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Subject #23 "High Art"

As an intellectual person I hate the term "High Art". It serves no purpose other than to shame people for the work they've done based on subjective taste. It would be like if programmers defined a kind of programming called "High Programming" and only the programs with the most elaborate coding were considered "high programming". Except they don't, there are just programs that have their respective functions and that's it. So why does the term "High Art" exist? Now I wouldn't mind people having these particular tastes except when these people are pretentious hipsters who feel the need to shove their opinion down your throat and further their social status. They use the term "High Art" to box in peoples work and I'm not okay with that. People should just be happy they made something unlike the vast majority of people that don't and I don't think they should be encroached upon like this. These hipsters are just jealous that they can't be bothered to do actual work.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Maybe it's called 'High' art cause you have to be high to appreciate the art and the concept. :P No? Bad joke? Hehe.


But dammit Helio, you're stealing my thread. XD But that's okay. Where do you get the 'High art' stuff from though? Personally I've never seen it anywhere. I assume it's just people who say that the 'better' art is classified as 'High art'... I think? You'll have to elaborate for me.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Maybe it's called 'High' art cause you have to be high to appreciate the art and the concept. :P No? Bad joke? Hehe.


But dammit Helio, you're stealing my thread. XD But that's okay. Where do you get the 'High art' stuff from though? Personally I've never seen it anywhere. I assume it's just people who say that the 'better' art is classified as 'High art'... I think? You'll have to elaborate for me.

It was from this Youtube comment chain that was full of hipsters complaining about how this one webcomic's art style wasn't "High Art" as if it was supposed to be. I can't find it again but it's as stupid as it sounds. Sorta brought this on myself for reading Youtube comments. :P

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I too have heard the term "high art", and the last time someone said that I went into the details of why the concept of such a thing is itself a violation of 'art'... He never even used the term again.


Art is art, there is no such thing as "high art". There is however such a thing as "claims to be art, but isn't". (usually classified as 'performance art' or 'modern art') Some people think that classical paintings and sculptures have more artistic value than a webcomic, but those people are idiots.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It's been on my mind the past few days as to how other people deal with existing, so I thought it'd be interesting to hear what you all think and value the most. So here it is..... Subject #24!


What's most important in life?


These past few years the only thing I've found that I truly enjoy and to be worth my spending my time on is spirituality, enjoying life, and connecting with those around me in a meaningful way.... or trying to at least. Same thing goes for self improvement. I also like to hear what traits you value most in people and why. I'd put down wisdom, just for the sake of not having to bear through friends doing dumb stuff.



Whilst I'm here, on the subject of high art, the only thing I can think of is denotation vs connotation, and looking at some definitions it seems high art is just niche. Whilst connotatively... well, I wasn't there, was I? So yeah, basically what you think Heliocentrical, albeit less concerned on it's affect upon art/society as a whole.

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@Helio/Subject#23: So kinda like a high-expectations thing perhaps? Either way, it sounds silly. :P If somebody came up to me and said my work wasn't 'high art', pfft, well they can just go shove it! :D


@Subject#24: Dammit, now everyone's out to steal my thread. XD Helio, what have you done!?

But on topic, how do I deal with existing? Religion helps. X3 But even on a non-religious scale, we're in the present and now, and if I can make somebody happy, smile, laugh, etc, then that's a reason enough to exist, I think. :D At least for me.

What traits I value the most? People who understand. If my friend doesn't understand me, and doesn't accept me, then bollocks to that. XP My last relationship died cause I was being misunderstood all the time. And if there's no ability to understand, I at least want somebody who can listen and not judge me for shit. This'll probably turn into a vent if I keep going so I better stop. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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@Subject#24: Dammit, now everyone's out to steal my thread. XD Helio, what have you done!?

