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My old days of forum moderating is starting to return while reading some of the more recent posts. -.- I thought I put that behind me.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Did you enjoy it?

And when he gets to heaven,

To saint Peter he will tell;

One more soldier reporting, sir.

I've served my time in Hell!

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No. The ability to ban troublemakers sounds cool and all but once the hype wears off, it just becomes a chore and it grows tiresome fast.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Does anyone enjoy it?

And when he gets to heaven,

To saint Peter he will tell;

One more soldier reporting, sir.

I've served my time in Hell!

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I browse these forums as a member so I can relax and take time off if I ever need for any reason. I want it to stay that way.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I added all of the music from my entire music folder into one playlist and put it on shuffle to see what would happen. Firstly, 160 hours of music will make for a jolly old time. Second, "Mario & Luigi's House" from Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door is an odd track to follow up "We Have All Been Blind" from the Phantom of the Opera.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I'm listening to the best MLP remix's I've ever heard by PinkiePieSwear. And If FGB posts "I HATE PONIES" below this because of my post I will have a psychotic breakdown.

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Here is a little tip: Don't let your dog go to sleep early and drink an energy drink that keeps you up until 2AM even though you wanted to go to bed at 11PM.

My dog woke me up at 3AM -.-

On the upside when i was walking my dog i noticed how beautiful the night sky was at 3AM in the morning.


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I have a really bad headache right now. I need some fluids, but sadly our drinking water might be contminated. God damn earthquakes... :problem:

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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