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Congratulations, Postzilla!


Don't judge a man by the number of his posts, but by the quality inside them.

You do realize you just called Alyxx a man, right?




you happy now

Hi Friend.

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I'm starting to suppose there should be a size limit for signatures images because lots of the ones I'm seeing here I consider a bit too big.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I'm starting to suppose there should be a size limit for signatures images because lots of the ones I'm seeing here I consider a bit too big.

and too violent :?

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I wouldn't say that she's a music illiterate retard because she likes Rap. She has her own taste in music. Rap is kinda like poetry, some artists convey their emotions into their music and maybe she understands it.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Rap is kinda like poetry, some artists convey their emotions into their music and maybe she understands it.


Really? Because this is all I get:

I **** YOU **** ****** MOTHER ****** **** YOU AND **** YOUR MOM MOTHER ****ER **** YOU SON OF A *****!

Also known as "Username"

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to brad: nah im not saying rap in all forms are bad namely gangsta rap, its mostly about (if not all about) sex, money, drugs, and sometimes shooting somebody...and the lifestyle they promote offends/disgusts me, but yea the songs conveying actual life stories and emotional times in their life i have no problem with.


edit: artist like akon (in particular the song "sorry, blame it on me") and sometimes eminem (love the way you lie) do a decently good job of conveying that aforementioned message. i hate anyone using the word "retard" so im editing my first post.

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Hiphop has degenerated into a cock extension for people without talent who want to earn money without working.


Granted I do like some underground rap that has a charm to it and a real message, or even just made for the fun of it, but I stay away from most of the emotionless "bling bling hoes" rap music nowadays.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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well said Alyxx. some artists or listeners will never grow up, or develop a broad range of music that doesn't give off a serial rapist/killer mentality. yea whatever though, people will buy, artist will be paid, and the travesties will continue. isnt the music industry fun?

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Classical music has yet to fail me.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Am i the only one that really hates lil wayne? im asking cause my sister is in this phase where she only listens to "gangsta" rap, and i wanna know if im justified in calling her a music illiterate dumbass...


I wouldn't even consider that gangsta rap.


There was a song about a guy (I think he used the name Billy) who wanted to be a gangster and did all kinds of stuff to become one and by the ed of the track ended up pulling a random girl off the streets, put a hood over her face so she couldn't see, took her to the top of a building, then raped her and killed her. He pulled the hood off and found out it was his own mother, then jumped off the building.


Now that song was a real gangsta rap song. Albeit it was pretty underground though.

Hi Friend.

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hence why i put "gangsta" in quotes, she considers wayne a gangsta... your example, thats about as gangsta as you can get...yeesh.


Aaahhh... Alright, I get it now.

Hi Friend.

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I like the song "Express yourself" by NWA. I am too badly informed in the genre to know if this is a good or poor decision.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder

you dont need approvals to like the song, i make a habit of listening to any sort of music i find appealing, despite mainstream status, or possible ridicule from peers :) but unfortunately music individuality is rare these days.


i.e i love the titanic theme song. lol


edit: blue if you like classical music than(or then, not sure right now, tired) "canon rock" is a great rock adaptation of pachelbel's canon in D.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8 i think its good anyway :D

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I just realized my post count just surpassed 4000...

Only 750 posts for me to catch up to you... Congrats. :D

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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