I have a very specialized set of skills. :P


Subject #24

I honestly don't find many things in life meaningful. At one point I tried to care about a lot of things but when I tried to boil down as to why I cared about them they crumbled to dust before me. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I would only frustrate myself further by caring and became apathetic. I am after all a single, solitary person that doesn't have the power to make things better for himself or other people. Apathy has also affected me quite a bit. Instances where I previously was caring I am now indifferent to or even sometimes cruel. I just didn't care because my ability to do so was gone.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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#24: Most important is God, then family, then friends, then everyone else, then myself... Material wealth doesn't even come close to leaving the bottom of my list.


That said, I don't really care very much about much of anything, unless I'm in a situation where caring can make a significant difference in the long-term.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Subject #24 "What's most important in life?"


Well, as Jeb has not rejected the topic, I will take it as officially upheld.


What's most important in life? My loved ones, family - namely, their health. When you have the health - everything else is secondary. While they are healthy - they live, while they live - everything can be solved and fixed.


And speaking of longer term - what is important? Well, living in such a way as to make the subsequent generation's lives better... That and making sure one's bloodline continues into the next generations...


God? God doesn't need my help, I should just do the best I can in this world and God will take care of everything else...


@Jeb - there is no point in a relationship if there is no understanding and willingness to understand, I agree - bollocks to that. They who don't want to understand - they should just go and have their own life, no need to disrupt ours...



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Oh yeah! Add that to my list of stuff I want and value. XP If Vappy is safe and healthy and happy, then I'm good. That's gonna go at the top of everything actually. :D That's what's most important to me... :) Cause Vappy is so nice and a precious little basket of adorableness. :3

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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:oops: Awww...


But, Jassy, yes - that's the very same thing I feel about you... Not a basket though... :P more like a delicate vase - an amphora of adorableness? Yes, that sounds more like you, my dear... :D



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making sure one's bloodline continues into the next generations...

I've never really understood the whole bloodline argument. What if you've got really shitty genes? Wouldn't you be a little self-conscious about passing them on in that case? Also what is it about my bloodline in particular that makes it so important that I'd want to preserve it? It's not like I'm some rare, endangered species that if I don't mate my entire species will be wiped out. The only things in my opinion that would be worth passing on to are knowledge and philosophy which are much easier to pass on than a bloodline since you have other means of imparting them outside of procreation. Even if I somehow manage to find someone who's taken interest enough in me to become my lifelong partner(Which in of itself is rather ludicrous. I'm not an interesting person by any stretch of the imagination.) Odds are my kids won't have same interests as me so it's not in my best interest to have them. I would much rather master a craft and then impart that wisdom unto passionate students who are already interested in the same topics as me. IMO the objective of procreating is so much more of a hassle to the point of it not being feasible and won't guarantee in the type of preservation that I'm interested in.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I think Vappy means that in his own regards (pun not intended), as in - for him, he probably doesn't have shitty genes or he just simply wants a little him to look after and cherish and love. XP I mean - he HAS to have good genes when he's that good looking. B) I don't think he gives a shit about other's wants and desire to procreate. XP And in fact, knowing him, he'd tell some people to never continue their bloodline. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I think Vappy means that in his own regards (pun not intended), as in - for him, he probably doesn't have shitty genes or he just simply wants a little him to look after and cherish and love. XP I mean - he HAS to have good genes when he's that good looking. B) I don't think he gives a shit about other's wants and desire to procreate. XP And in fact, knowing him, he'd tell some people to never continue their bloodline. XD

I didn't mean to imply that Vapymid was. I was just wondering how he reached the conclusion that he did as I've reached a conclusion that sharply contrasts with his. I've provided reasons for why I feel this way and I would like to see Vapymid's reasons.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Ah, my bad. Sorry!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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#24 - What's most important in life?

Well, me, obviously. What could be more important than me? :3

Nah, just kidding. To me personally the most important thing is "Love thy neighbour", the most important part of my religion, and the one most people seem to forget about. It akes me feel really guilty when I know that something I said/did made me look like an arse, I want to try to be nice to everyone.

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And in fact, knowing him, he'd tell some people to never continue their bloodline. XD


Ah, you know me too well, love... But, yes - I would...


