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Worst game (or games) you have beat.

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I think it’s fair to say most of us here play games and have all played some truly fantastic games in our day. That being said we have all had our share of games we hate and love to hate. So I thought it would be fun to come together and talk about the bane of our gaming existence. To make it more interesting though let’s stick to games we have beat.




For me the worst game I have ever had the misfortune of beating was the first Mafia game.





This hardboiled mess of a game has you play an unlikeable taxi driver trying to snitch his way out of the mob. You play this Henry Hill wannabe flashing back through his god awful driving controls, poorly looping music, throwing away whatever ammo is left in his clip (even if it's a full clip) every time you push the reload button, stiff combat controls, and life of crime.


Now I know this might be stepping on the toes of some people as for whatever reason this game is very well liked. Still it's a game I hate with all of my heart. So what games do you guys wish into the Sixth Circle of Hell?




God dammit Paulie! All you had to do was get on the train!


The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars. -- Carl Sagan

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I would have to say TF2... Not beat per se, but it definitely holds no interest for me any more. Games I dislike, I don't play long enough to remember.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Halo 2. I can't understand how anyone likes Halo for it's game play or lore. I refuse to believe Spartan armor weighs as much as it does and yet they can move and jump as high as they can.

...throwing away whatever ammo is left in his clip (even if it's a full clip)...



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Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude is probably the worst game for me to beat. Mostly because of the minigames, it was a pain in the ass trying to finish one of the minigames. I only liked it for the humour and "other" content.

Welp, now what?

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Halo 2. I can't understand how anyone likes Halo for it's game play or lore. I refuse to believe Spartan armor weighs as much as it does and yet they can move and jump as high as they can.

High power servo motors, supposedly, for the first game's suit... (plausible in many ways) Later on it somehow got 'too heavy to use motor assist'... (this is third hand information, so I don't know how accurate it is) My question about that is, how then are you expected to move in 2 tons of armor?


...throwing away whatever ammo is left in his clip (even if it's a full clip)...



Clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip... lol


Though realistically, if you pop a mag out of your gun, and just drop it, you naturally don't keep the ammo left within... What I don't get is when you play a game where your character has a nice suit on, and somehow are able to carry 16 fully loaded mags for each weapon without ruining the lines of the suit. (the 6 in Mafia is reasonable)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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What I don't get is when you play a game where your character has a nice suit on, and somehow are able to carry 16 fully loaded mags for each weapon without ruining the lines of the suit.


Well, and that's usually before you count in the shotgun, a couple of hand guns, a sack of hand grenades and Claymore mines, an RPG tube with reloads, a crossbow, a couple of classified directed energy weapons and a crowbar... :-)



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I am ashamed to say this but I've beaten an Action 52 game, well, to the point of it going back to level 1. Lollipops.


Only reason why is because of the nightmare fuel music glitch hell that is level 3.

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Probably Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. Being a massive fan of the original TLJ, I was immensely pissed off at how much this game fucked up the entire franchise for me. Full of inaccuracies, inconsistencies, horrible voice acting, horrible writing and at times, really stiff animation I thought the game was a piece of shit with a nice coating of decent atmosphere and graphics. Just all around a disappointment...

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Considering how most bad games I've played I've never been able to beat (I'm not the best games), the only bad game I can say I've beat is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. I just loved how having an SD TV made the CGI cutscenes stutter. And Silver? Yeah, definitely what the franchise was missing, physics puzzles with a broken physics engine. On the bright side, your reward for beating the game is that the game never happened.

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Thief. It had potential to be a great, amazing game. I never played the original Thief games (Okay, only like 1 hour of the first game). The world, bland and boring, maneuvering around the world should have been awesome, going from rooftop to rooftop, staying in the shadows, only going to the ground when necessary, using pseudo parkour with that claw device, all of that, should be awesome, but it wasn't. Thief is one of the few bad games I actually beat because of the potential it had. The only really cool and unique thing about the game is the different types of arrows, I've never seen any other stealth based game (minus the previous Thief games) use the same or similar concept without the game being modded.


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I would have to say TF2...
I clocked up 196 hours on TF2. Then one day, in the middle of a match, I suddenly had a penny drop in my head and I simply stopped having fun. I quit and never went back. It's now been 3 years. I'm fairly sure the game has changed completely in that time, and part of me is tempted to venture back. But I won't.


Games I dislike, I don't play long enough to remember.
Pretty much this.


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I clocked up 196 hours on TF2. Then one day, in the middle of a match, I suddenly had a penny drop in my head and I simply stopped having fun.

