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okay...i love this forum! this game looks perfect, and its available on Gamestop! /nerdgasm

only downside is it's not released till the 23rd! eh well lucky i'm the patient type :D


EDIT: i own Assassin's creed II, Brotherhood's on my list. Fallout 3, i own it, but im stuck on it and i gave it a rest..like last week, i think. But thanks for all the recommendations Rusty, i appreciate it!


edit: yep it works.

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okay...i love this forum! this game looks perfect, and its available on Gamestop! /nerdgasm

only downside is it's not released till the 23rd! eh well lucky i'm the patient type :D


EDIT: i own Assassin's creed II, Brotherhood's on my list. Fallout 3, i own it, but im stuck on it and i gave it a rest..like last week, i think. But thanks for all the recommendations Rusty, i appreciate it!


edit: yep it works.


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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okay...i love this forum! this game looks perfect, and its available on Gamestop! /nerdgasm

only downside is it's not released till the 23rd! eh well lucky i'm the patient type :D


EDIT: i own Assassin's creed II, Brotherhood's on my list. Fallout 3, i own it, but im stuck on it and i gave it a rest..like last week, i think. But thanks for all the recommendations Rusty, i appreciate it!


edit: yep it works.


Where are you stuck in Fallout 3, I can help, considering I've completed the game and all it's side quests numerous times.

Hi Friend.

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And that's why I prefer Oblivion over FO3. :x have a file at possibly 200 hours and there's still more than half the game for me to do.

Retired Forum Moderator

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And that's why I prefer Oblivion over FO3. :x have a file at possibly 200 hours and there's still more than half the game for me to do.


:lol: Same here, I haven't even completed the main quest yet and I've spent 600 hours on it (PS3 + PC time), It has the most hours I've ever spent on a game, ever.

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I have never completed the main story of any game like Oblivion or FO3.

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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I was something like level 35 before I even stopped at Waynon priory. and now at lvl 47, 3 levels from max, I have to compelte the fighters and thieves guild as well as dark brotherhood, and I have hundreds of caves/forts/aylied ruins to uncover. god there's just so much to do. <3


All houses bought and upgraded and still have over 300k gold XD

Retired Forum Moderator

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I just got the Windfall mod, anyone who owns TES: IV should download it. It's one of the highest rated quest add-ons you can get and it includes- 30 hours of storyline (that's longer than today's typical AAA game) a whole new area, a storyline that changes depending on the paths you choose, excellent dialogue and some very well done story telling. It was extremely easy to download and add to TES: IV's data files.

I just got into the new area and joined "The Righteous", a group of people fighting against the wealthier half of the main city for domination of the area. I <3 this mod so much :3

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There was a light armor addon i once found. The only reason i like it was it added an armor set to the game that was quite good looked far better than that obnoxious green glass armor. And unlike most mods, it didn't just hand the damn thing to you, he put it in the back of an alied ruin guarded by guys you'd probably need a set of glass armor to fight against. Unless you had the difficulty low or cheating. XD


now if I could only find the damn file... Swimming through a sea of pervert armor mods looking for it...


Edit: it's also been over three years since I've seen it. assuming it still exists, it might have just looked good at the time compared to the sea of worse graphics I was forced to contend with back in high school. We'll see.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Next time you make a new character I'd recommend getting Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul ( A.K.A. OOO), which adds loads of things to make the world feel more alive. Including- living economy, animal factions, baby animals, new dungeons, new quests, an overhaul of the leveling system, drunkenness, hundreds more weapons, armour, potions and items, new areas, new textures and loads of new features.


But the thing it changes the most is how Oblivion works, in this mod it changes how enemies level up, instead of random bandits running around in Daedric armour later in the game, it sets level caps for each enemy. It also makes combat a lot better (though not as well as Deadly Reflex's) and makes increases the immersion. He also changed the leveled treasure, he's edited the dungeons so that treasure works in a similar fashion as Morrowind, now no matter what level you are, if you can get deep enough into a dungeon it's possible to find amazing loot.



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Good god now I remember why I stopped going to this place. They have more registered users than some cities have population, yet 80% of the community operate on the mindset of "if it doesn't make me horny, it's a really bad mod" or so it seems.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm trying to install that OOB mod. I'm having trouble though, just because of my inablilty to understand what the fuck to do.

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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Watched my bro play through Super Mario World for a bit.

Man, that game had it together. Everything was so well made in it.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Oops shit. I meant OOO mod.

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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okay...i love this forum! this game looks perfect, and its available on Gamestop! /nerdgasm

only downside is it's not released till the 23rd! eh well lucky i'm the patient type :D


EDIT: i own Assassin's creed II, Brotherhood's on my list. Fallout 3, i own it, but im stuck on it and i gave it a rest..like last week, i think. But thanks for all the recommendations Rusty, i appreciate it!


edit: yep it works.


Where are you stuck in Fallout 3, I can help, considering I've completed the game and all it's side quests numerous times.


you know that alien Ray gun? i got that from the video on YouTube 8-) ...i'll look tonight and see what part i'm stuck on.

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