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New episode! This is of a more common game, but I promise it has some surprises in the video, even for me. I burned myself out somewhat making this one, but I was planning to try and change gears for April anyway. Believe it or not, I never got a true break after completing Freeman's Mind, it was pretty much just catching up on everything else I neglected. I wanted to give the Game Dungeon kind of a kick start coming into this year, but future episodes likely won't be as rapid fire as they've been lately.


In any event, once I catch up on the most time critical stuff, I plan on taking a break for a few days. I don't normally have the equivalent of a weekend, I generally just feel guilty for days I'm not working on something. I eventually would like to have more of a work / not-work balance, but we'll see how realistic that is until the movie gets made. I don't want to give any definite plans for this month, but I do intend to work on more videos and hopefully have some more experimental ones come out either this month or the next. I still have plenty of ideas brewing, it's just a matter of juggling everything.


Also at the time of this post, this JUST went up, so it may be low resolution for a while.



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Please don't kill yourself, physically or psychologically. Want you to stick with us for a long time :)

No good if you burn yourself out, seriously. But also thanks, these videos brighten up my day!

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I think I'm going crazy, doctor, because I see them everywhere! All round and orange and full of sickening guts...

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I agree with this for the most part, a serviceable game that's so painfully "not bad" but nothing amazing either. Wish you'd commented on the particle canon and lightning gun that can be fun. You did miss out on Nazi iron man and the final level taking place on a zeplin. The second hub level later on is more fun in my opinion.


The next game, New Order, is better and BJ is sort of buzzcut/bald in it. It's also not another reboot but a sequel to this one with better versions of returning main characters.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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You're killing me, Ross! I'm almost done with the subs for Super Cult Tycoon and now there's another Game Dungeon! XD


I'm kidding. Can't wait to watch this ep. :D

Killing me too, I was up for close to 30 hours getting this made, going to sleep soon. I definitely hope to transition to a more sane pace.


I agree with this for the most part, a serviceable game that's so painfully "not bad" but nothing amazing either.
That's such a perfect way to describe it, it's painfully not bad. It was really difficult trying to figure out why I couldn't get into it.

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Just wanted to say that the Hogan's Heroes reference was awesome.


HOOOOGAN! No one plays all the way through Wolfenstein.

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite site on the extranet.

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Just wanted to say that the Hogan's Heroes reference was awesome.

I know NOTHING!!!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I also never finished the game myself, but I really liked it. I just found the Hospital level frustrating due to the assassins.


I was seriously expecting a big April Fool's twist, but I guess the pumpkin head thing was enough.

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This proves that a GD on a well-known modern game is still an effective GD.


If I had to make a suggestion about GD, I would say: keep the focus on old/obscure games as usual, but periodically do a GD on something more recent and popular. This could possibly bring a lot more attention to the series and the Channel. I don't know if that seems sell-out-ish, but it could be beneficial.




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With the name, I think they want people to think its stand alone or a reboot so that they don't feel the need to play the other games first.

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I was sitting there for a while thinking "No comment on the pumpkin heads? Seriously? Okay..." then I remembered what day it was.


As for the game itself, I already have an issue with it just hearing about the different sensitivities for different mouse axis. That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Combine that with floaty mouse controls and I don't think I could play that game. It would just frustrate me so much I couldn't focus on the game. The day I was introduced to Raw mouse input I almost can't have it any other way. And yes, I do like teal but geez that's a lot of teal.



Also no those are not native born German accents. Not only are they not heavy enough, but they seem to actually lose the accent completely in sections of the sentence.


Edit: If you ever do another modern GD, you should totally do F.E.A.R. :P

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Retired Forum Moderator

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Oh, man, THAT feeling. To be playing a game, had invested hours in it and then, not even half way, not wanting to keep playing it. I felt that before, it is not a nice feeling

Anyway, I didnt play it and I will definitely not play it now.

And the teal thing is really a pain in the ass. It happened a little in the Arkham series. The game looks awesome but it's easier to find enemies in the "detective mode", so "you should use it, so our arts and design department means nothing!". Poor people, man

Thanks for another great episode, Ross!

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Honestly, I think this is my least favourite Game Dungeon yet. It's not because it's modern-ish, but mostly because it's essentially a review about a not very interesting game, and there wasn't any interesting facts or much funny parts.


Compared to my favourite game dungeon episodes, like Polaris Snocross or Nyet 3, it just isn't as entertaining. The game is not interesting on a technical or design level, like the Snocross AI modding and such, and there's little room for humour which at best arises from the situations the game presents, like the difficulty and style of Nyet.


Wolfenstein lacks both of these. I don't think it's something bad about modern games, just moreso that Wolfenstein is predictable and lacks any really interesting points of discussion.


Regardless, I greatly enjoy your videos! I'm looking forwards to the next one :D

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As for the game itself, I already have an issue with it just hearing about the different sensitivities for different mouse axis. That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Combine that with floaty mouse controls and I don't think I could play that game. It would just frustrate me so much I couldn't focus on the game. The day I was introduced to Raw mouse input I almost can't have it any other way.

100% agree.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm surprised, Ross. I haven't watched the video yet, but normally I expect an April Fools video from you. It was actually one of the first things on my mind today.


ETA (edited to add, for those wondering): To quote the soldier in Half-Life: "Hahaha, I see it." Well done.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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First of all, great video, but I just went through the trouble of making an account, so it had to be pretty good if I bothered.


That said, Wolfenstein is horrifically underrated in my opinion. That probably sounds like something said by a complete lunatic, and I agree that it does, especially when I also agree that the game is generally soulless. Because of this, I stopped to think about why I remember it being better, and I repeatedly came back to the fact that you were avoiding using the medallion.


Like, how the hell is that even possible? This game was BRUTAL when I played it through it. Both times. And then I remember that I was playing on the hardest difficult, and honestly, the gameplay REALLY starts to shine when you go there. It didn't just keep me invested in upgrading my weapons + powers, but turned every section of the game into its own mini-puzzle. The only real downside here is that the farm level goes from being great, to several segments that require you to fight from cover for extended periods of time. All that aside though, the medallion gives you the tools to break through these situations later in the game and made progression really satisfying me.


Alright, I'm done. (And no, this isn't an April Fools day post for the few who inevitably assume I'm kidding around.)

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