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Twitch Streamers

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I've recently gotten into streaming a lot of the games I play. I streamed Outlast the other day and I'm kinda happy I don't have any viewers because I darn near pooped myself on camera. I set my twitch account to archive now so I can watch myself have heart attacks, so that's cool.


Anyways, I was wondering if anybody else here likes to stream. Y'all can post your links, the software you like, all that good stuff.


My channel is Right here

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Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I don't really like watching Streams. X3 Sorta boring for me. I prefer the nicely edited and perfected videos. IMO, Streams are just full of people trying to figure out how to get past a game, then not succeeding, then crying, then getting angry. And I don't find people's anger funny like other people do. But ah well! Other people enjoy it, so they can go ahead and have fun. I won't ruin it.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I don't really like watching Streams. X3 Sorta boring for me. I prefer the nicely edited and perfected videos. IMO, Streams are just full of people trying to figure out how to get past a game, then not succeeding, then crying, then getting angry. And I don't find people's anger funny like other people do. But ah well! Other people enjoy it, so they can go ahead and have fun. I won't ruin it.


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I don't really like watching Streams. X3 Sorta boring for me. I prefer the nicely edited and perfected videos. IMO, Streams are just full of people trying to figure out how to get past a game, then not succeeding, then crying, then getting angry. And I don't find people's anger funny like other people do. But ah well! Other people enjoy it, so they can go ahead and have fun. I won't ruin it.

Similar to this I don't like people who count on them being bad at a game to get views so people can laugh at them. I don't watch people to be bad at a game I watch them to either be good at a game or at least decent enough to progress so I can see the rest of it.

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