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I was spanked as a child... I deserved every one of my spankings. I will spank my children if they act as I did.


The reason that most people consider it abuse is usually because of a few media stories, (like 'parents' that abuse because they didn't want a child, or because they enjoy having total power over someone else) or relatively rare experiences that were abusive levels of physical reprimand. (which it sounds is borderline for you Jeb) This ends up being a problem for those that know how to use spanking in a manner that isn't abusive, as many people today think of it as abuse any time a parent touches a child in any way as a form of discipline. Most children respond faster and more permanently to a light swat on their rear, than they ever will to a time out.


Abuse is when you get out of the realm of discipline, and into the realm of injury. Discipline is fine, black and blue isn't. I see someone slap their kid on the back side in Walmart because s/he won't stop screaming and crying, and I'm fine with it. I see them doing it for little nothings, and doing it hard, I call CPS.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Subject #14: Legal drinking age.

From my understanding, Americans can't drink till they're 21. X3 Here in Australia, it's 18. 16 with parent consent I believe. A few main issues with alcohol is the effects, how it can be abused, what it does to physically under-aged people (people who have brains that cannot cope with it all), the addiction, and a lot of other things. Really, no matter how old you are, people are STILL going to drink, whether you like it or not. X3 Like, I'm fine with the restrictions being on whatever age. Fact is, I get to school and see 13 year olds with alcohol in their lockers. It really won't make a darned difference. I see 19 year olds who are legally allowed to drink and buy stuff like that, but... choose to be idiots about it and crash their car whilst driving drunk. If rebellion wasn't a thing that existed though, I say 21 is a fair number. Because I swear, there are really stupid 19 year olds out there. XD Like, wow. You hear stories about some guy driving their friends around, next minute, all of them are dead. It's really, REALLY sad. And unfortunately it's just an effect of alcohol. Now, I don't know HOW it feels to drink that stuff. X3 I accidentally tried it once though. And it didn't feel too good. XD


I asked my parent if the cup of clear liquid was water or some weird other drink. They were too busy to answer. So I gulped a huge mouthful of it down. And it was disgusting. I couldn't swallow it. X3 I spat it out, and the taste was still there!! I brushed my tongue with toothpaste and a toothbrush for 2 whole minutes. XD I don't know how you guys can do it. I'm not an alcohol fan, may never be! I don't mind others drinking, as long as they're not being stupid about it.




Semi-important update: I am going to edit the first post of this thread, adding a sort of contents page. :3 If somebody wants to refer back to a past subject, they can! As long as they say something like; "In regards to: subject #10 - ..." That way if somebody misses out, they can easily just continue talking about it, and it'll keep everything all nice and organised! :D

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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The drinking age here in the Philippines is also 18 last I checked. I'm not so much into alcohol myself. I think what put me off alcohol was this one time I drank a mouthful of what I thought was Mountain Dew, but turns out to be gin with lime mixed in. It was like my mouth was on fire. I tried beer once, but never liked the taste. The closest I got to enjoying alcohol was a sip of Bacardi with coke, it seemed alright, either that or there was more coke than Bacardi.

Welp, now what?

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Most people don't realize that no two alcoholic drinks are the same. Beers are different even between brewing batches, and sometimes within the batch itself.


Most clear liquors are designed for mixed drinks. (that's vodka, rum, and tequila for the most part) These will burn your esophagus at an equivalent level of concentrated pepper sauce. (40% alcohol or 80 proof will do this) Now if you go into the moonshine and everclear range, (90%/180 proof or higher) you can actually burn off layers of your esophagus, and die of internal bleeding if you don't mix them.


For a starter drink, I recommend either a Screwdriver (orange juice + vodka) or a Margarita. (tequila + 'limeaid') They come in around 3% to 12.5% alcohol content, but don't feel like it.


Concerning the age limit, it should be the exact same as the adult age. If you can join the military, go overseas, and kill people, you should be able to get a beer legally. (also, I had wine with dinner as early as 14 years old, but not more than a single glass until I turned 18)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Germany's alcohol laws are known for being among the least restrictive in the world. I suggest you give the Wikipedia article a read, but here are some of the highlights:


At 14 - minors are allowed to consume and possess undistilled (fermented) alcoholic beverages, such as beer and wine, as long as they are in the company by a Custodial Person.

At 16 - minors are allowed to consume and possess undistilled (fermented) alcoholic beverages, such as beer and wine without their parents or a legal guardian.

At 18 - having become adults, people are allowed access to distilled spirits, beverages containing distilled spirits, and food products containing non-negligible amounts of distilled spirits.


I feel like the problem with alcohol is that some people drink only to get drunk or because they feel like it's an important part of being at a party or whatever. One of the stupidest ideas I have heard recently was "Alcoholic Architecture".

