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Unofficial theory thread

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Post a theory you have about any game you have. Here's one I came up with:


I think the Mario games have separate continuities.


According to my theory, the main Mario continuity is the games Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 2, The Lost Levels, and World (possibly including Yoshi's Island).The following are deviations from the main continuity:


Super Mario 64, Galaxy, and Sunshine. Contains a sub-deviation after 64 with Luigi's Mansion.


Super Mario RPG, which in turn deviates into the Superstar Saga continuity and the Paper Mario continuity.


The New Super Mario Bros continuity. Includes the Mario games currently being made for the 3DS.


Then there are the ones separate from even the main continuity, such as:


The Donkey Kong continuity, and includes games that do not feature our protagonist plumber.


The Super Mario Land continuity, which deviates after Super Mario 2 and includes games centered around Wario.


So, what do you guys think? Did I miss anything?

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