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'Equality' isn't what most make it out to be... It isn't a physical equality, but a rights equality. Everyone has equal rights, not equal bodies or minds.


Feminism as it is portrayed now by the vocal minority, is actually saying that women are better than men in all things, not just some. It refuses to acknowledge that men are better at some things than women, or that some men and some women are better/worse than average. Overall it's just another form of unpleasant insanity (a break from reality) that is left undiagnosed and untreated. Everyone is different physically and mentally, saying anything else requires you to ignore reality. I'd like to see what would happen if a Masculinism movement happened that had the exact same views except for men... Probably excessive ridicule, and claims that they're all male chauvinist pigs.


I guarantee I can do things that most can't, and I can probly do more total things well than 99% of the world's population... That doesn't mean I can do them better, or I'm an expert, just able to do them well. Example: I can do electrical work, welding, car repair, pilot an airplane/helicopter, drive anything, do almost anything with computers, build networking cables, make furniture, cook, clean, be a first responder, make a suture, fire a gun, pilot a ship or boat, sew, make paper, make fabric, make tools, make clothing, build houses, etc... But not all of these can I do at expert levels. As a matter of fact, about the only ones I can do at or close to expert level is computer networking, piloting, driving, computer hardware, and household electrical work. Most of the rest I can do mediocre to good quality work.


Fairness doesn't work, as when everything's fair, people don't compete. Example: A bunch of kids go to a pine car derby, all of them get some form of trophy even if all they did was attach wheels to the block of wood and use that. Competing should be encouraged, though not to an extreme. A few should get trophies, (top 3 or top 5 depending on how many are competing) the rest should get almost nothing. Real life punishes those that don't actively compete.


Next time you see your feminist friend, tell her I called her a female chauvinist... Then after she blows up, tell her the definition of the word chauvinist: "showing or relating to excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular group or cause."

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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>W< Sounds good.

And I mean fairness, not in that everyone gets the same prize. But that everyone is given a fair go. The rest is up to them. Everyone is categorized into age for a pine car derby. The winner gets a prize. I mean fairness as in placing the scenario down so that everyone has a fair chance unless outer-tournament practice had been done by one of the competitors.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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>W< Sounds good.

And I mean fairness, not in that everyone gets the same prize. But that everyone is given a fair go. The rest is up to them. Everyone is categorized into age for a pine car derby. The winner gets a prize. I mean fairness as in placing the scenario down so that everyone has a fair chance unless outer-tournament practice had been done by one of the competitors.

That's what is meant by equal rights. It isn't the same as fairness, because the word fair has been corrupted in recent decades.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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This is a dangerous topic for me, because I always tend to get really carried away in trying to explain the 'Why'. And it's 2am. If I start, I won't get to sleep before 4am.


All I'll say is: Horrendously complex, wish it wasn't.


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>W< Sounds good.

And I mean fairness, not in that everyone gets the same prize. But that everyone is given a fair go. The rest is up to them. Everyone is categorized into age for a pine car derby. The winner gets a prize. I mean fairness as in placing the scenario down so that everyone has a fair chance unless outer-tournament practice had been done by one of the competitors.

That's what is meant by equal rights. It isn't the same as fairness, because the word fair has been corrupted in recent decades.


Pretty sure EVERYTHING's been corrupted in recent decades. Politics, Laws, Religion, People, Language. It makes me glad I'm only going to see about 80 years of it, and not the next 1000 years to come. I don't want to see what happens to mankind, honestly. :I

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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You might be surprised... The corruption might get obliterated in the next 20 years, and you'll change your mind.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Fairness doesn't work, as when everything's fair, people don't compete. Example: A bunch of kids go to a pine car derby, all of them get some form of trophy even if all they did was attach wheels to the block of wood and use that.

But to me that is an example of unfairness. If you give equal rewards to all, regardless of their achievement, you are being unfair to those who have actually deserved it.


So I don't think being "fair" is the same as being anti-competitive. I think "fair" is good, in its true meaning.


As to feminism, I agree, the idea of a simple arithmetic equality in everything seems ludicrous to me. Luckily, it only attracts the most mindless militant feminists and as any kind of bigots they will always remain a tiny minority.


Unluckily, though, some of these "ideas" are being exploited by politicians to achieve their own nefarious ends, but that's life.


Having said all that, I personally believe in the equality of rights. If a woman is capable of doing the same things and as well as a man, she should have the right to do them and to get compensated as much as if a man did them in her place.


Treating women as a lesser-kind humans in any way is deeply repugnant to me, but I accept that there are innate differences between us and I am pleased that they exist! Because of them we as a species are able to approach problems in different ways and look at things from different angles.


And, I have to admit, I do also like to look at women from different angles as well. :D


The corruption might get obliterated in the next 20 years

Why, that would be a welcome surprise! I won't hold my breath though. Right these past couple of days I found myself having to deal with an example of corruption and unfair play, which will make my life very difficult over the next couple of months, likely longer. So, I find it impossible to believe in the eventual betterment of humanity, at least at this particular moment. :evil:



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You might be surprised... The corruption might get obliterated in the next 20 years, and you'll change your mind.


You never know.


Really hope things progress, and not regress.


