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Well exercise is a difficult thing for me not because of lack of muscles but I have severe asthma and due to that I have hyperinflated lungs. Whenever I exert myself too much the deep heavy breaths cause my lungs to press against other organs and when that gets repeated, well, it's very, very painful. There have been times when it's even triggered from walking to fast or heck, even talking too much when walking and I've had to stop and sit down on the sidewalk until it stopped.


I do try to exercise, but I'm very limited in what I can do.


As for the weight, I'm not saying I don't feel lucky to not have to worry about going over-weight, I just wish people wouldn't say I don't have to worry at all, because I do, having to make a conscious effort to keep it from dropping further.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Hey Rarity, we're in the same boat. People are always jealous of my body. Truth is, I'm anorexic and terribly underweight. X3 No matter how much I eat, nothing makes me gain weight. Even if I ate junk food for a whole day, I wouldn't even need to take a 1 minute jog. There's just no weight or fat on me. At least I don't look as anorexic as SOME girls who are literally starving themselves to look "pretty".


Also, I'm 92.6 pounds. X3

Well, at least you don't have anorexia. What a terrible disorder. It must be awful to not be able to see the world clearly, let alone yourself.

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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Rarity may be able to try just lifting a few weights, a few dumbbells even. Something he can do on the spot. :3 As for me, guess I'm stuffed. XD Which is terrible cause the parents keep telling me off for not gaining weight. I have a very tiny stomach. It's hard to eat anything big. :S The average restaurant sized meal, I think I'd eat only a 1/4 of. If I'm lucky, a half. And yeah, good thing I don't have the disorder.


I'm just usually afraid of saying I have anorexia cause people usually link it to the disorder, and I would no way in hell start starving myself, just to look "better". I'm fabulous. XD I don't need to look any better.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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As for me, guess I'm stuffed. XD Which is terrible cause the parents keep telling me off for not gaining weight. I have a very tiny stomach. It's hard to eat anything big. :S The average restaurant sized meal, I think I'd eat only a 1/4 of. If I'm lucky, a half. And yeah, good thing I don't have the disorder.


I'm just usually afraid of saying I have anorexia cause people usually link it to the disorder, and I would no way in hell start starving myself, just to look "better". I'm fabulous. XD I don't need to look any better.

Try eating a LOT of butter. Cook your eggs in butter, fry burgers in butter, fry potatoes in butter, use butter on almost everything. It also tastes better than most other non-stick cooking oils. (just don't burn it) Good recipe: melt 1-2 tablespoons of butter in a pan at medium heat, put in a tortilla, and fry until there are dark brown spots and the entire thing is crispy. (press it flat if it starts to puff, but try to keep pressure off as much as possible) Flip occasionally, make sure to coat the tortilla thoroughly in the butter. Do 2 at a time. It is a very dense collection of calories that tastes exquisite. (and is remarkably healthy for you)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Sounds good! Thanks, Chef BTG. X3

The weirdest thing happened earlier though. I was at HJ's (Fast Food restaurant), waiting to be served. There were two 12 year old looking boys waiting for their meal. The kind of boys that are chubby and immature. But not fat. Anyway, one asks me; "Do you know [name]?"

"No." I answer honestly.

"Really? Are you sure?"


".......are you single, ready to mingle?"

I had to fight the urge to laugh loudly, I just glared and in a stern voice said; "No." Then they got their meals and left.

This is the first time I've been hit on. X3 And I was in my KFC uniform at the time. So weird.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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They were probly trying to test out the pickup lines they just looked up online... Too young to know just how stupid those lines actually are. lol


I guarantee it's not the first time you've been hit on, it's just the first time you've realized it. ;)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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They were probly trying to test out the pickup lines they just looked up online... Too young to know just how stupid those lines actually are. lol


I guarantee it's not the first time you've been hit on, it's just the first time you've realized it. ;)


Not sure if I should be happy, or sad about this. X3 Both?

I think I've been whistled at before, but they were in a car, and they drove off pretty quick. So I dunno.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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And I was in my KFC uniform at the time.


Some people have a thing about uniforms. Especially in Japan, or so I heard...


