to this, 100%. I normally put others in front of me. If I'm sad, giving to other people makes me happy. If I'm happy, I'm more inclined to give. XP Win win.

But INFJ is close to INFP, different by only a letter.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Now I'm just pissing myself in laughter. ANOTHER INFP?? 4% my ass. This forum IS cursed. XD Geez.

Reverend_UshankaCat, you poor poor cat.

This thread is cursed with the Curse of the Mediator. There has to be a name for the four of us don't you think? Like "The Mediating Quartet" perhaps?

Welp, now what?

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...Oh my god, at this rate, I'm going to just bet here and now that Ross Scott and everyone on the mod team aside from Jeb are also INFPs (Ross does strike me as either INTP or INFP, actually).


I haven't met many INFJs but I've noticed that they're likelier to get burned out than INFPs while pursuing a goal (and I imagine that I would do a poor job of helping friends through such phases). I can be a little forceful or officious when offering advice ("my way or the highway") and it seems like INFPs are likelier to encourage less receptive types to be more open-minded. Nevertheless, I probably should've revised that post to say that all "NF" types are remarkably invested in others' well-being (and have quite an impressive degree of interpersonal intelligence).


I'm imagining this thread ending up with someone completely incongruous like an ENTJ (the type that I expect to mature into if my more sociable friends keep on influencing me as strongly as they have in the past).

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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I got The Protagonist, and it does describe me quite well in some ways....since well I do like to quote The Protagonist of many games, films, and novels aswell.....maybe thats just me

I can say I do feel like I could be the diplomat for many situations

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Just a suggestion, it would probly be a good idea to include the percentage for each category, as it is a very significant part of the personality.


I - 79%

N - 87%

T - 6%

P - 59%


A - 87%

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Had to re-do it to get the results back. XP Ah well.


I - 50% | N - 51% | F - 73% | J - 47%

T - 50%


XD I am very much 50% of things, except for feeling. XP Geez. Makes me seem boring!

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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I got:



Introvert: 67%

Intuitive: 17%

Thinking: 37%

Judging: 19%

Turbulent: 23%


Weren't you ISTP last time? Interesting... I sometimes get INTP myself. Makes me wonder how much variance there is with these results.


Introverted: 82%

Intuitive: 7%

Thinking: 81%

Judging: 33%

Turbulent: 32%

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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I don't feel like retaking the test, but I've done these before and I'm INTJ. I'm borderline I/E, real high marks in NT and moderately low J.

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I can flip flop between INFJ and INFP on these tests, usually scoring as an INFJ. On this test I got an INFJ-T, although I feel INFJ-A would've been more apt for how I actually have to act in my work place.









I felt the A percentage came from answering with feeling in mind and not actual behavior. I'd rather act a certain way but can't because of how others tend to depend on me. Most days I'd choose to be a shut-in if life circumstances permitted.

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Did the test again just now, and I'm still INFP-T:


69% Introverted

12% Intuitive

27% Feeling

32% Prospecting

63% Turbulent


All I can is Introverted and Turbulent have the most accurate percentage IMO. Also, my weaknesses seems more true than the strengths.

Welp, now what?

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Dammit. I thought I was special. XD

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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