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It's not the flu but considering how I feel right now, I'm coming down with SOMETHING. And worst part about it is I have midterms for Speech class tomorrow. :/

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm not sure what to think of my immune system. I get sick a lot, but it's rarely ever severe and usually lasts only 2 days. The last time I got REALLY sick was almost 2 years ago. Everything else has been like 1 day of upset stomach or a 2 day cold, and that's it.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I think I have a pretty good immune system. I got really ill with the flu two years in a row about 5 years ago (lost a ton of weight both times and each incident lasted about a month), but since then I've had no problems.

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I think I have a pretty good immune system. I got really ill with the flu two years in a row about 5 years ago (lost a ton of weight both times and each incident lasted about a month), but since then I've had no problems.

Well the thing about the flu is it's constantly mutating, which is why they make a new vaccine every year. when it mutates, your body has absolutely no defense against the new strain which is why it always hits the non-vaccinated so hard. If anything, you may just be really lucky. XD


But you may also have a strong immune system anyways. Just because getting flu or not doesn't have much to do with immune system strength, doesn't mean you can't. :P

Retired Forum Moderator

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I think I have a pretty good immune system. I got really ill with the flu two years in a row about 5 years ago (lost a ton of weight both times and each incident lasted about a month), but since then I've had no problems.

Well the thing about the flu is it's constantly mutating, which is why they make a new vaccine every year. when it mutates, your body has absolutely no defense against the new strain which is why it always hits the non-vaccinated so hard. If anything, you may just be really lucky. XD


But you may also have a strong immune system anyways. Just because getting flu or not doesn't have much to do with immune system strength, doesn't mean you can't. :P


If memory serves, the flu vaccine isn't exactly current, since they frequently use strains from the prior year (if not longer, since the N1H1 strain is apparently the same one from 2009), so even a vaccine won't guarantee immunization for the current strain going around the year.


I'd probably go with just having a better immune system now, more or less because I haven't gotten sick with anything. No colds, no sore throats (from illness anyway), no sniffles... My biggest problem was finding out the hard way that I'm allergic to both shellfish and regular fish (mostly you're allergic to one or the other, rarely it's both).

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My workplace has a "StartSmart Breakfast Program" for Union members. Every morning I start the shift with free sugary cereal and milk.

Whoop I thought we were on the previous page and still talking about food or something.


I have a scratchy throat but I am convinced that I will not have a cold.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Wow, Blue, that response was certainly out of the blue... what?


Actually, I would've thought you were referring to health anyway when you mentioned a smartstart breakfast. Having a good meal to kick off the day can really help your immune system, after all.

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I used to be constantly sick when I was little. Now I hardly ever get sick.

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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I ruined my sleep schedule last year to the point that my body was so worn down that I got a minor case of shingles on my hand. I had to wear a glove so I wouldn't give anyone chickenpox. Most people don't get it until they're older, but I was given chickenpox before I was a year old, so I am prone to get it whenever it feels like it.

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I know how it goes with fucking up a sleep schedule, shingles or none. My current job has me working both opening and closing shifts, mostly back to back (its the CL->OP that really suck). Now my body is accustomed to staying up late and waking up bright and early. I'm hoping my request to my shift manager will go through so I can sort this out.

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