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Great episode Ross, I cant wait for the rest of the episodes

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My RSS reader derped out. It didn;t tell me there was a new Freeman's mind. Any other time it tells me when a fly farts in Massachusetts.


"Follow the thoughts of Dr. Gordon Freeman, a 27 year old physicist and neurotic individual. In this episode, Freeman experiences his final moments on Earth."


Final moments on earth? What about Freeman coming back to fight the Combine in Half-Life 2?!

Well that goes back to the teleporter clone question again huh?


Guys. Ross knows what he's doing.


He still made my heart skip a beat for a second.


Freeman would be extremely weak at this point having exhausted adrenaline, doing strenuous physical activity, and barely having any food for two days. He's not qualified for this at all aside from being a tenacious survivor.


Perhaps there's food in the supply "crates." After all that would make sense, though Black Mesa hasn't done a lot that makes sense so far. I've always thought that if I would be a nervous wreck in Freeman's shoes, it'd be right before Xen. Trusting a team of scientists that shut off the protection from a Resonance Cascade simply because Breen got pushy about a sample would irk me almost as much as the Nihilanth.


Anyway, I haven't had a chance to watch the episode in peace yet, but judging by how the comments exploded, it looks like an awesome episode.

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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Wow guys! What a loooong and maybe partially pointless discussion? ;p


Freeman is there, he's on the way, everything's goin! ^^



Reading all these makes me already start recording "Chells Mind 2" although I'd probably never get a discussion that long on her.

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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My thoughts: The guy's exhausted, been fighting aliens for three days, and just wants to get the shitting fuck out of Black Mesa.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Wow guys! What a loooong and maybe partially pointless discussion? ;p


Freeman is there, he's on the way, everything's goin! ^^



Reading all these makes me already start recording "Chells Mind 2" although I'd probably never get a discussion that long on her.


You did Chell's Mind? Why was it never finished, again?

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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Wow guys! What a loooong and maybe partially pointless discussion? ;p


Freeman is there, he's on the way, everything's goin! ^^



Reading all these makes me already start recording "Chells Mind 2" although I'd probably never get a discussion that long on her.


You did Chell's Mind? Why was it never finished, again?


I didn't do it yet! I had a request from just one guy and it was so intense request that I said I'll do it.


I admit I cannot finish Black Mesa :oops: , maybe Portal will be better, it's shorter! Meanwhile, some more things with Magda to come... in time... we're working on it (in between zillion things to do, especially that Ross has to do), between two of us, you can call me a slacker, I confess 100% :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Wow guys! What a loooong and maybe partially pointless discussion? ;p


Freeman is there, he's on the way, everything's goin! ^^



Reading all these makes me already start recording "Chells Mind 2" although I'd probably never get a discussion that long on her.


You did Chell's Mind? Why was it never finished, again?


I didn't do it yet! I had a request from just one guy and it was so intense request that I said I'll do it.


I admit I cannot finish Black Mesa :oops: , maybe Portal will be better, it's shorter! Meanwhile, some more things with Magda to come... in time... we're working on it (in between zillion things to do, especially that Ross has to do), between two of us, you can call me a slacker, I confess 100% :roll:


There already is a Chell's Mind; an unfinished series. He's asking if you were that person.

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To be fair, there are already quite a few Chell's Minds. Also, I'm pretty sure the one you're thinking of is pretty much never going to continue anyway.

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There already is a Chell's Mind; an unfinished series. He's asking if you were that person.

No, I'm new to it!


To be fair, as Youtube is now, probably as it's been for last 3-4 years, the material incentive for someone small like me is nonexistent. Before you accuse me of being materialistic, I love getting positive comments from people and makin viewers enjoy their time with my videos. But the amount of work for one episode to be done is a disadventage for me and Black Mesa is looooooong.


I'm creative and I love doing something like a show (I like to show off from time to time :mrgreen: ), but I also can discourage quickly. Youtube doesn't give a damn now, if you're not big enough already (or have lots of big friends) and that sucks. Even with Ross's endorsment it's little and I'm not the most patient person in the world.


Portal is a bit different though and it appears to have more potential now, it's also more natural, because, hey, the main character is a woman! I'll try it out and see what happens. I could treat it as an artsy kind of a hobby ;)


Ok, we're going off-topic here :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Just finished the episode, Ross. Very awesome, as always. For some reason though I had exceeding trouble just getting your video to load for more than 2 minutes. As in: It took me a good hour to finish because the damned video would load, play for a minute, then freeze. So I'd reload the page, find the part I left off, lather, rinse, repeat.


Why did you speed up the teleportation sequence?