A literal cloud of alcohol—or rather, a 3:1 ratio of mixer and alcohol—envelops the installation. Visitors donning plastic ponchos breathe in the humidified libations, absorbing most of the alcohol through their lungs, although, as the website notes, some will be absorbed through the eyeballs.

I've read reports about people complaining about high humidity, not being able to breathe properly and the taste not being good anyway, but the worst thing about this is that the point of it is just to get drunk, instead of enjoying a drink.


I sometimes drink a bit of alcohol, but only because of the taste. I was only drunk once and after realizing how much of an annoying dick I was I decided to never get drunk again.


On Subject #13:

I think that if parents do it right, they can raise a child properly and teach it respect without ever getting physical. I was never spanked as a kid and I still very much respect my parents and all people in general.

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Germany seems like such a "Don't care. Had fun." Place. XD And with your driving laws as well. :P Must be having the time of your life over there.

If I ever do have a drink, I'd probably start with a screwdriver. :P Just cause the name is funny.


Subject #15: Refugees and Illegal Immigrants.

Do you welcome them with open arms? Do you think your country should? Personally, I don't care as much as I probably should. XD Especially since living in Australia means we get all those immigrants from Indonesia coming. Now, my knowledge of this global issue is very lacking, so I'll probably fail at communicating this very well. X3

However... My understanding is... We can't exactly go and accept every person that crosses the border. We'd have to provide shelter for them, food for them, and make sure they're being treated fairly, and treating others fairly. If people are going through SUCH an effort to get away from their country, it PROBABLY means something is wrong. XD Obviously. Do you think that it's a good idea to accept these immigrants? Do you think it's right to send them back? Do you think the world is already doing a good job at providing these people safety?

Do you have any other ideas to help the whole refugee issue?

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Do you welcome them with open arms? Do you think your country should?


Yes, and fuck Donald Trump for his plan to deport 11 million people from the US.

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Primary immigration issue in the USA is people crossing the border illegally from Mexico, not learning the language, and still being allowed to vote in our elections. There are a lot of problems with the way the current system handles illegal immigration. There are even more problems with the legal immigration process. (which is why crossing illegally is so popular)


Let's touch on the legal system for immigration first. The legal system for immigration from another country to the USA requires you to obtain permission from the country you are leaving and a full background check. This is a problem for a LOT of people, as they simply don't have enough money to immigrate legally. (or have a record) Once they've paid off their own country's officials and have reached the USA, then they have a much easier time. There are only a few minor things they have to do to get citizenship. They need to learn at least some of the English language, and memorize a pledge, and sign a lot of paperwork. Then they're done.


Illegally, they have to go to a Coyote, and agree to pay $5000 or so by a certain date. That's it.


You can see why illegal immigration is an issue. The illegals could be mass murderers, or drug runners, or just Joe Somebody trying to make a living or provide for their family, but we'll never know for sure. In addition, they provide a glut of underpaid laborers, which not only removes an entire section of jobs from availability for citizens, but also rewards those employers that break the law for underpaying and pocketing the change.


I have nothing against illegals and think they should be given the opportunity to become citizens, there is a method in place right now specifically for this and it works great, but those that come here and break the law or don't even try to become citizens should be ejected from the country. (and non-citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote either)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Primary immigration issue in the USA is people crossing the border illegally from Mexico, not learning the language, and still being allowed to vote in our elections.


You need to be a US citizen and registered voter to vote, so I dispute this claim.


Otherwise, your post is very reasonable and well thought out.

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http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/21172-supreme-court-refusal-protects-illegal-immigrants-right-to-vote (skip the first two paragraphs/sentences, that way you don't use them as an excuse to throw out the non-opinion part of the article)


I used to work the polls in Arizona for several years, (including the presidential election that saw Obama into office) so I know for certain that there were illegals from my neighborhood that were voting. This is an issue, despite you not wanting it to be one.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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This failed to convince me after taking a look. Here's some essential reading on how voting in America has been made harder through direct and indirect policies over the years: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/why-non-voters-matter/405250/


You don't have to believe it, but I'm putting it out there for the general public.


I used to work the polls in Arizona for several years, (including the presidential election that saw Obama into office) so I know for certain that there were illegals from my neighborhood that were voting. This is an issue, despite you not wanting it to be one.



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I'm not surprised you are incapable of believing evidence that is put before you. It seems that making reference to 'anecdotal' has become the internet's most recent way to try to throw suspicion on evidence, even if that anecdotal evidence is backed up with a lot more evidence. (much of which isn't anecdotal at all)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm not surprised you are incapable of believing evidence that is put before you. It seems that making reference to 'anecdotal' has become the internet's most recent way to try to throw suspicion on evidence, even if that anecdotal evidence is backed up with a lot more evidence. (much of which isn't anecdotal at all)


Your source didn't prove to me, without reasonable doubt, that illegal immigrants are participating in elections in the country (just that "it could be a possibility"), and anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. I suggest you find better sources.

