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Personality type thread

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It's official. The Accursed Farms is cursed by the INFP personality. It's been uncovered. XD The mystery is solved.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Well, take solace in that I'm borderline, and vary from day to day between INFP and INTP. (it's actually a good sign that I can balance feeling and thinking)


You should've seen my Dad's results... No more than 3% either direction for everything. (I kinda think he just isn't capable of answering accurately)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Protagonist (ENFJ-A)



Tolerant - Very true. I never judge people by groups, and see all people as individuals. In a world where the media puts more and more focus on groups of people, I feel it's important to remember that we're all human beings in the end, and all capable of the same mistakes regardless of where we come from or what stigma is put on us.


Reliable - Not so much in the past as I would often give up on things if I didn't feel any passion for it. But I've changed a bit and I do my best to be reliable for those who need me.


Charismatic - Not sure about this... I guess it depends on what others think about me...


Altruistic - I generally try to be helpful so this fits me.


Natural Leaders - I've never really been put in a position of leadership though I have been moderator at a few forums and even admin so it's obvious some people see me as useful in that position. I'm generally not that comfortable as a leader though.




Overly Idealistic - Again, not sure about this, though people have mocked me for my opinions on several occasions. I've never been angry about it though.


Too Selfless - I've definitely had this problem in a lot of cases...


Too Sensitive - Deep down I've always had a hard time dealing with criticism, especially when it's directed at me directly. I've kinda learned how to deal with it now, but in the past I had a lot of issues because of how sensitive I was.


Fluctuating Self-Esteem - I feel this is true as well. If I can't fulfill a task or help someone I get a bit bummed out about it.


Struggle to Make Tough Decisions - Definitely, though I've gotten better at dealing with them...


Wahey, there actually was another E floating around on here. ENFP here. So at least you're not alone, although those I-types did say they had cupcakes, so, y'know. I'd understand.

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I just took the test again and now I'm "Adventurer (ISFP-T)"


"Riskier behaviors like gambling and extreme sports are more common with this personality type than with others."

"[...] Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for ISFP personalities."

"ISFPs can escalate small things into intense competitions"

"it takes time to build enough trust with new friends to open up and feel natural."


I think I might have misinterpreted some of the questions or something, because that doesn't sound like me at all...


"You may have muttered to yourself, "wow, this is so accurate it's a little creepy" or "finally, someone understands me!" You may have even asked "how do they know more about me than the people I'm closest to?""


No, I think I'm still "Mediator (INFP-T)"

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Dammit KittyCat. You cannot escape the INFP curse. XP Crawl back into the INFP hole you came from. XD


...those I-types...

Not sure why this so funny to me. XD It's like we're suddenly part of some weird clan system. Introverts versus Extroverts. XP

Will Introverts overcome the Extroverts? Find out in the next episode of Accursed Farms bollocks.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Dammit KittyCat. You cannot escape the INFP curse. XP Crawl back into the INFP hole you came from. XD


...those I-types...

Not sure why this so funny to me. XD It's like we're suddenly part of some weird clan system. Introverts versus Extroverts. XP

Will Introverts overcome the Extroverts? Find out in the next episode of Accursed Farms bollocks.


Well, given that you're leeching of our already thin ranks using cupcakes, I really don't see how we could stand a chance here.


But it is kind of fun how the internet opens up for switch-arounds like this. Our E-style center-of-the-party shtick doesn't really do us much good on here.

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I like the pic... Now you need one for the cookies provided by the Accursed Farms site!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I demand sexy eating of cookies!!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I demand sexy eating of cookies!!


Here you go.




Sorry. :P Not into furries. Try harder.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Oh. Not fluffy enough? :P




Oh. You got me! I'm actually really into giant spiders. XP My ex was a giant wolf spider. Great sex. XD Loved it.

But lol, on topic: I've noticed barely anyone here has the 'sensing' trait... Don't know if just 'intuitive' is a more common trait... or perhaps the Accursed Farms forum is full of Introverts and Intuitive people. XP The last two letters seem to be the more varying here though... feeling, thinking, perception and judgement.

I have a friend who is REALLY weird. He's had like... 5 different personality types in his lifetime. He's either REALLY bad at taking tests, XD or... those kind of people are a thing. Either solid as a rock, or easy to influence. I've had INFJ as my own for as long as I can remember though.


I encourage people to take this test though! :D It's not as accurate as that other lettering system, but it's still fun to do. X3


I am Phlegmatic! :D


"Your temperament is phlegmatic. The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive."


"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Are people really that steady within these predefined descriptions? I mean, I consistently get ENFP... and still have mathematics as the central component of my life and wouldn't know what to with myself if I didn't have a few days now and then when I don't have to talk to anyone.


Although, maybe this second test explains that. Well... damn. Choleric. Go figure.



The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings.



For the record though, I don't like to be in charge of everything. It just sort of happens, and way too often, at that.

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I came out as sanguine.This test is innacurate.

Not shy? Oh,i think i'm pretty shy.

Alone time is not always crucial to me.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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It doesn't work for everyone, and it's hard to define the entire world population just by four different types. X3 So I'm not surprised if it doesn't work for some of you. However, Phlegmatic seems to be 100% me. XD I am the essence of Phlegmatic.

It's also important to answer the questions correctly, it has a weird format at times and it can get confusing. XD The more answers you put as 'definite' instead of 'maybe', the better the results will be. :D

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Oh. Not fluffy enough? :P




Oh. You got me! I'm actually really into giant spiders. XP My ex was a giant wolf spider. Great sex. XD Loved it.

But lol, on topic: I've noticed barely anyone here has the 'sensing' trait... Don't know if just 'intuitive' is a more common trait... or perhaps the Accursed Farms forum is full of Introverts and Intuitive people. XP The last two letters seem to be the more varying here though... feeling, thinking, perception and judgement.

I have a friend who is REALLY weird. He's had like... 5 different personality types in his lifetime. He's either REALLY bad at taking tests, XD or... those kind of people are a thing. Either solid as a rock, or easy to influence. I've had INFJ as my own for as long as I can remember though.


I encourage people to take this test though! :D It's not as accurate as that other lettering system, but it's still fun to do. X3


I am Phlegmatic! :D


"Your temperament is phlegmatic. The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive."


N types are actually significantly rarer than S types... but I stopped taking such statistics seriously after the Great INFP Onslaught of '15.




My four temperaments result: Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.



Fairly accurate. Whenever I take tests like these, I stop and wonder if any of my answers are biased or dishonest. Prime example of a melancholic, I suppose.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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My ex was a giant wolf spider. Great sex. XD Loved it.

My poor imagination. It burns :(


I don't know if it'll make you any happier, but chances are there are several rule-34-depictions of this exact scenario just waiting to be found out there on the 'net. Pun actually kinda intended, and I'm very sorry.

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