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RL Pic Thread (Image Heavy!)

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I think I'm doing it wrong.

The glass is never half empty because I drink out of the carton.

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I want your camera Envi, It's way better than mine

Actually, I hate my camera. It's way too grainy. But, my mom got it for me for Christmas, so if I don't use it, I feel bad. I'd do anything, anything, for a DSLR.


Well, you do have a colourful personality, so it fits.

Haha, why thank you.

The glass is never half empty because I drink out of the carton.

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Well, you do have a colourful personality, so it fits.

Stole my response...


I'd do anything, anything, for a DSLR.

I can think of a lot for that anything... I suppose that "anything" isn't meant to include indentured servitude for the rest of your life...


Here's me after a "hair cut". Just took this to see if people like my hair in that style.

Interesting, but looks good with your face.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm seeing a lot of pseudo-paramilitary types around these parts... better keep an eye on you people

Don't be hatin' just 'cause I love Airsoft, yo.

Here's a more casual picture. I was going to meet a friend at the casino, and decided to put this on.


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I'd do anything, anything, for a DSLR.

I can think of a lot for that anything... I suppose that "anything" isn't meant to include indentured servitude for the rest of your life...

You might think that, but I'm a pretty versatile person, and very determined to get things I feel would benefit my life.

The glass is never half empty because I drink out of the carton.

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You might think that, but I'm a pretty versatile person, and very determined to get things I feel would benefit my life.

Make a thread about things that you want to get in the near future... I'll post mine there too.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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You might think that, but I'm a pretty versatile person, and very determined to get things I feel would benefit my life.



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Good. Cats are unreliable animals.


Back on topic. RL Pictures. Here's a good one.




That's me in 1998, in front of a couple of russian amphibious vehicles, in Antarctica. The next one is with some penguins.




And walking around the base at 2 am.



I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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this is me... more or less... i had a haircut after that and the microphone was eaten by my dog army. anyway, i present to you, the recruit Santi Koach. behold:

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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this is me... more or less... i had a haircut after that and the microphone was eaten by my dog army. anyway, i present to you, the recruit Santi Koach. behold:


that was taken by a friend while testing my webcam... he was all like: "ok, let see if it works. go on skype and video call me", so i video called him and he took a snapshot of my face, then he put it on facebook, etc etc.

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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