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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Just finished the episode, Ross. Very awesome, as always. For some reason though I had exceeding trouble just getting your video to load for more than 2 minutes. As in: It took me a good hour to finish because the damned video would load, play for a minute, then freeze. So I'd reload the page, find the part I left off, lather, rinse, repeat.


If you've got VLC Media Player you can try using that to see if it buffers better. Go to Media > Open Network Stream and paste the URL in.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Ross, I know that you are not supposed to comment in extenso on the Machinima issue, but I wonder what happen with the videos on Blip.tv? At some point you were saying that the reproductions there helped you more than the ones on Youtube, in terms of money. After watching your videos there, I discovered a few web series that caught my attention. But now, you only post the Youtube links, and I no longer need to go to Blip.tv.

sudo make me a sandwich

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Gotta admit, this episode was pretty disappointing. I've been looking forward to this scene for a while, because I wanted to see how Freeman would react to being told that there's a single alien keeping the rift open, and that he has enough troops to threaten the whole Earth. More importantly, I wanted to see how he justified going to Xen given his personality so far. I'm not a fan of him just bumbling in there. It's bizarrely out of character, as it relies on Freeman completely trusting guys he called lemmings, and leaving Earth for the aliens.


One, Freeman does not seem to trust anyone, least of all the Black Mesa staff, and it makes no sense for him to assume they'll do exactly what he says when they never took back their earlier statement that they're sending him to Xen if he goes in the teleportation room. Two, Freeman is selfish, but he has a sense of self-preservation. The Xen expedition staff flat-out told him that there wouldn't be much to come back to if the portals remained open. Even if they can't conquer the whole Earth, the aliens could inflict enough damage to effectively collapse modern society, via both the military invasion and the wildlife infestation, and Freeman knows this. Why would he think that getting to New England would stop that?


As for the jokes themselves: I didn't laugh at Freeman's teleportation rant, which took up a good chunk of the episode. I did, on the other hand, find his interactions with the guard and scientist to be very funny. Especially his reaction to the Kleiner scientist packing a shotgun, and him insulting the Barney.


Also disappointed to here that there will be no more Freeman's Mind any time soon. Of course, that probably translates to a lot of them in November.


I think you're wrong about him being out of character by "trusting" the scientists, and just bumbling around. That's basically what he's been doing this whole time! He just has been trying to find his way out safely and keeps accidentally getting into the crossfire of some other crazy shit going down, and he has trusted the word of others before hand, like when he trusted a half dead guard that the tram would take him directly to the surface and that didn't work out for him. Also when he let's multiple scientists open doors for him, is that being out of character? No, because that's just how Freeman is, he uses people for his own benefit, he doesn't give a shit about them, he also is meant to be portrayed a neurotic, and nigh-schizophrenic with serious paranoia going on, in his mind the scientists are just talking random bullshit as usual, when have you ever heard him take a scientist seriously? In one episode the scientist was stranded on a reactor and telling him how dangerous it was and all Freeman could do was name him his new monkey and generally fuck around, so he honestly thinks as long as he tells them what to do, like they have up to this point, that they'll listen to him and everything will work out wonderful, although I do find that a bit too optimistic for his character, it fits how random and insane he can be at times, honestly though, how would you expect Freeman to react?

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He really isn't aware where the Xenians are originating from, nor does he realize that the teleportation system that has been built is specific to Xen's coordinates. In fact, I'm 99.9% sure he doesn't know what Xen is anyways, as his character clearly misidentified it in this episode. This can be explained by the fact that he doesn't typically pay attention to those he sees as the plebs, which in this case is pretty much everyone.
No, this can be explained by NOT EXPLAINING THIS ANYWHERE IN THE GAME. Freeman hasn't had ANY briefing on this, the Lambda labs were outside his security clearance. While I gloss over it for the sake of the series, Freeman would be extremely weak at this point having exhausted adrenaline, doing strenuous physical activity, and barely having any food for two days. He's not qualified for this at all aside from being a tenacious survivor. While he doesn't have faith in the military or the Black Mesa staff, I don't think I've suggested Freeman considers the entire globe to be incompetent. Freeman has no evidence this isn't a localized event confined to Black Mesa aside from one scientist saying otherwise. Keep in mind, these scientists also claimed they had to "seal off" the area when aliens were clearly teleporting inside. Freeman doesn't trust these people, but he's hoping they can teleport him AWAY FROM BLACK MESA since all hell has been broken loose, he suspects it could get nuked, and he's still lost and hungry. Even if they are telling the truth, he's in no condition to handle this and figures there would be better people for the job. I mean everybody's commenting on how selfish he is, but in this scenario, they're asking an awful lot and not telling him much at all. You'll hear some more on this topic in the next episode, I didn't work in everything I meant to say on it in this one anyway.


