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OHHHHH. Yeah, I see it now!

And I have goggles too... Bet you didn't notice them either. 8-)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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OHHHHH. Yeah, I see it now!

And I have goggles too... Bet you didn't notice them either. 8-)


XD I'm impressed. You managed to identify my squiggles!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Let's put it this way, my mom was an art major... I can pick out somebody eating a sundae at a bistro in the background of an abstract painting.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yep! And his odd pair of glasses. XP

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Subject #3: Under-age sex

Personally, I'm against it, doesn't matter if you have protection or not. X3 If you're under-age, you obviously lack certain knowledge, you lack experience, you are in your teenage years, you will be making stupid decisions 24/7. My boyfriend and I have talked about sex and stuff. X3 We've both agreed to sex after marriage and we're more than happy to wait. I don't see how some people can get so damn impatient. It's just sex. I mean yeah it feels good for a while, but what comes out of it? If you're really unlucky, an STD or heck, being pregnant. Of course, I'm not dissing sex. XD It's great. But I don't know why it manages to be on teenagers mind all the damn time. It's so stupid though. I see people in my grade so oblivious to it. My friend, I swear, she has like a fear of sex or something. Anything related to sex, even if it's educational, she'll get out of it. I gave her my mood ring. It went purple, to signify lustyness. X3 I can't believe she actually believed it cause she immediately took it off and shook her head as she panicked; "What?? That's so wrong! Get it away from me." I dunno though. I just think that teenagers should be more educated before they decide to get into bed with somebody they met with just a few months ago. :I


Also, little question. Can you still get an STD with a condom? I've been told yes, but I've also been told no. Not sure who to believe.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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For me I have only two questions you should ask. Do you meet the minimum age of consent for your area? Does your partner meet the minimum age of consent for you area? If both are yes then you're fine. Just remember to use lube if you're tight and check for STDs before you get jiggy.


As for condoms, they're not perfect. Also, don't use condoms for anal sex, you can use as much lube as you want but it can still easily cause damage that may require surgery to fix.

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I don't mind young people having sex with each other as long as they both make an informed decision.


I do mind, though, young people being seduced and abused by older adults. Ideally, I would like to see the definition of "ability to consent" to include those currently under age as long as there is only a, say, 2 - 3 years difference in age between the partners involved.


Currently, the concept of the age of consent, which is supposed to protect young people, actually exposes them to huge legal risks. FFS, they could just be sending naked selfies to each other, but if someone caught them - it's distribution of child pornography and their lives and future careers are royally screwed up!


Really, Romeo and Julietta would have committed their suicides these days not because of their doomed love but because they'd have both been put on a Sex Offender Register.


But I don't know why it manages to be on teenagers mind all the damn time.

It's on everyone's mind all the damned time, at least for men it is :D


Can you still get an STD with a condom?

As K4 said they are not perfect but, unless really badly mishandled, they do reduce the chance of infection by an order of magnitude and the risk of pregnancy to practically negligible.



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I don't see how some people can get so damn impatient. It's just sex. I mean yeah it feels good for a while, but what comes out of it?
But I don't know why it manages to be on teenagers mind all the damn time.

Biological impulses yo'.



In my experience, you never *really* feel the drive kick in until after your first time, because then you know exactly what it is your body is after. I found girls attractive in high school, but I didn't really want to have sex with them. I wasn't that fussed. But once I became sexually active with my girlfriend (at 18), it clicked in my head - "This is good, I want more".


In the three years since I last had sex, that desire is still very much there. But I've since wrapped my lust in concepts of romance and love, so I have a personal vow that the next time something happens, it won't be a mindless Fuck, but lovemaking. Because 1-night stands just don't appeal to me.



As for age of consent, I'm not too fussed, as long as both parties know what they're doing, and what they're getting themselves into. A lot of people in my school year were popping their cherries at about 14-15. If I had to give a preference, probably 17-18 - at that point most teens are mature enough to deal with it emotionally. Underage masturbation is fine, as that's a form of self-discovery and bodily exploration. As I said back when discussing abortion, Education about sex is the most important factor.


How do we stop grooming and abuse? Sadly, education isn't enough. In fact I've no idea, short of enforcing a strict 'interaction barrier' between certain age demographics, which is in many ways a violation of personal liberty. As Operation Yewtree is steadily uncovering, sexual abuse seems to have been pretty deeply embedded in the British Establishment (and let's not mention the various churches).


