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My last final of the quarter starts in less than an hour. It's only drawing and if last week was any indication I should be fine.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Unless it's a one of those live-model drawings and you have to draw a big all-men orgy. Then you might have some problems...

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actually, it was a live-model drawing. Just, you know, without the orgy part. Also she was female.

Retired Forum Moderator

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If he was a gifted male, you'd have a BIG problem. Those chizzled pecs, that sculpted buttox... mmm!

Yeah, guess that's why I never got into painting nude models. If it was a male like that, they'd have a hard time keeping me from going for a... closer inspection.

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I might take a live drawing class one day, the only problem is I can't art. At least not with people, I'm more for making things out of thing. But I can draw people if I have enuf time.


Oh also I found out something interesting today, if you know a girl who is very alergic to flowers and you make them a beautiful, detailed flower out of paper and paper clips and give it to them as a Christmases gift, you can make them cry...a lot... In a good way.

non-euclidean fuck machine

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I might take a live drawing class one day, the only problem is I can't art. At least not with people, I'm more for making things out of thing. But I can draw people if I have enuf time.


Oh also I found out something interesting today, if you know a girl who is very alergic to flowers and you make them a beautiful, detailed flower out of paper and paper clips and give it to them as a Christmases gift, you can make them cry...a lot... In a good way.

Sounds like a sweet thing to do. ^_^

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I do stuff like that a lot, make things out of thing and casualy give them away. I'm often surprised when someone is effected by it. I didn't know she was allergic to flowers when I gave it to her. I was just doodling (when I doodle I don't draw I cut,fold,bend,and rip stuff to make things) after the final because I finished it early and the bell rang, I didn't want to have to cary it around, and she was right next to me , with out thinking I just held it out to her and said "Merry Christmass". She took it, I would have just left right there, but she started to cry, I thought I upset her some how, I ask "are you ok?" She dose not say anything yet, still crying she smiles and then pulls me quickly in for a tight hug. She said with a weak voice "thank you". She ends the hug, grabs her bag and walked out, I didn't have a clue what happend. It was only later when I was telling a firend about it that I founed out she was alergic to flowers... I don't know her that well, I don't even know her name...

non-euclidean fuck machine

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I just finished watching all of Sherlock (amazing show) and now I'm surfing Netflix to see what I should watch next, any one have suggestions? Also is supernatural any good? It's available to watch instantly but I don't know if its worth my time.


WTF? There is a movie here that is available to watch right now and Netflix is telling me that it was made in 2013... Did I travel in time?

non-euclidean fuck machine

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WTF? There is a movie here that is available to watch right now and Netflix is telling me that it was made in 2013... Did I travel in time?

Must be a car movie

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WTF? There is a movie here that is available to watch right now and Netflix is telling me that it was made in 2013... Did I travel in time?

Must be a car movie

Nope, it's a CG rip off of Thor

non-euclidean fuck machine

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Today I learned that it was just scientifically proven that squeezing boobs helps prevent breast cancer in the receiving party.

I approve of this.


Would you like me to help you prevent breast cancer, Alyxx? :mrgreen:

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Today I learned that it was just scientifically proven that squeezing boobs helps prevent breast cancer in the receiving party.

I approve of this.


Would you like me to help you prevent breast cancer, Alyxx? :mrgreen:

Get in like, the back is over there

non-euclidean fuck machine

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