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Waiting 5 years to play games is fine in my book. I only finished Bioshock last year. I bought the Orange Box in 2011. In fact I'm still looking to play PS2 games that eluded me from when I habitually used that console.


I also Completely agree with going into a game blind. I still know nothing about Bioshock Infinite, and won't until I start playing it. I only really find out about games if I know I'll never play them - which is where Zero Punctuation and Markiplier come in.


A little curious though - do you know about the game 'The Fall'? It's a side-scroller about a combat AI suit that tries to save the life of its human occupant, and it explores the concepts of the Law of Robotics. It's episodic though, and they've only got one game out so far.


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I know that they were never able to fully de-yellow Deus Ex Human Revolution.

Not so... http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2613528

There are a few different anti-yellow filter mods and hacks out there, and they completely remove the yellow filter. (I don't use them though)


On a completely unrelated sidenote, are you planning on going to World Youth Day next year when it's in Poland? (I am, if I can get enough money saved for the trip)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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oh hey stasis kinda made the cut that's cool.... I've played the demo kinda, so far it's a lot like dead space? but so far no enemies? one drawback I've had is the character is Sooooo friggin slow you'd think he was crawling instead of walking -_- which is the main reason why I haven't finished the demo.


I wish I recognized more games from that list, I really need to get into watching everything better...

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That 1960s game kinda looks like thief mixed with A clockwork orange and i may get that if it is one ps3/4 maybe

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I know that they were never able to fully de-yellow Deus Ex Human Revolution.

Not so... http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2613528

There are a few different anti-yellow filter mods and hacks out there, and they completely remove the yellow filter. (I don't use them though)


On a completely unrelated sidenote, are you planning on going to World Youth Day next year when it's in Poland? (I am, if I can get enough money saved for the trip)

I saw the screenshots of the de-yellow mod. They definitely reduced it, but it still pervaded everything to some extent. I imagine No Man's Sky color tweaking could be much more difficult. I don't really know about World Youth Day, I've been very busy for a while now, haven't really had any time to go do excursions.

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On a completely unrelated sidenote, are you planning on going to World Youth Day next year when it's in Poland? (I am, if I can get enough money saved for the trip)

Personally, I am not interested in this kind of events at all.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Huh. I googled 'World Youth Day', clicked the Wiki link, and AVG popped up with a Blackhat threat.


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I saw the screenshots of the de-yellow mod. They definitely reduced it, but it still pervaded everything to some extent.

That's because 90% of the lights and textures are some version of yellow... Not unrealistic when it comes to actual observations I've made of the real-world areas they use in the game.


I don't really know about World Youth Day, I've been very busy for a while now, haven't really had any time to go do excursions.

Well, it's over a year away, so you have plenty of time to decide if you want to give it a go... You don't have to be Catholic to go, or to enjoy the event.


Personally, I am not interested in this kind of events at all.

Because of the religious nature of the event, or because of the crowds? (I am not fond of crowds myself, but I can't pass up the opportunity to see the historical sights)


Huh. I googled 'World Youth Day', clicked the Wiki link, and AVG popped up with a Blackhat threat.


Such a threat... lol


If it's a for-real issue, you need to get your computer checked as there are no problems with the site.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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One that just came out and wasn't in your runner up list. I'm actually not sure you know about this one since it kind of flew under the radar -- Ori and the Blind Forest. It's an astonishingly beautiful game with a great story, and it's probably one of the best Metroid-like platformers I've ever played.

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If it's a for-real issue, you need to get your computer checked as there are no problems with the site.


Tried it again, got the same response. Gonna give meself a scan.


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Hey Ross (and others, I guess). So I've played Last Door, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and Sunless Sea. The last door is free online, if you didn't know. You can play it basically at any large flash game website (e.g. Newgrounds, kongregate).


I've give a quick review of The Vanishing: I give this game a "buy on sale". Don't go in expecting a fully open world. Yes, you can walk around anywhere at any point, but there's not much to do. Think Fable open world, where - sure - you can wander hither and thither, but the game WANTS you to go somewhere, so that's where you're gonna go god dammit. It's along the same lines as Dear Esther, where basically you're just taking a scenic walk while a story plays around you. Unlike Dear Esther, however, there are a few puzzles that need solving (this is where the open world comes in, you can actually miss some puzzles COMPLETELY and still finish the game. Although nice in theory, it's kind of annoying, because I'm not quite sure where the puzzles I missed are). Some of the puzzles don't make much sense, but overall they were entertaining and helped me get more involved in the story. All that said, it sounds like it might not be exactly what you were hoping for, but it is fun and gorgeous. It actually ran surprisingly well on my [shitty] computer, so I doubt yours would have much trouble. I can't say I think this game is worth the full price tag, but I also rushed through it and it would probably be fair to go ahead and play it again to get a better feel for the game.