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you never *really* feel the drive kick in until after your first time

Wasn't exactly the same for me - I started fancying girls way before I got laid for the first time.


the next time something happens, it won't be a mindless Fuck, but lovemaking. Because 1-night stands just don't appeal to me.

But, unfortunately, it seems that every man has to make the same mistakes on his own before he realises the wisdom of what you wrote here.


Education about sex is the most important factor.

Couldn't agree more.


As Operation Yewtree is steadily uncovering, sexual abuse seems to have been pretty deeply embedded in the British Establishment (and let's not mention the various churches).

Amazing, isn't it? And to think that the police and the government were awarding themselves medals for "uncovering" thousands of vicious paedos in possession of forbidden pictures on the internet, while the real abuse was going on right in front of their eyes!



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You all have very different opinions. XP Not a bad thing.



Personally, this may just ruin all your perspectives of me. XD We're mature people. Come on. I am 100% a virgin, but let's just say, I don't need a man to help... do stuff. X3 It feels good. But for me, it's not like... addictive or anything. It's probably way different to the real thing, but I dunno. I've felt the feelings, doesn't really affect me. Everyone is different. Sorry Vapy, you thought I was innocent didn't you.



I'm just more concerned of teenagers ruining their virgin lives because of a stupid mistake they made with their 'boyfriend FOREVER' or 'girlfriend FOREVER' thing. Love can be kinda weird, and later down on in life, when you tell your future wife that you've slept with about 10 other girls, what will she think of you. XD Oh boy.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Oh, you broke my heart! But, wait a second... no, you didn't! :D Whatever makes a girl happy!


If that's a consolation, here's the news - every man is a wanker and don't believe any who says he isn't :lol:



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I am an almost 28 year old virgin... I came to the conclusion very early on that I wanted to wait until marriage for sex for one very simple reason: It's infinitely more special your first time, than it is any subsequent time. You may have better sensations, or feelings with a later encounter, but you will always have a connection to that first time somewhere in your mind.


As for legality of 'consensual': I think the way it's currently handled is moronic. Right now, even if it was completely consensual, the girl merely has to say it wasn't at a later date to get all the boy's money, and ruin his life forever. (yet another reason to wait until marriage for sex)


Age limits: The ones currently in-place for the USA pretty much state that if one of the couple are under 18, and the other over, it's illegal. Any other age combinations are legal. This is stupid. It should really be any age with any age, only if between consenting adults. Of course I also think the definition for adult should be 16, unless shown to be incapable of making rational decisions.


For sex in general: If you aren't married, you are more likely than not shooting yourself in the foot. It may feel good when you do it, but the risks and consequences are huge. Imagine finding out that the girl you just had sex with is suing you for rape, or the guy had some STD that wasn't showing.


Concerning contraceptives: I personally feel they shouldn't be used. (it's just another way for people to try and avoid the consequences of their actions) However, on the technical side, STD transmission is not significantly affected by using a condom, as more than likely you are going to be touching in many other ways, and possibly transferring bodily fluids in other areas. STDs aren't transmitted solely through sexual contact. Also, pregnancies have been know to happen, despite the full gambit of contraceptives being used. (tubal ligation, contraceptive implant, diaphragm, spermicide, condom, etc.) In fact, I was born despite my mother's tubal ligation from 12 years prior. (the contraceptive did not fail either from what the doctors could tell)


In short, stick to after marriage only if you want to be safe, and have it be special.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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For sex in general: If you aren't married, you are more likely than not shooting yourself in the foot. It may feel good when you do it, but the risks and consequences are huge. Imagine finding out that the girl you just had sex with is suing you for rape, or the guy had some STD that wasn't showing.


For me marriage has always been more of an administrative formality, like when you need a passport to travel abroad, but the key is in the relationship. If the relationship is strong and genuine and both partners are willing - that's enough for me. Of course, this does not take into account any religious principles and norms.


Also, at least in the UK, marriage does not give any protection from rape accusations.


Concerning contraceptives: I personally feel they shouldn't be used. (it's just another way for people to try and avoid the consequences of their actions)


But why only think about consequences? How about family planning?


Regarding the technical efficacy of contraceptives - yes, they may fail (very rarely) but it's all a matter of probability. And they make the probability of conception extremely low (much less than 1%) and barrier contraceptives reduce the STD transmission probability from 100% to maybe 10%-20%.



