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Serious topic or forum game?

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I got a thread idea that is a game in a sense, but also might belong in serious topics, and I'd like to know which. Basically, the goal for each post is to bring up some problem in the world, and trace back its origins to the first world war. The point is basically to show how much damage the first world war actually did, and how much of modern society is shaped by it.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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If we can joke about it/have minor things that happened, have it's origins traced to the great war, like "McDonalds has super hot coffee cause of X, Y, and Z, and this started cause of the first world war", then I think it would work as a game.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Well, it's meant as a lesson in history and geopolitics, so... No. Serious topics it is, then.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Problem with it being serious, is that you'll probly only have 4 different people viewing it, and it won't be very popular. (and considering it being about WWI instead of WWII, it probly won't be too popular anyways)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, I think that's pretty stupid, considering that almost everything traces back to the first world war. The only reason the first world war isn't as popular is because it's a lot harder to pretend one side is entirely in the wrong and the other side was entirely in the right.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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So Swatting can be traced back to WW1? 9/11? War in Iraq? The Obama presidential election? My poop?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Your idiot suggestions, no. But 9/11 and the war in Iraq, YES. A million times, YES.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Anything can be traced to anywhere, or connected to anything. I can connect a dream I had to what color socks the president chose to wear this morning... The trick is to find something with direct causation linked back to specific events. (for which there is very little in modern life that links to WWI)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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In terms of historical events linking, I'm pretty sure a lot of political actions and wars in this day and age are in some way linked to WWI. After all a lot of countries were affected by that war for a very long time. Now if we have an established location for the topic I suggest we take it over there to conduct CIVIL discussions and breakdowns about how they may link.


Furthermore can you two not keep throwing jabs at each other like this? It's tiring to read and bringing down my mood (and possibly others as well)


And before you say it, no I don't care who started it. Just please stop it.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Furthermore can you two not keep throwing jabs at each other like this? It's tiring to read and bringing down my mood (and possibly others as well)


And before you say it, no I don't care who started it. Just please stop it.

What are you talking about? Normal conversations are heated when Seattleite is in them, nothing untoward about it. I don't take offense, and hopefully he realizes that none of what I say is intended as an offense either. (I think he does, because of how we were extremely friendly with half of a post, and throwing insults in the other half, in the thread about his mod)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Your idiot suggestions, no. But 9/11 and the war in Iraq, YES. A million times, YES.


Can't take a joke?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The slight problem with this game is that not everyone knows 100% of the history. I reckon it won't last long. X3 I've learnt about WW1, but I can barely remember it and I can barely think of anything related to it. If anything, ANZAC day is today and that's related to WW1 completely. But other than the reconstruction of damaged countries, I don't see any issues today other than that of WWII. WWII was horrific. XD Goodness gravy.

This also doesn't even seem like a game. More of a discussion. And Seattle, goodness please, chill out. @_@ I hate taking sides but every time I've seen some sort of harrasment or insult it's coming from you. Please don't insult others. :S

*pats Ninja's back* There, there.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Furthermore can you two not keep throwing jabs at each other like this? It's tiring to read and bringing down my mood (and possibly others as well)


And before you say it, no I don't care who started it. Just please stop it.

What are you talking about? Normal conversations are heated when Seattleite is in them, nothing untoward about it. I don't take offense, and hopefully he realizes that none of what I say is intended as an offense either. (I think he does, because of how we were extremely friendly with half of a post, and throwing insults in the other half, in the thread about his mod)

I meant more between Seattleite and Psycho. It's only about 2 threads for now but I fear it'll spread to others if not addressed further. :S

Retired Forum Moderator

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WWI created the foundations for WWII, because we (The Allied powers) decided to punish Germany by fucking it in every orifice and then some. Combine that with the Great Depression, and it's little wonder Mr Hitler was able to bring the country under Nazi rule.


WWII ended with Hiroshima and Nagasaki getting nuked, and we yet again fucked with Germany. The Cold War made the ownership of Nuclear Weapons be what made you a top country on the Global Stage (The Security Council). Seeing as these nukes were never used, they now need renewing. That's why there's a big debate in the UK about Trident. Having nukes makes us feel important, but the chances of them being used are next to zilch, because no one in their right mind would set them off (which is why IS is terrifying).


The truth is, Great Britain is a joke. The whole world is laughing at us because we think we're still relevant, even though most 1st world countries have massively overtaken us. But y'know, WE WON THE WAR, WE'RE BRITISH AND WE'RE THE BEST. WHAT'S THAT? GERMANY LEAVES US IN THE DUST? DON'T CARE. HITLER HITLER HITLER HITLER.


Apologies. If I had to summarise, WWI helped create different ways of thinking, progressive, modernist ideologies that went against the prewar traditions. A lot of what I see is a clash between people who want to move forward with radical change, and those who want to take everything back to Prewar.


But this may just be me being a 'bloody lefty'.


Also, this is how I imagine Seattleite every time he notices Ninja posting something.





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Is right that I am both aware he's not offended am I'm not offended by him. This is how I debate with my friends, too, and they do it right back.


That's about all he's right on here, but hey, baby steps. (See, notice how I'm trusting him to take a joke? We should all be able to do that.)


Rarity and Jeb:

Chill. Y'all take this shit too seriously.



I can take a joke. I don't need to be upset or offended to insult you. (Just don't take it personally.)



Trade the rage face for an eyeroll or a facepalm.


Also, WWI also directly led to the rise of the Soviet Union, the end of the Ottoman Empire (which resulted in the middle eastern terrotories being carved up by ignorant old white men who knew nothing about the region's ethnic boundaries, which is half the reason for the present turmoil, the other half being the Soviet Union again), the collapse of the British Empire ("But we're still going strong!" my ass) and the collapse of the Austrian empire. And everything these things caused from the Cold War, to the drug war (no, seriously) to the fall of democracy in the US and the impending collapse of the US dollar, these are indirectly caused by the first world war.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Indirectly, so are cars and passenger airplanes... As are almost anything. Indirect correlation is not causation however.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And the video game crash! Don't forget, WW1 caused the video game crash! Oh and mods now costing money!


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The two World Wars also advanced technology forward by at least a century, too.


Women also turned out to be useful enough in society (Britain at least) during wartime, that we felt they might be worth being allowed to vote. Y'know, I guess they earned it. Didn't stop men coming back and kicking the women out of the jobs they'd been while they were away mind.


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Ninja, fuck off.


BTG, this isn't correlation. This is causality. The first world war absolutely bankrupted the Ottoman Empire, causing its collapse. It absolutely lead to hyperinflation in Russia, resulting in workers getting paid basically nothing, which IS the reason for the rise of communism in that area. And the treaty that ended the war DID fuck over Germany's economy when most of the German people disagreed with the surrender, letting the Nazi party use that and some scapegoating of minorities to rise to power. All of these things were caused by the first world war.


Saying the first world war just "correlates" to these things is like saying that running out of gas just correlates with your car not working.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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