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Hey, are there any Star Trek fans here who can tell me if it's worth watching Enterprise? I'm contemplating torrenting the series and I've heard it being both a betrayal and pretty good. I'm not a Trekkie myself, so I have no idea.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I'm not a trekkie myself, but I thought Enterprise was good enough for a watch. Not as good as the original series or next generation, but still decent television.

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I'm currently developing an illness. Fuck this sucks...


What was the worst sickness you've ever had?

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Pneumonia when I was about six years old or thereabouts. It would not go away, even when I went into the hospital barely able to breathe. No medicines that they were trying were helping. But something miraculous happened and it's actually something I credit a stand up comedian to this day for doing, so let's take a step back for a moment.


There is this comedian named Jeff Dunham. You may have heard of him. He's a ventriloquist and a darned good one at that. His stand up is nothing to write home about but when he brings out the puppets, that's when he shines, in my opinion.


Anyway, back to the story. In my weakened state, I was just able to change the channels on the television and barely pay attention to what was on the screen. And I came across Jeff Dunham's stand up. He had this purple fuzzy puppet who caught my attention. So, I started watching him. The puppet's name was Peanut and something about the routine struck my funny bone. I started laughing. And wheezing. And feeling very terrible while not being able to stop laughing. My chest ached but I couldn't stop laughing at the routine.


Suddenly, and without forewarning, I projectile vomited all over the hospital bed. Yeah, it was disgusting and was reminiscent of the Exorcist, but after that happened, I began to feel much better and could actually breathe!


The doctors checked me over and told me that my laughing so hard had dislodged the fluid that was building in my lungs and I was able to eject it. Messily. Within 48 hours of that event, I was feeling back to nearly 100% and was released from the hospital.


It's strange, but I credit Jeff Dunham for potentially saving my life.


And, if you want to see the puppet Peanut who was on the screen at the time, here's a routine. Not the same one but similar.



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Hey, are there any Star Trek fans here who can tell me if it's worth watching Enterprise? I'm contemplating torrenting the series and I've heard it being both a betrayal and pretty good. I'm not a Trekkie myself, so I have no idea.

I am a true trekkie... Enterprise is not really Star Trek. It says it is, but both the writers and the directors were unworthy of using that title. They put in some random stuff that had already been ruled out from the already existing timeline, but they refused to accept the popular suggestion to put it in an alternate universe... In other words, they spat on the timeline established by all the previous series', (TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, all the movies) and said that theirs was the real one.


Go ahead and watch it if you want...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I know I'm going to get raked over the coals for this but I have to give my opinion (well, I don't strictly have to, but I will, regardless):


Star Trek series in order of how much I like them (1 being best):


1. TNG

2. TOS

3. VOY

4. ENT

5. DS9


(Didn't watch TAS so I can't place it in this list.)


I couldn't get into DS9 whatsoever. To me, the idea of "Star Trek" involves, y'know, trekking among the stars. You didn't get much of that in DS9. The action centered around a space station where you have the aliens and other things come to that instead of the ship going to the aliens and action. TNG, TOS, Voyager and Enterprise had a ship that trekked amongst the stars. DS9, no. Plus, I couldn't get behind the idea of the prophets and the emissary...and that whole Dominion war thing just felt really....well, not Star Trek-y. To me, it was like taking the Star Trek universe and...well, forgetting what made it great. Sure, they had a wormhole that went to another quadrant of the galaxy but that doesn't make it a trek.


Ah well. Just my opinion. I know people will take issue with my ordering and I understand that. I just feel that way myself.

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I understand your reasons, but still... ENT wasn't really a Star Trek original universe show... It was the fact that none of the people in charge would admit it that made it terrible. (many of the fans of the other series' even went so far as to boycott the original airing of the show simply because of the assholes making it)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, continuity has never been Star Trek's forte. I can kind of overlook that if the show is good. ENT wasn't too good, though, which is why I placed it at the bottom of the Trek shows. But, at least they star trekked.

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It depends on what you mean by continuity... The later shows didn't mess with previous shows' timelines...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I heard that getting Xboned is contagious. Likely this place caught it after that Xbone thread went up. I really need to keep track of how often I actually get to say Xboned or Xbone or Xboner in this place, like that one shitty south park episode.

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I'm sure there are, and they have a right to. Some people don't really mind the new policies being enforced by the Xbone, and that's fine (I'm sure these people are closet-Apple fans because Microsoft's policies are moving closer to Apple's in some respects). Thinking about it, it's funny to be a PC gamer and slamming the Xbone for not allowing easy transference or sale of games due to DRM standards. But in another way, that's been a feature for years separating the PC gaming scene from the console scene.


Or, alternatively, maybe Microsoft has an entire department that does nothing but go on forums to defend their products. Call of Duty Dog comes to mind: Yd2LOJd6X6w

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