Anyway, you can't really take a game like Half-Life too seriously, it doesn't hold up to serious scrutiny, Valve masks most of this with a lack of information. The game is so outrageously sparse on details, that's the very reason a character like Freeman can even exist, they've left so much open.


He did have Doritos™ and Coffee™

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Freeman when he sees Xen for the first time: Kind of weirded out.


Freeman when he realizes he was sent to Xen instead of Massachussetts: Pretty irritated.


Freeman when he realizes EVERY SINGLE dead person he sees in an HEV suit had a helmet: FREEMAN RAGE TIME.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HELMET?! This is bullshit! I don't have to take this kind of discrimination."

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Hey Ross, did you shorten the wait for the scientist to finish the portal? It always seemed an eternity longer from what I remember
No, that's as it appears in-game.


Why did you speed up the teleportation sequence?
I didn't! Maybe it seems shorter because I went up there and started talking to the scientist instead of standing around. The only other thing I can think of is Half-Life Source shortens it compared to Half-Life original.


If you guys want to be scientific about this, how about somebody load up Half-Life and clock it? I didn't modify the timing in this episode except small adjustments during the level loads (which occurs before you even enter the chamber), so you can use my video as a benchmark for HL:Source.


Ross, I know that you are not supposed to comment in extenso on the Machinima issue, but I wonder what happen with the videos on Blip.tv? At some point you were saying that the reproductions there helped you more than the ones on Youtube, in terms of money. After watching your videos there, I discovered a few web series that caught my attention. But now, you only post the Youtube links, and I no longer need to go to Blip.tv.
Oh I can talk about Machinima, just that there's a few small things I can't discuss. All the huge stuff is public anyway. As for Blip, I made a post on it a while back, but my timing couldn't have been worse essentially. I joined blip.tv JUST before Maker Studios came in and bought them out, since then, the income from them fell dramatically. I'm not removing the old links, but it's simply not worth it compared to Youtube now.

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Hey Ross, did you shorten the wait for the scientist to finish the portal? It always seemed an eternity longer from what I remember
No, that's as it appears in-game.


Why did you speed up the teleportation sequence?
I didn't! Maybe it seems shorter because I went up there and started talking to the scientist instead of standing around. The only other thing I can think of is Half-Life Source shortens it compared to Half-Life original.


If you guys want to be scientific about this, how about somebody load up Half-Life and clock it? I didn't modify the timing in this episode except small adjustments during the level loads (which occurs before you even enter the chamber), so you can use my video as a benchmark for HL:Source.


Ross, I know that you are not supposed to comment in extenso on the Machinima issue, but I wonder what happen with the videos on Blip.tv? At some point you were saying that the reproductions there helped you more than the ones on Youtube, in terms of money. After watching your videos there, I discovered a few web series that caught my attention. But now, you only post the Youtube links, and I no longer need to go to Blip.tv.
Oh I can talk about Machinima, just that there's a few small things I can't discuss. All the huge stuff is public anyway. As for Blip, I made a post on it a while back, but my timing couldn't have been worse essentially. I joined blip.tv JUST before Maker Studios came in and bought them out, since then, the income from them fell dramatically. I'm not removing the old links, but it's simply not worth it compared to Youtube now.


I'd been wondering about that, too. Good to know.

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He doesn't, but he doesn't actually acknowledge that at any point. He just thinks these guys with the teleporter are the best way to go, even though they outright said that if he went into that room, they'd teleport him to Xen.


I suggest you read what Ross has to say about them saying "you're going to the alien world", but in any case, he has no other options. He doesn't have any other choice but to hope like hell that they send him to Massachusetts.


The aliens are hiding in Xen. No one can reach them, except via the use of that one specific teleporter. And the not only was that teleporter deep inside a facility occupied by aliens, the place was about to get nuked.


Freeman doesn't know that they're going to nuke the place (the only way to be sure 8-) ) and presumably assumes that something will be done about this, and that people better equipped than him will deal with it.

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Hey Ross, did you shorten the wait for the scientist to finish the portal? It always seemed an eternity longer from what I remember
No, that's as it appears in-game.


Why did you speed up the teleportation sequence?
I didn't! Maybe it seems shorter because I went up there and started talking to the scientist instead of standing around. The only other thing I can think of is Half-Life Source shortens it compared to Half-Life original.


If you guys want to be scientific about this, how about somebody load up Half-Life and clock it? I didn't modify the timing in this episode except small adjustments during the level loads (which occurs before you even enter the chamber), so you can use my video as a benchmark for HL:Source.


I just tested it with the GoldSrc game. It's the exact same time from when Freeman walks through the door to the time the portal opens.

Yeah, turn on all the mushrooms; I don't care about the power bill.

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