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Damn, can't believe this is already coming to the end now, started watching back in 2011, and Ross' mix of insanity and intelligence (?) has kept this series going great.


Now, this is technically off-topic, but I wonder what Freeman's reaction to THIS would be:


Ah, good to see another Vinesauce fan AF.

I don't get half of the science humor in FM, but I think that's one of the beauty parts of it.

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In the time its took for Freemans Mind to be finished i have gone through three relationships countless jobs and moved four times :lol:

Between the first- and the eventual last episode in this year of Freeman's Mind I've: Finished high school. Went to a military service and finished it. Got a driver's licence (but not a car). Moved once. Rolled in university (after two previous failed attempts) and began writing my bachelor thesis.

Huh, kinda puts it in perspective now when I think about it...


Also PS. Any concrete yes/no of FM2 would at this point be premature IMO. I want Ross to take nice long break and work on bunch of other stuff for a while. I mean I'm exhausted with the speed these episodes are coming out, and I'm only watching them. I can imagine how stressful it is to actually work on making them.

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In the time its took for Freemans Mind to be finished i have gone through three relationships countless jobs and moved four times :lol:

Between the first- and the eventual last episode in this year of Freeman's Mind I've: Finished high school. Went to a military service and finished it. Got a driver's licence (but not a car). Moved once. Rolled in university (after two previous failed attempts) and began writing my bachelor thesis.

Huh, kinda puts it in perspective now when I think about it...


Also PS. Any concrete yes/no of FM2 would at this point be premature IMO. I want Ross to take nice long break and work on bunch of other stuff for a while. I mean I'm exhausted with the speed these episodes are coming out, and I'm only watching them. I can imagine how stressful it is to actually work on making them.


I definitely agree on that the years go by way to fast all this did was make me realize i'm starting to get kinda old now :|

Back by popular demand!

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I actually had a dream last night about the end of the series. I'll tell you how it went.


Freeman's on the final train car with the G-Man, eventually goes out the door. "Wisely done, Mr. Freeman! Wisely done..."


Then it's blackness and silence. And Freeman starts talking. How long have I been here? Why can't I move or feel anything? This goes on for several minutes. Just blackness while he ponders his thoughts.


Then at the very end of the episode... "Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman... rise... and shine..."


Man I'll be disappointed as shit if this doesn't happen.


On one side, that would be freaking awesome

On the other, people are gonna freak out waiting for the next "season" (since Ross obviously has to take a very long vacation)... it would be a terrible cliffhanger! But a great one


Let's be honest, Freeman's Mind took 7 years because there pretty much was a "long vacation" between almost every episode. Honestly the series almost died a few years ago, it was like six months between updates, and then it was almost another five after that one.

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Damn, can't believe this is already coming to the end now, started watching back in 2011, and Ross' mix of insanity and intelligence (?) has kept this series going great.


Now, this is technically off-topic, but I wonder what Freeman's reaction to THIS would be:


I just. don't even wat. waaat


(that man is right someone did put a lot of love and effort into that how have have I not seen this before in my life)

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Like an armor-piercing round to the head! :shock::o




Rise and shine, Mr. Scott. Rise and... shine. Not that I wish to imply that you have been sleeping onthejob. No one is more deserving of a rest, but all the effort in the world would have gone to waste if... well, let's just say that a break from Freeman's Mind is well deserved.

The Right voice for the Mind of a man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world, so Rise and Shine Mr Scott, Rise and Smell the Vortigaunt Juice ;)

This is creepy :roll:

Its better than me saying Rise and smell the ashes, I had to put a haha twist to the end of that spiel....something that Ross would have loved!

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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I just throught of something - if Ross finishes Half-Life and moves to Half-Life 2... does that mean we may get a minor Civil Protection Crossover in the early HL2-Chapters?

Primarely thinking of the 'pick up that can'-scene...

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It's weird to think about now, but some of us have been following this series for seven years. I've "only" been following it for six (I'm pretty sure) as of now, but it is still the only web series I have consistently followed for this long of a time. I grew up with Freeman's Mind (Civil Protection too, but that had less of an impact because the episodes were so few and far between), same as I did with all of the movies, books, TV shows, and games I read/watched/played. I started watching in middle school, and I'll soon be attending college. It was and still is what I watch when I just want to kick back, relax, and laugh, due to the simple premise and constant barrage of jokes. It's not the only work that I do this for (films such as Anchorman and Spaceballs being other examples) but it's definitely the one I've watched the most and keep coming back to.


This series is what got me into Half-Life (which itself got me into PC gaming in general). Ever since I've played Half-Life 1, I've always been eager to see how Ross would handle Freeman's reaction to certain sections, from the three-story tall tentacle monster to the military death squads to the arrival on Xen. In fact, I still do anticipate his reaction to the last few levels (the Nihilanth will be a definite WTF moment for Freeman, though I hope he doesn't just blunder and kill it by accident or something). But yes, the game is coming to a close- and even though our favorite neurotic, paranoid, sociopath might continue his adventures due to fan demand... it still feels like the end, you know? Well, at least it's a good Christmas present.


I can relate to all this. It was back in 2010 that a friend casually told me about Freeman's Mind (he had watched a few episodes) and we watched at least 20 of them in one sitting (FM was up to episode 27 at that point). I had no prior knowledge of the Half-Life series at all, but after seeing FM (and regaining my breath after laughing so much) I immediately got Half-Life 1 and played through the whole game before FM 28 came out. I ended up playing through the entire Half-Life series within 2-3 months. Just like you, it was Freeman's Mind that got me into PC gaming. I was finishing middle school back then, now I'm in my first year of college.


And I was the same way with wanting to see Ross's reactions to things. The rocket launch, the ichthyosaur, the huge cliff, the lambda core, .... xen. I'm hoping Ross will have Freeman recognize the g-man as that guy who kept popping up in strange places in Black Mesa, because there have been several encounters throughout the game that Ross had freeman comment on lightly but he has not connected anything yet.

"I'm not really the sentimental type, but.... well, no, I'm not."

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I just had an idea.

If Ross takes a particularly long break from FM after HL1, I bet he could release little shorts in-between, showcasing mods and such.

I'd love to hear Freeman comment on G-Invasion, or especially Crack-Life. A bit absurd, surely, but funny.

I don't get half of the science humor in FM, but I think that's one of the beauty parts of it.

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I just had an idea.

If Ross takes a particularly long break from FM after HL1, I bet he could release little shorts in-between, showcasing mods and such.

I'd love to hear Freeman comment on G-Invasion, or especially Crack-Life. A bit absurd, surely, but funny.

That would make my day.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I just had an idea.

If Ross takes a particularly long break from FM after HL1, I bet he could release little shorts in-between, showcasing mods and such.

I'd love to hear Freeman comment on G-Invasion, or especially Crack-Life. A bit absurd, surely, but funny.

That would make my day.


"This explains where my stash went."

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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To think, when I started watching this series, Concerned (Half-Life 2 comic) was still updating.

Bloody hell, it has been going on that long. Every time I think about how long I have been watching Freeman's Mind I feel like I should check myself into a retirement home.

The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars. -- Carl Sagan

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To think, when I started watching this series, Concerned (Half-Life 2 comic) was still updating.

shame Gordon Frohmans dead RIP IN PEACE GORDON FROHMAN!

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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To think, when I started watching this series, Concerned (Half-Life 2 comic) was still updating.

shame Gordon Frohmans dead RIP IN PEACE GORDON FROHMAN!

I guess there's always the fan made sequel. That will totally update again, right?

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