Hey, that's how it is with me and all games... I'll play for a certain period, then have to go several months before I can enjoy them again. (TF2 has a much shorter time where I can endure it)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I usually don't complete games I don't like, but the worst game I have completed recently would have to be Homefront. The game is not completely awful, it's just... well, a pretentious, boring Call of Duty-clone with bland characters, repetitive missions and with only 3,5-4 hours required to beat the game also one of the shortest games I have ever played.

But of course critics loved it because you can do anything and still get praised as long as you say "War is bad".

Spec Ops: The Line is overrated too

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That's kind of a brilliant question since hating a game is at odds with bothering to finish it. There've been plenty that made me foam at the mouth, but frustrating isn't the same as bad and they usually had some spark that kept me going.


If I'm allowed to fudge a little, I almost beat Wizards and Warriors 3, and had a nearly foolproof strategy to abuse the game engine and kill the last boss, but I chose the 'bad' last dialogue choice and that caused him to instakill me. That was an awful game with basically no redeeming qualities. Stupid power ups, ugly graphics, worse than the previous games, terrible level design, and the worst ending of all the nes games I've ever played. Closest thing to a compliment I can pay it is that they at least put the effort in to animate the story cinematics.


Games I've truly beaten...I dunno. I could name games that were simply tedious, like Mutant Mudds Deluxe, but that's no fun. A part of me wants to say Aquaria because of how empty it was beyond the atmosphere, but I truly admire what they tried to do and don't want to bash it just because they shot for the moon and missed.


That's really a great question, makes me want to catalog all the games I've ever played with at least a few thoughts on them.


Edit: Zombie revenge on the dreamcast is probably my answer. Trivially easy, incredibly short, no comprehensible plot.

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Fear 3.


When I first played it, I really enjoyed it. It was during the second playthrough that all it's problems started to click with me. Competitive coop had kinda bugged me from the start because of how much a breach of form it was from the first two. Little by little everything they did wrong just opened up from there.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Fear 3.


When I first played it, I really enjoyed it. It was during the second playthrough that all it's problems started to click with me. Competitive coop had kinda bugged me from the start because of how much a breach of form it was from the first two. Little by little everything they did wrong just opened up from there.


This. If asked I can pull apart FEAR 3 for over an hour comparing it with the first three games alone. The game really just takes a crap all over everything established and ruined any chance of there being spin offs based on past operations of the F.E.A.R. unit.

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Well, I have terrible staying power when it comes to bad games, so I can't think of a single game I didn't at least have fun with while I was playing it that I actually beat. The closest I've gotten would either be Penumbra (the first one) or Fallout. Both of these games' combat systems were a complete mess, it was nearly impossible to hit anything, when you did hit something it was only by doing something completely counter-intuitive and suicidal in real life (IE: Walking right up to an enemy to fire a gun at point blank range), and the issues just mounted from there. The story of Penumbra wasn't doing anything for me, and the worldbuilding was iffy, the graphics were terrible and the controls were completely unusable, and the stealth that was the game's focus couldn't be done all the time and was an unfun pain in the ass. Fallout's world was pretty much just a '50s sci-fi version of Wasteland, and pre-war wasn't much more unique. (Put the torches and pitchforks away, I'm only talking about Fallout 1, I never played Fallout 2 because it has the same shit combat system and I'm not willing to deal with it, and I liked 3 and especially New Vegas.) Its story wasn't nearly as intricate or well written (and neither was its dialogue) as the people who pushed me real hard to finish the game kept telling me it was, making me think pure, blind nostalgia is the only reason people could possibly like the first Fallout, because I'm completely torn on whether it or Penumbra is the worst game I ever tried to suffer through.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I played Fallout when it was new and remember thinking it was pretty ok, so it's not nostalgia in my case. I don't remember it being that difficult to be honest, and I think I took like "skilled" and "bloody mess" which is close to the worst trait selection.


If memory serves, something like a base 7 pe, 7 agi, 7 int, 6 lck, "one hander" + "Action boy" + focus on small guns and you have a customizable combat build that works well from start to finish. (In 1 and 2.) Maybe not "Minigun the final boss to death in 1 round" level of minmax, but solid. One hander and a readily available pistol just by themselves give like +40% to hit.


I have Fallout in my library....hmmm.....

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Funny, I remember maxing out everything that would increase my accuracy at all, and having a 28% chance to hit the beginning area rats from five paces. And that's just according to the UI, because actually I fired every bullet I started with and didn't land a single hit, so clearly it isn't actually 28%. With 10 perception, intelligence and agility, and all of my skill points dumped straight into small guns. On another attempt, I came back with a maxed out melee build and hit twice out of twelve tries. But if you're okay with a game that won't let you ever hit anything, where most weapons (and several entire weapon skills) are completely useless with no redeeming qualities, and the only way to hit anything is to fire with a gun at point blank (which, as I said, is counter-intuitive and suicide in real life), that's your prerogative.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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