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Why, that would be a welcome surprise! I won't hold my breath though. Right these past couple of days I found myself having to deal with an example of corruption and unfair play, which will make my life very difficult over the next couple of months, likely longer. So, I find it impossible to believe in the eventual betterment of humanity, at least at this particular moment. :evil:
Really hope things progress, and not regress.

I agree, I won't hold my breath, but I'll do what I can to try and expose corruption when I see it.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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We should start a gang. Vapy, BTG, Binky and me. We'd be the best gang ever. XD We'd put all the terrible people to rest. ...either in jail or in an insane asylum. Whatever is best for them. :3

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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OK, I'm in. But firstly, we'll have to work out where to get some of those superpowers or master the Force - that could also work!


Oh, and we're gonna need a bigger jail! :lol:



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Count me in. Drugs work for the superpowers... You won't actually have them, but you'll certainly feel like it. lol


Actually, I do have a prison/asylum combination design that's been rattling around my head for a few decades... Might work for this, as it is designed to house around 10,000 people. (including the doctors and guards)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Might work for this, as it is designed to house around 10,000 people.


Put them all on an island and make them really work for a living :twisted:


A question related to topic #3 - I hear a lot recently about "sexual objectification" of women and, as a consequence, the necessity to ban everything from lingerie ads to lads magazines to porn to miniskirts. This "objectification" is presented as a confirmed fact, something the existence of which is not debatable.


Yet, what does it even mean?


Do they think that men will prefer seeing women as mindless inanimate objects (if that is the meaning of the word "object" here), given an opportunity? But why would men sooner be attracted to an object, rather than to a real person?


On the other hand, if under "sex object" they mean a "target for sexual attention" - why would women want to not ever be the targets of men's sexual attention? How will the species survive then?


Or, maybe it means that men will start seeing women as targets for sexual attention constantly, at all times? But where will all the hormones for such supersexedness come from, biologically? Wouldn't it also require continuous supply of Viagra and when will we all work to make enough money for that? :-) Maybe it means that women will work to make all that Viagra while men are busy chatting them up - but wouldn't the women then be in full control of the situation? I mean - just stop making the pills and the men are all done for :lol:


I'm confused...


OK, that was more than one question...

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With this drawing (in the style of PayDay2), I declare this gang be formed. XD

Using the art style of, X3 Messy colours and semi-chibi semi-not.




EDIT: And our theme song will be the Dreaming MODH Final that Vapy and me made. Epic. XD Also, Vapy, I see your name as; "Vay-pe", but I always say/think it as; "Vap-pe" like... Tappy or Sappy.


And to the actual topic, X3 Women and men are strange. I think we can all agree on that. XD I mean, religiously, I see men as superior to women. Women being men's faithful companion. But oh boy, time's have changed. XD And if I said that to a feminist, she'd give me a straight slap to the mouth. But I mean, why do I care? My life goal is to just settle down, make my husband some breakfast and cuddle him for a few hours. X3 That's all I want. It sounds like heaven to me. Of course, other women might have goals to run for president, or rule the damn world. And when it comes to sex, yeah, I wouldn't want to be seen as an object either. But if guys really want a faithful women, they should BE faithful. Same goes for girls. I see girls going; "I want a boyfriend!" meanwhile... she wears mini skirts, goes to pubs, gets drunk, gets laid, gets heart broken. Honestly. If you want someone who REALLY loves you, be someone who would WANT to be loved. That's my inspirational quote of the year. X3

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Nice! 8-)


Also, Vapy, I see your name as; "Vay-pe", but I always say/think it as; "Vap-pe" like... Tappy or Sappy.

I guess, it's more of the latter - it's a made-up word, anyway...


My life goal is to just settle down, make my husband some breakfast and cuddle him for a few hours. X3 That's all I want. It sounds like heaven to me.

But you need to think of what are you going to do with the rest of your time.


if guys really want a faithful women, they should BE faithful.

Mutual trust and respect do a lot to ensure both partners stay faithful. The other thing is - as mundane as it sounds - having enough sex. Most men, if they do go astray, are not planning to leave their spouse (which any woman starting an affair with a married man should better remember :!: ), they just try to "top up" what they think is somewhat lacking in their established relationship.



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With this drawing (in the style of PayDay2), I declare this gang be formed. XD

Using the art style of, X3 Messy colours and semi-chibi semi-not.




EDIT: And our theme song will be the Dreaming MODH Final that Vapy and me made.

Not bad, though I think you'll need to update it at some point, and give me a bit of a darker aura... :twisted:


My life goal is to just settle down, make my husband some breakfast and cuddle him for a few hours. X3 That's all I want. It sounds like heaven to me.

But you need to think of what are you going to do with the rest of your time.

That's what computers and games are for.


if guys really want a faithful women, they should BE faithful.

Mutual trust and respect do a lot to ensure both partners stay faithful. The other thing is - as mundane as it sounds - having enough sex. Most men, if they do go astray, are not planning to leave their spouse (which any woman starting an affair with a married man should better remember :!: ), they just try to "top up" what they think is somewhat lacking in their established relationship.

I have no disagreements with this. (and neither do the catechists at my church)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If anyone has a red-cyan 3D glasses or can freeview side-by-side stereo pictures - here is a (admittedly crude & primitive) 3D conversion of the Gang of Four :-) :






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Am I wearing a bandana, or do I have the world's largest nose? :P


Also, the look on BTG's face with his knife!


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It's your avatar! Silly. XP

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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