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zak, look at the bright side. when you graduate college, and get a job that makes you two additional figures a year than your dad is making then you'll be able to bask in the glory of rubbing in his face that something that came out of his penis is better than him.


sorry for the terminology; i just love making people laugh :D

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something that came out of his penis is better than him.


Hahaha, oh god. I'm gonna have to use that one.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Sorry for the abrupt change of subject, but does anybody else get the feeling things are going to hell in a handbasket lately? I mean, faster than usual? Just in these last couple of months, we have riots in England, almost debt default by the US, followed by credit rating downgrade, followed by worldwide stock market crash, thousands dead in Syrian riots, etc. Not to mention the world in general is plagued by active conflict zones.


Where does all this rage and craziness come from?

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Sorry for the abrupt change of subject, but does anybody else get the feeling things are going to hell in a handbasket lately? I mean just in the few couple of months, we have riots in England, almost debt default by the US, followed by credit rating downgrade, followed by worldwide stock market crash, thousands dead in Syrian riots, etc. Not to mention the world in general is plagued by active conflict zones.


Where does all this rage come from?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think things have been going to Hell for a while now.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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I agree. I was just thinking the same and so edited my post, probably while you were typing, to include "I mean, faster than usual? ".

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Don't forget the killings and bomb in Norway last month. Imo the way they are treating the guy is disrespectful to those who lost their lives and the affected families and friends. If you want to become a mass murderer and get a few decades of jailtime tops (Sponsored by tax payers no less.) as well as good media coverage of your ideas, Norway is the place to be.

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The riots are pretty bad. Supposedly, they're 'calming down', but it's been like that in the day, then flares up at night, which is approaching, so who knows what could happen. More police have been deployed though.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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On a slightly better note, I was browsing Facebook and saw this quote on a friends wall.


"Religon is like a penis. Its cool if you have one, but you shouldnt flaunt it in public or shove it down a kids throat."

Hi Friend.

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There's a difference between "Religion" as a classification for a unified idea that is both a philisophical truth claim as well as an organized system, "Religion" as a behavior (which is usually negative, see also 'Religiosity') and "Religion" as in some catch-all phrase to refer to both of the previous ideas.

The penis joke has humor stemming from the muddling of all three definitions at once, as if all three were bad things entirely. I don't like that joke.

The first definition is the one everyone has been in debate about for thousands of years. The second is the one lots of people like to say is the most real and problematic one, when in actuality it's just the loudest minority, and the last definition is an umbrella term.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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if religion is being brought up, I'm taking a break from this thread. I respect anyone who has it, but after watching what it did to my cousin, I never want anything to do with it again.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I don't want to switch the topic to it. I'm just cutting the fun out of a joke being made about it.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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effectively done Ty.


also i'm attending a Motley Crue(sorry for misspelling) party at my friend's house, and im being challenged to wear a "cute" dress during the whole event. YAY for THAT! lol

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Reminds me of my friend Tim.

For his stag party he went Paintballing with about ten of his friends/relatives. He got to choose his weapons and the game, but he had to wear a frilly pink dress and highheels regardless of what they would play.

He played team deathmatch, with himself being the only other team, with a pump-action pistol and a rubber knife.

Never needed a shot, got all of them each alone by surrender.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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that's pretty damn funny; surrendering to a guy in a frilly pink dress. i had a similar event like that, it was an airsoft war hosted by my friend Andy, i end up getting sniped by a propane powered bolt action sniper rifle in the hand, had no use of that hand for a week. i had it good...though my other friend Dallas got shot above the eye with the same rifle...

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that's pretty damn funny; surrendering to a guy in a frilly pink dress. i had a similar event like that, it was an airsoft war hosted by my friend Andy, i end up getting sniped by a propane powered bolt action sniper rifle in the hand, had no use of that hand for a week. i had it good...though my other friend Dallas got shot above the eye with the same rifle...

Propane powered is illegal on every range I've ever heard of.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And playing without a mask sounds dumber than dumb.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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