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That's why when something claims to give you 100% protection, you avoid it like the plague.



I am 100% a virgin, but let's just say, I don't need a man to help... do stuff.
Self-exploration and self-pleasure is perfectly fine. I may be over 3 years into my dry spell (oh, laddish banter), but I certainly 'know' oneself. Not often though, because I tend to get a comedown full of guilt.


I started fancying girls way before I got laid for the first time.
Same, but now I know how 'the bidnass' is done, I'm a lot more inclined to actually sleep with someone than before my first time. Still won't pick up a lass at nightclub, though.



Generally, I try and keep sex and the acquiring thereof as far down my priorities list as I can manage.


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yes, they may fail (very rarely) but it's all a matter of probability. And they make the probability of conception extremely low (much less than 1%) and barrier contraceptives reduce the STD transmission probability from 100% to maybe 10%-20%.

In reality, it's only reducing the risk of pregnancy to about 0.8%, and the risk of getting an STD when having unprotected sex is only in the 98% region. The STD reduction is only down to around 80% when using only a condom.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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All this talk about how contraceptives can fail make me nervous. XD Even though I haven't even done anything. Sex is scary. Pregnancy is scarier. Ergh. For guys it's like; "Eh. Just get an abortion." Or "put it for adoption". But oh no, it's awful. The mood swings, the vomiting, the stretching, the cravings. It's not just " okay". We suffer dammit. XD


But uh, thank you Vappy and Binky. X3 For your kind encouraging words.


And whislt yes, as long as consent is okay, it should be fine. But teens will be teens. I've seen my friend make so many mistakes with guys. They didn't outright say they had sex, but they REALLY hinted at it. I was kinda ashamed really. Like, going out with someone their age, but only a month into the relationship, have sex, break up with him a week later. :I It's awful.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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The mood swings, the vomiting, the stretching, the cravings. It's not just " okay". We suffer dammit. XD


And that doesn't even count giving birth... It was a fair deal long time ago, when in return we were expected to go and wrestle with that mammoth and bring the meat home and "don't even think of coming back empty-handed!" but not anymore... :P Well, at least there is a caesarean option now...


tend to get a comedown full of guilt.


Here, don't torture yourself - it's all 'elf and safety now, no guilt involved: BBC: Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk'


And this couldn't fail to bring a smile to my face this morning: El Reg: Watching porn makes men BETTER in bed :D



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All this talk about how contraceptives can fail make me nervous. XD Even though I haven't even done anything. Sex is scary. Pregnancy is scarier.
It's always a gamble. That's why you should be clued up and prepared. Even so, the first time my girlfriend and I put our trust in her contraceptive pill, we were pretty worried. But we turned out ok. Also, another reason for condoms: more contained. Sex may look so romantic and lovely in the films, but it's a messy business. Don't just be prepared with contraception, be prepared to clean stuff up!
For guys it's like; "Eh. Just get an abortion." Or "put it for adoption". But oh no, it's awful. The mood swings, the vomiting, the stretching, the cravings. It's not just " okay". We suffer dammit. XD

In a perfect world, we would extraneously merge our DNA and have the child develop in an Egg-type incubator. Sex would only be initiated by taking a pill that activates the sufficient sex-drive.


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Sorry I haven't posted a new topic in ages. X3 Been caught up with stuff.

Subject #4 - What is truth?


X3 Odd topic. I know. And don't give me an answer from Google dammit. XD I've been discussing this in my Christian Living class, and half of it isn't even related to religion. Basically, I see truth as a very personal thing. What's true to me, may not be true to you. But it still is... truth. Say for example... Binky and Vappy started gossiping about BTG being a bitch or something, XD I dunno. Binky says; "BTG called me rice." (Best insult ever) Vappy is shocked! "That's awful! How dare he call you rice!"

For Binky and Vappy, their truth is; BTG made an insult. Little did they know that BTG meant 'nice'. Not 'rice'. X3 But because they were misinformed, Binky and Vappy see nothing but truth. Their mind is just so hardwired into thinking; "Truth". They're not terrible for thinking it. They don't deserve harsh judgement for it. :P They just misheard. But it's their truth, what they believe is true. And I'm not talking about 'right' or 'wrong'. Everyone has their own opinions. Right isn't truth. Sorry if this is a confusing topic. :P

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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