I would never say that to you, though, Jeb. Quite the opposite... But you already know that too... :D


What if you've got really shitty genes? Wouldn't you be a little self-conscious about passing them on in that case? Also what is it about my bloodline in particular that makes it so important that I'd want to preserve it?


Well, you cannot be the judge of that. That's the whole point. An immense amount of energy and billions of years have been spent to produce you. So you owe it to your ancestors to at least remain in the running. If you decide to walk away, though - selfishly - that would indeed mean your gene line is not worth continuing... Of, course, there maybe circumstances beyond our control - but there is an obligation upon us and disregarding it is the most egotistical thing a person can do...


Odds are my kids won't have same interests as me so it's not in my best interest to have them.

I sure hope they won't have the same interests... That's why we mix genes and not just clone ourselves. You create something, someone new - who is not you or your partner but is a blend of both and who hopefully will strive to find their own path... That in my mind is beautiful.


I'm not an interesting person by any stretch of the imagination.


I think the crux of the matter is that you are constructing these seemingly logical arguments simply to avoid having to confront your lack of self-confidence. It is so easy to just give up. "I am not interesting" - there! Problem solved! No need to do anything about it.


"I don't need to try to start a conversation with that girl I fancy and having to blush and grasp for words and risk being rejected - I am already not interesting enough to start with. Much easier to just imagine some kind of a justification why I don't even need to like her. Then I won't have to find ways to overcome my fears and insecurities but will simply wallow in my self-pity".


So, yeah, I don't find your arguments convincing...



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Well, you cannot be the judge of that. That's the whole point. An immense amount of energy and billions of years have been spent to produce you. So you owe it to your ancestors to at least remain in the running. If you decide to walk away, though - selfishly - that would indeed mean your gene line is not worth continuing... Of, course, there maybe circumstances beyond our control - but there is an obligation upon us and disregarding it is the most egotistical thing a person can do...

I would argue the opposite is more egotistical. I wouldn't have forced my ancestors to spend time and energy on my existence and I wouldn't force my children to deal with their existence either. As time progresses and the global population continues to expand our existence as individuals becomes less and less important. Odds are I could meet someone just like me and then my existence has no point. Since I have relatives who are more than capable of continuing the line so unless every single one of them says "No I'm not going to have kids" or died before they had kids my existence is entirely expendable. Also due this circumstance procreation has become more of a choice rather than an obligation and my choice is no. I will not push people around like that. I do not believe that life for life sake justifies it's existence when we have billions of people on this earth.


I'm more of the opinion that my existence is a byproduct of that biological impulse that we humans have to breed. As far as impulses go its done more than it's job. I'm aware enough that I have these impulses as well and so I actively push against them so that I don't become a victim of their control. This more bordering on philosophy at this point.


I think the crux of the matter is that you are constructing these seemingly logical arguments simply to avoid having to confront your lack of self-confidence. It is so easy to just give up. "I am not interesting" - there! Problem solved! No need to do anything about it.


"I don't need to try to start a conversation with that girl I fancy and having to blush and grasp for words and risk being rejected - I am already not interesting enough to start with. Much easier to just imagine some kind of a justification why I don't even need to like her. Then I won't have to find ways to overcome my fears and insecurities but will simply wallow in my self-pity".


I apologize for that comment. I don't want to come across as pretentious and poison our discussion by doing so. I would also like to state that this is my opinion and I only apply it to me. If you feel that way about bloodlines then that's totally fine. I always try to look for opinions that are opposite to my own in order to correct mistakes that I might have otherwise overlooked.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Odds are I could meet someone just like me and then my existence has no point.

Actually, it would be nearly impossible to ever come across someone who is even 'very close' to you... Billions of combinations from among nearly infinite choices is an infinitesimally small percentage of possibilities. When we've colonized every planet of this galaxy and have a population in the quintillions, then you can maybe that statement can start to be somewhat close to possible, but not before.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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@23: The concept of high art is just plain stupid. Just let people make/appreciate art any way they want it.


@24: Just living life any way I want to. It's my choice if i wanna go high (as in be successful), play it safe, go low, or just blow my brains out.

Welp, now what?

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