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Zach's got a good point...i'm just really confused about what's going on, but i'm pretty sure you may have caused it. :P


BTW: fedoras are my thing...stop it...stop it.



The ONLY thing I know is called a fedora is a kind of a cake. And because it's a pretty good cake, I won't check what else is this.






Style of hat with a short brim. And imo the sexiest damn hat a guy can wear.

Retired Forum Moderator

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It's pretty nice hat :) But I'm more crazy about the cake though ;)thumbnail.aspx?q=4520913301537519&id=c091ae7cf6d53a02c409246347b7332a


However... I can eat a fedora cake wearing a fedora hat :mrgreen:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Never heard of a fedora cake before but it looks tasty.



It is and it has chocolate, nuts and some other stuff. Just a bite or two and you already feel full

This cake might be a Polish invention. I'm not sure :D

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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It's pretty nice hat :) But I'm more crazy about the cake though ;)thumbnail.aspx?q=4520913301537519&id=c091ae7cf6d53a02c409246347b7332a


However... I can eat a fedora cake wearing a fedora hat :mrgreen:

You could also eat a fedora hat whilst wearing a fedora cake, but that would be far messier and not as tasty.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Did someone say fedoras?


Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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Did someone say fedoras?




You look great! Now you need to eat fedora cake while wearing fedora hat ;) Not opposite way!


And you still look too much like a twin brother of my ex! I'll... I'll just get used to that...

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Did someone say fedoras?




You look great! Now you need to eat fedora cake while wearing fedora hat ;) Not opposite way!


And you still look too much like a twin brother of my ex! I'll... I'll just get used to that...

Thank you and that cake looks awesome.


Oh and none spam related.


Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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I succeed one night in making my Xbox Live avatar look just like me.


Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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It's getting TOO weird :roll:


Well, luckily you don't remind my current bf at all :lol:


Adam Jensen maybe just a bit... ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Then I became The Punisher one day. Sorry for the squinting getting used to the new contacts.




Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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