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I try to keep my skype open as much as I can, as it's a cheaper way to talk to my parents, sister, relatives etc. These days I use my vocal mic when chatting, because my laptop's fan apparently deafens people when it gets going (apparently gave my friend a migraine when playing L4D2). Though if I use my Mac, I don't get fan noise, but I can use Pod Farm and put my voice through guitar effects :twisted:


A skype chat would be cool. Time differences would be a pain though!


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:3 Okay. Everbody who wants to be included, post the time ranges when you're available, and your SKype username. I'm going to collect the data and see what time is good for all of us! :D

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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My skype name is blightmare (look for the disturbing jigglypuff) And as for time ranges, well, I can't really give an estimation for that. It changes from day to day, but the average range is anywhere from 1 in the afternoon to 3 in the morning. XD I'm also flagged as invisible a lot since I have a friend that's basically if I'm seen online I'm getting a call. I need to have SOME time to myself.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Mine's AP_Pastor. My pic's the one with four overgrown Gman heads. My time range would vary from 1-4pm or 11pm-1am, Philippine time, but that may change depending on whatever i'm doing at home

Welp, now what?

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You do know that Google Hangouts does everything Skype does, for free, and it's not being recorded by the company hosting it? (I'm currently against using Skype because they record all conference calls, and video calls)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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You do know that Google Hangouts does everything Skype does, for free, and it's not being recorded by the company hosting it? (I'm currently against using Skype because they record all conference calls, and video calls)

I have always thought that Skype would record calls, that's why i was initially reluctant to use it. I guess i could give Google Hangouts a try then.

Welp, now what?

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I've realised they can't actually do anything to you if you're out of seas of the country. X3

I talk a lot to my boyfriend on Skype, both texting and calling, and we do a lot of... Relationship stuff. Fun stuff without the dirty part. XD But uh, Parents got a call from Child Protecction Services saying that there was somebody who was stalking me. Turns out it was my boyfriend who was my 'stalker' (they figured he's 3 years older than me, woooaahh... such an age gap. /sarcasm/). We are being watched, but they're too dumb enough to realise what's really going on. Too many people to keep track of. I don't really care. X3 It doesn't effect me. I'm not doing anything illegal. And if they have to call CPS from another country to do anything, and CPS require permission from us, then they really have no power. It's so easy to just say; "What? I Never did that." *clears history and shows* "You must have the wrong person."

Because the people who record you aren't allowed to give out the information that they record. :P Sooo, yeah.

But... Google Hangouts would work actually. It does everything that Skype does, just in a weirder look. XP

We can link profiles too.


"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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It's moments like this where I wish I could stream and/or record all the games I play, in high quality, and upload the highlights onto youtube. I have other crazy moments, and glitchy moments, that it's a shame that I can't record them all, and share them all with the world (as long as people view them).


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Excuse my ignorance, but what does G+ do (apart from obviously making it easier to Google to track everything one does on the internet)?



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I'm guessing it's kinda like Google's Facebook without all the obnoxious memes. :P

Retired Forum Moderator

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Ah. What a wonderful choice then - either be perved upon by Mark "B*tch!" Zuckerberg or by Larry Page :-(



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Maybe Facebook wasn't the best comparison. It's Google's social media if you can really call it that. It just links Gmail, youtube, google drive, and a few other things. I find it rather convenient considering. No need to have 500000 accounts for little different things anymore. I just don't really use the social media aspect since, well, none of my friends do and I'm not a social media kinda person anyways.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I remember reading a thread on another forum, and how they said that Google ruined YouTube. X3 Personally, they've way improved it. They've connected the two and it's just so much easier to manage all my stuff now. People just don't like it cause they're not used to change. I love what Google has done. It's all connected and it feels so organized. ^w^

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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So for seemingly no reason at all my C drive just lost over 40 gigs of available data in under an hour. This is gonna be fun figuring out. -.-


Edit: Restart computer, it's fine again. Figured it would be, but I'm more annoyed because given my trend with this PC, this is the first time, and it's NOT gonna be the last time. I wanna know what's deciding to eat up 40 fucking gigs of data between uses, only to forget it all with a reboot. I have a wild theory. scuse me while I test it.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I have a strange thing with G+ in that I steadfastly refused to to make a G+ and link it with my YouTube. So when Google eventually forced them together, I managed to make two G+ accounts, one of which is my YouTube account. I need to sort this out so I only have my YouTube account, because I never use the other one.


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I have a strange thing with G+ in that I steadfastly refused to to make a G+ and link it with my YouTube. So when Google eventually forced them together, I managed to make two G+ accounts, one of which is my YouTube account. I need to sort this out so I only have my YouTube account, because I never use the other one.

I had this happen to me as well but I can't remember what I did to fix it for the life of me. I just know it took me the better half of the day.



Anywho, tried a few things and I can't seem to retrigger the available data loss again so I'm gonna go ahead and rest easy for now. If it happens again I'll try and see what caused it and try and match it up to what I did today.


Computers, man. I always seem to get the eccentric ones...

Retired Forum Moderator

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Anywho, tried a few things and I can't seem to retrigger the available data loss again so I'm gonna go ahead and rest easy for now. If it happens again I'll try and see what caused it and try and match it up to what I did today.


Computers, man. I always seem to get the eccentric ones...

Sounds like the page file, and that it's controlled automatically. (auto means it'll resize automatically, and could do exactly what you mentioned)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Any tips on how to locate something like that if it happens again? Or at least any idea what might trigger that? Because that happened within under an hour and I'm guessing that's not normal.

Retired Forum Moderator

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