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If you can call an all in one a desktop... XD I mean, they sell the minis and Pros, but the minis are seriously underpowered for even mid-level gaming and the Pros haven't had a meaningful spec bump since 2010. They're still charging 2000 USD for a computer with a Radeon HD 5770 and a quad-core Xeon from 2010!

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I admittedly own an iPod (really no other options for portable mp3 players with 100gb+ of storage these days) and iPhone. I would consider getting an Apple laptop for work or school simply for the build quality. That aluminum unibody shell is hard to best.

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I used to have one of those, actually I think I still do. It's great for what it is, except the battery on mine won't hold a charge and it's the third replacement I've used for it.

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I usually just use my computer for most music listening needs these days. MP3 players can't match a good sound card, even a cheap one that costs less than most mp3 players do.

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Not to start a debate with anyone, but the reason I love Apple products is because I need reliability, not speed. The primary stuff I do on my computer is not hardware-hungry enough for power to be that much of an issue. (And I don't do near enough gaming for that to even be a factor when I purchase a computer.) It's just nice to have a machine I don't need to replace every year or so because components start screwing up.

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That's perfectly fine, too. I'm surprised Apple computers hold up as well as they do because they use Foxconn boards, just like many PC tower manufacturers too (Dell, for example). Technically speaking, Apple hasn't invented anything since the Mini Displayport. They're just another computer company that takes what others have already invented, cherry pick things they like, and throw them into some decent products. The big thing Apple has that other companies don't is control over the hardware ecosystem their software operates in, but even then their software isn't always optimized properly the first time around.


I personally prefer a dual-boot Ubuntu/W7 and a custom build myself. I've been running setups like these for years and haven't had an issue yet, from software or hardware, and they perform better than Apple computers and are easier to upgrade incrementally. I don't mind the risk and trust myself to build and maintain a reliable system, but that's my personal preference. Also, I'm not a fan of all-in-one computing for desktops. For a company that's supposed to be environmentally friendly, they make users go through a lot of displays...

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I will say, I do wish that there was more video and audio editing software that carried Apple's simplicity. They do make things 10 times easier to make.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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We don't have Twinkies in Norway... XD


I've got some Lay's potato chips though.

same. I don't eat them. I don't like them. I preffer peanuts.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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