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I imagine it would, since there's a good chunk of games that don't natively support gamepads. Either that, or Valve is going to create some sort of software layer that translates inputs from the gamepad into keyboard commands for the games, which wouldn't be very difficult. Though, I could also see developers looking at the Steam Box announcement and thinking "Hey, we might want to issue patches to natively support gamepads in our games."


Either way, if you want a preview of the games that'll be available for the box, look under the "Linux" section in the store.

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What happens if this actually succeeds? I mean Valve already has a pretty big hand in the PC gaming market. What if they also start to get popular among the console crowd? Even if it is Valve, there is a thing as being too powerful.


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It's been so long since I've been in Norway. Gotta go on vacation there again, been missing that snow.


Edit: What's with people Ninjaing me today.


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Try South Dakota... The only place I know of where you can have better than a 50F variance in temperature less than 2 miles away, and 4 feet of snow overnight with a 60F afternoon...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I'm going to celebrate first minutes in an hour.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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