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Spoiler alert: Jack starts twerking, taking duck faced selfies, makes fart and burp jokes.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Well what do you know, AS actually has a good show to air. I don't know how much has changed with AS. It's been years since I ditched cable but back when I watched AS their lineup was at best mediocre and at worst downright garbage. My memory is fuzzy in terms of what was airing but I remember it being pretty bad.


IDK if I want to get cable again just to watch Samurai Jack again though. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see Samurai Jack again but is there any other way I could watch it when it airs?

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Well what do you know, AS actually has a good show to air. I don't know how much has changed with AS. It's been years since I ditched cable but back when I watched AS their lineup was at best mediocre and at worst downright garbage. My memory is fuzzy in terms of what was airing but I remember it being pretty bad.


IDK if I want to get cable again just to watch Samurai Jack again though. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see Samurai Jack again but is there any other way I could watch it when it airs?

If I had to guess, it'll probably be uploaded to their website.

That's how I watch the new seasons of the Venture Bros. without needing cable.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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I just bought a pack of natural casing hot dogs because I had the last one at my aunt's house. The problem with that being it was apparently the dog's dinner.


This dog eats better than I do on some days.

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So how is everyone doing lately? XP What have you been up to? How's life? XD

Looking for a job is hard. But hey, I got an interview for tomorrow. :) Trainee receptionist. Please please, I want the job so bad. XD I love organisation work and receptionist jobs just look so FUN.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Eh,doing okay yet not okay.

Certain unforeseen circumstances are affecting my emotional stability and uni work. And now I'm going on an interview as well tomorrow for my national insurance.

My mom found me a part-time job and I'm currently waiting for someone to call me for work.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Kinda stressed (read vent thread), arm hurts (read pain thread), was informed police was dispatched to work, cause alarm went off (turns out wind caused alarm).


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Been busy (again), but kicking ass with my school works (hopefully). Most of my friends will be graduating soon, lucky bastards. As for me and a few others, to quote Freeman: "I got shit to dooooo!"

Welp, now what?

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So I compared system requirements for The Witcher 3 which I'm thinking of getting...




Lol Do you think I can still play it if I just turn all my graphical settings to as low as possible? (Like I do with every game cause this laptop is so damn old now...) Or should I not buy it until I get a better computer? >.> Which might be a while.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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The Witcher is a very heavy game in terms of graphics. So,buying a higher-end computer is recommended,although it doesn't hurt to test it on the laptop.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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The Witcher 3 is a pretty heavy beast on graphics. My gfx card is a 970 and I hover around 45-50 fps with mostly midrange settings. After all, these are the ingame graphics:






And that second one isn't even full settings it seems. Not to mention everything in those that such as cloth, grass, etc that would be expected to have dynamic movement is affected by the physics engine to some level. Even whether will have effects on the physics and materials.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I mean, you could get the game now, just leave it uninstalled until you get a better PC.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Well I was originally going to buy it straight up if I could play it straight away. But I might as well wait for it to be on a Steam sale now if I won't be able to play it at all. XP

I think when I get around to getting my own PC... I might probably just build myself one. Isn't it cheaper if you do it like that? >.>

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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I think when I get around to getting my own PC... I might probably just build myself one. Isn't it cheaper if you do it like that? >.>

Yes, it is cheaper. But that also means you have to pick the hardware that you want and that won't cause problems. And then there's the assembling part. The fully assembled computers, in my opinion, exist because some people don't want to go through that or don't know how to, and the price for that is a higher money cost.

But I'm sure that on this forum the most viable option is to assemble your own computer. I mean, there are computer hardware experts here, and you can ask them in case you have trouble with something

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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And one who wants to think he's an expert with all his exposure and experience, but probably is a novice, especially compared to everyone else here.


A.K.A. me


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I'm surprised how cheap PCs really are... like, $1200 seems like a lot until you realize how much you use a PC and how long it lasts for until it falls apart. And I've heard the satisfaction of starting up your own built PC for the first time is just mindblowing. XD So... sounds fun. As long as I can get a full-time job soon, affording my own PC won't be a problem at all. And then once I get a PC and Piano off the 'to buy' list, then I'll actually be a responsible adult and start saving my money. lol

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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I'll actually be a responsible adult and start saving my money. lol





I couldn't resist....


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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XD Sorry, let me re-phrase. I'll TRY and save my money.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Building a PC, especially for the first time can lead to some interesting results. I best suggest watching some tutorials if you're gonna go that route. And also buy a static absorbing wristband. You'll thank me for that suggestion. :P




Laugh of the day: Websites with word filters so strict that "become" turns into "be*e" because "come" is filtered.


Only the finest of their three brain cells went into that decision.


Wonder if they're the same ones that From Software hired to make their name filter for Dark Souls 3. "Knight Artorias" becomes "K***ht Artorias" cuz "nig" is censored even though Knight Artorias is literally a character from Dark Souls' lore. Better yet, the entire filter can be bypassed by making any one character a capital letter. I've been invaded by someone named "Fuck Bitches" perfectly uncensored.

Retired Forum Moderator

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