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I just realized my post count just surpassed 4000...

Only 750 posts for me to catch up to you... Congrats. :D

"Only" yes.

Used to be in the 1500 range... I'm gaining.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Guess we're both shameless postzillas.

Nah, we're just opinionated, and we post our opinions whenever appropriate. (or inappropriate in my case ;) )

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Not quite that dirty...


IRL I quietly voice my opinion when it's needed, but I always go my own way.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Shameless opportunism is dirtier than shameless optimism.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Shameless opportunism is dirtier than shameless optimism.

Yes, but we're neither... We're shameless opinionists...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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God, it feels like I haven't slept in days.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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God, it feels like I haven't slept in days.

If you haven't slept in days, that would explain the feeling.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Shameless opportunism is dirtier than shameless optimism.

Yes, but we're neither... We're shameless opinionists...


That actually sounds worse than the prior 2.


And I actually fall under shameless optimist. I just seem incapable of being sad without some serious event triggering it. which usually is gone completely by the next day.

Retired Forum Moderator

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And I actually fall under shameless optimist. I just seem incapable of being sad without some serious event triggering it. which usually is gone completely by the next day.


Wouldn't call that optimism. More like... resilience. I'm the same way: it's difficult for me to be down about something a long time. Also, while I usually "hope" for the best, I always plan for the worst. Guess you could call me a pessimistic optimist ;)

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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And I actually fall under shameless optimist. I just seem incapable of being sad without some serious event triggering it. which usually is gone completely by the next day.


Wouldn't call that optimism. More like... resilience. I'm the same way: it's difficult for me to be down about something a long time. Also, while I usually "hope" for the best, I always plan for the worst. Guess you could call me a pessimistic optimist ;)

Nah; I also hope for the best and plan for the worst, and I'm one of the most pessimistic people I know of. Pretty much everyone else in my family is/was optimistic other than me. I prefer to be labeled as "pessimistic realist, but optimistic when something has no chance of going wrong."


Thing is, nothing ever has no chance of going wrong, so that leaves me as just a pessimist and a realist at times. :-|

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Opportunism however can be quite rough and dark if all you follow is things that will only directly benefit yourself.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Opportunism however can be quite rough and dark if all you follow is things that will only directly benefit yourself.

That's why I was saying shameless opportunism sounds worse. Opportunism can lead to bad(not always) but when you're shameless about it, everything has a "fuck it" mind set backing it up.


And yay, broken computer screen. I should never have put the damn thing in the trunk. well, at least it's minor enough that I can still see all my pixels.

Retired Forum Moderator

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And yay, broken computer screen. I should never have put the damn thing in the trunk. well, at least it's minor enough that I can still see all my pixels.



This message brought to you by: "I made this mistake so you don't have to."

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And yay, broken computer screen. I should never have put the damn thing in the trunk. well, at least it's minor enough that I can still see all my pixels.



This message brought to you by: "I made this mistake so you don't have to."


It's in a padded computer case. What I didn't count on is the duffle bag of boots being placed on top of it after looking away.

Retired Forum Moderator

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That reminds me of the Windex that spilled in our trunk and drenched my suitcase. At least I smelled like a clean window.

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