Sunless Sea is great. At least, I think so, but the creators have a very strange sense of humor that a lot of people probably wouldn't appreciate. I highly suggest playing Fallen London for a few days before deciding to buy Sunless Sea. It's free anyway, and it give a really good taste of the world that Sunless Sea is based in, which is the oceans outside of Fallen London. The world of Fallen London is really interesting, I'll give them that. Also, if you end up liking Sunless Sea, I also suggest keeping an eye on Darkwood, it's a similar concept (top-down exploration) just on foot and a whole lot darker. Definitely wait for Darkwood to get out of alpha, though, because right now its kind of... rough...


Hope this helps a little.

(I really like using parenthesis)

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Tried it again, got the same response. Gonna give meself a scan.

If you don't get anything, or it doesn't fix the issue, try to use a different system to download Avast, and try that.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Huh. I googled 'World Youth Day', clicked the Wiki link, and AVG popped up with a Blackhat threat.


It's simple - Binky's AVG is Protestant so, obviously, it marks a Catholic event as a threat... :P



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Seems to have solved it (Malwarebytes found a couple of critters). Interestingly AVG said the website was unsafe, even though I was on the Wiki page, not the website itself.

It's simple - Binky's AVG is Protestant so, obviously, it marks a Catholic event as a threat... :P


I think they've reached a peace treaty xD


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I think they've reached a peace treaty xD

Good... Another war over religion wouldn't be pleasant. lol

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I also suggest keeping an eye on Darkwood, it's a similar concept (top-down exploration) just on foot and a whole lot darker. Definitely wait for Darkwood to get out of alpha, though, because right now its kind of... rough...


I was actually gonna mention Darkwood. When I saw Sunless Sky on the list I couldn't help but notice how it felt similar in pace and execution.


As for some of the ones mentioned, I would definitely encourage Vanishing of Ethan Carter. I went into that game blind just like you and I was surprised with how good it was. As far as I'm aware, despite how it looks I'm hearing people say it still runs really well on lower end systems but I'm not sure with what you're currently working with so I can't say if that'll make a difference.


As for Elite: Dangerous, it's kinda hard to say. You have to REALLY like space to play it(And I REALLY like space). I have the game and it's mechanics are rock solid. Controls are tight and feel great, and there's a lot you can do... but it feels like it needs more. I know they're still developing it and they have a long list of things they want to implement so you're probably better off waiting anyways.


I feel I need to say something about H1Z1. The game is fun, but I feel like you need to play with friends to get the best experience. Even then meeting up with those friends is a quest in and of itself.


I would say something about The Forest but I haven't played it enough to form an opinion yet. I just know that things can go south very VERY fast if you aren't careful. As for the cannibals, I believe they were because the game was originally designed as a full on horror game but was eventually turned into the survival exploration game it is now and they left the cannibals in as the threat.


I think that covers it. I will say that I've been kinda sheltered with my programming and studying lately so this video was more informative for me than anything. Saw a lot of titles I hadn't heard of yet that look pretty good. Gonna have to follow a few of these. We Happy Few actually catches me the most of all of these. Idunno what it is about psychotic worlds portrayed in that era that get me but they do.

Retired Forum Moderator

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As for Elite: Dangerous, it's kinda hard to say. You have to REALLY like space to play it(And I REALLY like space). I have the game and it's mechanics are rock solid. Controls are tight and feel great, and there's a lot you can do... but it feels like it needs more. I know they're still developing it and they have a long list of things they want to implement so you're probably better off waiting anyways.

I hear a lot of people mentioning that game, but they all refuse to even try Starpoint Gemini 2... (from what I've seen SPG2 is a better game overall)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm guessing multiple reasons. Elite is a long running series so it already has a following, on top of the novelty of having every known star in the galaxy as a place you can visit, all scaled 1 to 1(give or take some distancing error bound to happen with this sort of thing). I haven't seen anything from SPG2 so I can't really say how it compares gameplay wise.

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