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You provide no sources... You need better sources.


I'm done with this topic. People like ThePest are why some people in the USA refuse to acknowledge real issues impacting the future of the country.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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First off, ya'll going off topic. X3 This subject was about immigrants in general, not voting laws. You two can take that to another thread, or PM's if you so desire to keep going.


People like ThePest are why some people in the USA refuse to acknowledge real issues impacting the future of the country.

Uncalled for. No need for comments like that.

Don't forget, this IS an opinion thread. You don't need evidence here, as there's nothing to prove. You state what YOU think, and not what people are telling you. I trust the silly spats won't happen again, yeesss?




Subject #16 - Tattoos.

What do you think of them? Do you like them? Do you think they represent the person enough for you to make a judgement on their personality, just from looks? Do you think it was a good idea to start doing tattoos? If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be? :D


Personally, I'm never going to get a tattoo. X3 I just have no need to modify myself in that way. Although, If somebody asks me if they should get a tattoo, I will tell them 'no'. Especially if they're younger. I see really obsessed teenagers inking themselves with their hobbies, then ditch that only a year later. I'd like to say that you shouldn't judge people by their tattoo, but I see people who have tats of nude ladies and drugs and just really temporary stuff - and that obviously raises a few questions. But I honestly wouldn't care if it was anything other than those. However, I do like how tattoos like sometimes! :D The whole idea of a tattooed sleeve is so extraordinary and cool to look at. Would never get one myself though.

I overheard a girl in my grade ask; "I want to get a tattoo, what should I get?"

I think... if you have to ask yourself that question, you shouldn't get a tattoo. Those things are permanent markings, you can't just think up of something on the spot for the sake of having a tattoo. Usually, that'd just lead to instant regret. X3

"Oh, I should have got this." "Oh, I should not have done that at all."


And finally, if I were to ever get a tattoo, I'd want to get an adorable little snake, probably on my shoulder. :3 I love snakes.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Sometimes if I find something that rings profoundly with me, I think "That'd be nice as a tattoo". But I'll likely never get one. It's the permanent-ness. I guess I haven't found something I'd want tattooed yet. It would need to be something I'd want to carry on me for the rest of my life, and that means it needs to be incredibly personal and significant to me. Maybe I'll come across something when I'm older.


Other people can get tattoos if they like. Their body and such.


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Subject #16 - Tattoos.

What do you think of them? Do you like them? Do you think they represent the person enough for you to make a judgement on their personality, just from looks? Do you think it was a good idea to start doing tattoos? If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be? :D


Tattoos are a very tricky subject to me. There are plenty of people who get them for the right reasons (deep, personal meaning, something that represents them either directly or abstractly, etc.) but then there are those that get tattoos I'd refer to as stupid, those being names of people you're seeing/not in a relationship that'll last, tattoos you get while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, basically tattoos that, given time, leave the person regretting they got them in the first place (there's a show on Netflix called bad-ink that basically sums up this topic with real examples).


I'm indifferent to tattoos as a whole and can really only judge them on a case to case basis. I'm not one of those people who will get offended by someone over a tattoo (I've met plenty who do). Sometimes a tattoo can say a lot about a person, like if they have a swastika on their forehead or some kind of religious/gang art tattooed in a very visible spot, but aside from that I don't think it's entirely easy to judge someone based on a single image. Case and point being an old coworker of mine had a tattoo of a zombie Eeyore eating Piglet. I don't know what judgements you can make from a person based on that or other obscure images.


I haven't gotten a tattoo because I honestly have no idea what it would be or where it would be. I have plenty of joke ideas, like getting the phrase "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" tattooed on my waistline or getting a teardrop tattoo that slowly turns into a snake as it goes down your face, but those aren't things I'd actually do to my own body.

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You provide no sources... You need better sources.


Whilst this thread is about opinions, I do feel the need to point out here that the initial claim was yours and he refuted your sources as insufficient. The burden of proof lies with you to better prove your claim, not for him to dispute it.




In addition, attempting to incite a debate to descend into argument through passive aggressive insults is not a good way to go. Please don't do it. :)





To the topic at hand, I have nothing against tattoos. I have no interest in getting one, but I have no issues with them existing or other people having them.


As for the tattoo artwork itself, that will entirely depend on what it is. It's the same thing as with music, or other pieces of artwork; the content of it would probably define whether or not you liked it, but that's not really specific to the concept of tattoos themselves.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I haven't gotten a tattoo because I honestly have no idea what it would be or where it would be. I have plenty of joke ideas, like getting the phrase "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" tattooed on my waistline or getting a teardrop tattoo that slowly turns into a snake as it goes down your face, but those aren't things I'd actually do to my own body.
My thoughts exactly.
*A bunch of Admin stuff**OUT OF NOWHERE*


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