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I usually just relate things to my own ability, and I SUCK at lighting 3D scenes and objects. XP So really, when it comes to 3D modelling, I'm optimistic as all shit. :P Coyote - a good animator. But I don't know a lot about him...

I was a fan of his work before he even started working for Overkill.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Well Disappointment Fest 2.0 is now over, time to get all the useless cosmetics and worthless community weapons.



"...prepare yourself for 10 days of great content and a lot of fun activity together with us and the rest of the PAYDAY community."


This made me laugh harder than it should of.

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[Triple posting intensifies]


So mods are on full damage control in the Payday 2 forums deleting anything threads criticizing the crates and Overkill. On top of that all types of mods seem to have been disabled. I hope this will all crash and burn resulting in Overkill losing most of their player base.


Edit: Day 2 is five new shitty masks. What a shock.

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The steam forums, /pdg/, /v/, facepunch, Leddit, and Last Bullet are pissed. And complete radio silence from Overshill.


From what I heard the new heist is rushed as fuck with very poor assets and even missing textures. We're also stealing said safes that have caused the uproar to begin with.


Edit: So someone is actually going ahead and is attempting legal action against Overkill for false advertisement. This is honestly the first time I've seen anyone try this against a video game company even though they do this kind of thing all the time and for well over a decade at least. I'm hoping it will gain some ground and hurt Overkill and Starbreeze.

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First World Bank is back and now drills can be dropped in game. That's one step closer to fixing the mess that is day 1. Now they need to unfuck the weapons stats, get rid of the stat boosting skins, and we'll be good to go.

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The final day of Fuck-The-Playerbase-Fest is here, we get a another safe and jumping animations. Apparently jumping animations are more important than fixing long standing bugs or fixing the weapon balance. Overkill has such great priorities.

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I feel like Overkill have really oversized headphones on, and they're blocking out just about everything people say.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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