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Best mod for classic games you ever had(Or you want to play)

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Basically this is a simple little nice thread to say what mods for CLASSIC (Half life 1,DOOM,Quake,etc.) game mods you want to play or already playing it and enjoying it so much you could die and wait 5 second respawn.




Explain what the mod is about

Don't judge what other people are playing, we're here to enjoy these mods, not get bashed for enjoying them!



Brutal doom.

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Well, what's your definition of a classic game? Would Freelancer and Morrowind be included? What about Command & Conquer or Starcraft?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, what's your definition of a classic game? Would Freelancer and Morrowind be included? What about Command & Conquer or Starcraft?

I suppose.

By classic I mean keep it below 2008

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Cry of Fear for Half-Life


If that counts.

To anyone who hasnt played it and likes horror games and psychological stuff, I highly reccommend it.

"Life sucks sober!"

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Ok, so 5 years old or older... Doom 3 parallax mod. (massive graphics improvement, far over that of D3BFG)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Freelancer mod that increases view distance to infinity... At the time, there was no computer system that could run it with more than 10 FPS while looking in the direction of an asteroid field. The mod was sort of a proof-of-concept, and only worked in the New York system.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Super CJ/Superman mod for GTA: San Andreas. There's different versions/variants, some with different additions, different models (that replaces the gimp suit), but at it's core, it allows you to make CJ fly, you can even control your speed/power, even your homies fly with you. Careful around some missions, like in Wrong Side of the Tracks, for some reason, Big Smoke likes to go planking on the bike, unless he's shooting, kinda hilarious at the same time (don't worry, the game's still beatable).


Then there's the Back To The Future mod for Vice City. (There's a version for San Andreas, and I think 4 as well, however, it's still pretty much the same mod.) As the title implies, you get the DeLorean (You can choose which version, and you can also choose the train from part 3, if you wanted) which allows you to travel through time.


Then there's Final Fantasy 7. Oh boy, I just can't think of what would be considered "the best" mod for it, however, I'm just going to leave this link here, and you'll see why it's hard for me to choose.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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My best friend once figured out a Game Genie code for SMB3 that flagged the air as water so you could swim through it. That was a blast. Sadly you died when touching actual water.

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SMOD Standalone for Half-life 2... Basically opened up the game for easy script modding.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Anyone who is interested in RTS, i reccommend Europa Barbarorum (for Rome: total war) & Europa Barbarorum 2 (for Medieval 2 total war) mods. Also, c&c reloaded mod is extremely nice (its for Red Alert 2 Yuri's revenge expansion, which places Tiberian sun and Red alert 2 in same game, so you can do battles like GDI vs soviets or Nod vs allies or even Yuri vs everyone)

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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The Babylon Project, for Freespace 2. It's technically a standalone game using the FS2 engine, but I think it's worth a look at. The Babylon Project attempts to recreate the way space combat works in the TV series Babylon 5, with a number of custom campaigns having been made for it. I guess it's only really of interest if you're a fan of both B5 and space sims, but it's had a good amount of effort put in to it.

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Since we're talking before 2008.


Eastern Front for Company of Heroes is mine.


Originally just adding the Soviet army to the game they have since added various maps, modified game balance, and added the Ostheer that contain various units from Romania and Italy. Last I check they're currently working on the Afrika Korps, the Desert Rats, and Italy as stand alone armies with their appropriate maps.

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The Babylon Project, for Freespace 2. It's technically a standalone game using the FS2 engine, but I think it's worth a look at. The Babylon Project attempts to recreate the way space combat works in the TV series Babylon 5, with a number of custom campaigns having been made for it. I guess it's only really of interest if you're a fan of both B5 and space sims, but it's had a good amount of effort put in to it.

Sounds like fun... Now I have to go look it up.


Since we're talking before 2008.


Eastern Front for Company of Heroes is mine.


Originally just adding the Soviet army to the game they have since added various maps, modified game balance, and added the Ostheer that contain various units from Romania and Italy. Last I check they're currently working on the Afrika Korps, the Desert Rats, and Italy as stand alone armies with their appropriate maps.

Actually, that mod didn't even have a first release until 2010, but who cares... It's a good mod for a good game.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Actually, that mod didn't even have a first release until 2010, but who cares... It's a good mod for a good game.


I thought it had to be the game that was before 2008.

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It does, but who cares... It was fun to confuse you for a little while.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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For Half-Life there's lots of em'.But my personal favoruites are They Hunger and The Timeline series.


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