But that kid must have been so relieved when you brushed him off. I'm absolutely certain he hadn't thought of the second line and would have probably fainted if you said "yes" :lol:



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But that kid must have been so relieved when you brushed him off. I'm absolutely certain he hadn't thought of the second line and would have probably fainted if you said "yes" :lol:

I have actually seen it once when a rather hot college girl started responding positively to the lines... The guy just couldn't think of anything else to say. I started talking to her immediately afterwards about how stupid the lines were. I almost took her on a date. (I decided against it because it felt too much like she was looking for a no strings sex relationship)


Remember boys, it's better to have something substantial to talk about than it is to have a few corny pickup lines. (and you'll get better girls too)


Remember girls, guys don't need pickup lines or conversation... You can just walk up and ask if they have a girlfriend, then ask them on a date, and you'll rarely if ever have a refusal.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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You can just walk up and ask if they have a girlfriend, then ask them on a date, and you'll rarely if ever have a refusal.


I read a paper some years back by some psychology professor where he proposed a theory that there is a biological imperative making it very difficult for men to refuse a woman's advances but not the other way round. I have to say, I find it easy to believe it's true...



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Can't really say that applies to me though I've never really been in that position so I can't confirm. A date to me is kind of a big deal and not something I'm comfortable with going on if I don't even so much as know them. I've turned down much less important things simply because I haven't established a comfortable air about someone yet. I'm very defensive and conservative when it comes to who I give my trust to.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Everyone has different opinions and ways of going about things. That's why averages are so important. :3 No one is the same. I can say I agree to the theory though. X3 Ages ago, I was told that somebody liked me. I didn't like them back, but it was still exciting. It was stupid. XD When my boyfriend today confessed to me, I didn't even think about it. I just went; "Sure!" Guys though. I tried asking a guy out once, he just glared at me and walked away. :I

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Asking a girl on a date is like jumping out of a plane for me. Although I find it easier to have a non-date date, if that makes sense. Like just meeting up, but knowing there's some sort of 'click' between the two of us. Feels much more natural than purposefully arranging a romantic occasion.


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Asking a girl on a date is like jumping out of a plane for me.


Should be perfectly safe if you don't forget the parachute. :-)


Although I find it easier to have a non-date date, if that makes sense. Like just meeting up, but knowing there's some sort of 'click' between the two of us. Feels much more natural than purposefully arranging a romantic occasion.


I agree with you regarding the importance of the feeling of spontaneity. I always rejected the idea of arranged relationships.


However, I wonder if there is actually such thing as a non-date date? Isn't it like people simply hedging their bets emotionally, while still secretly or subconsciously exploring the possibilities, testing each other, just as if they admitted openly that they were on a date?


Then there is usually a point where both sides know that something has changed yet they continue to act as if it hasn't, until either the moment is lost or one of them makes their move... There is a song* that perfectly captures that whole courtship process for me, from the man's point of view - what goes through the man's mind. I cannot hope to ever describe it better than Hammill did:



At last I'd trade all the clever talk,

The joking, the smoking and the quips,

All the midnight conversations, all the friendship,

All the words and all the trips

For the warmth of your body,

The more vivid touch of your lips.

All bridges burning behind me,

All safety beyond reach,

The monkey feels his chains out blindly,

Only to find himself released.





*) - I know it maybe getting old that I'm bringing up songs seemingly for every occasion and I humbly apologise, but I just can't help it :roll:

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You can just walk up and ask if they have a girlfriend, then ask them on a date, and you'll rarely if ever have a refusal.


I read a paper some years back by some psychology professor where he proposed a theory that there is a biological imperative making it very difficult for men to refuse a woman's advances but not the other way round. I have to say, I find it easy to believe it's true...



That's going into the Natural Selection type of psychology. In which, men are most interested in being biologically successful i.e. spreading their seed, and women are more interested in nurturing.


Of course, that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. Not to mention recently monogamous relationships have become much more present than they once were. Society kind of defeats natural selection by allowing weak individuals to live on and reproduce. Of course the really dumb ones die out anyway, but...

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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Society kind of defeats natural selection by allowing weak individuals to live on and reproduce. Of course the really dumb ones die out anyway, but...


I think that people take natural selection too narrowly and that leads to false conclusions like the eugenics etc.


From that perspective we are wasting resources and reducing the quality of our genetic pool by allowing the weak and the feeble to live and procreate.


For myself, I decided long time ago that it is complete rubbish. By supporting our physically weak members we maximise the possibility that we capture all possible creativity and experience and maintain social cohesion. As the result, the groups that protect and nurture the weak have an evolutionary advantage over those that rely purely on physical strength, health and fitness.


For an example of a group consisting of and run mostly by dumb but healthy youth - we can just take a look at ISIS. No matter how much panic they induce at the moment, in the end they will be outfoxed by the old and wise and crushed.



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Fair nuff. Changing topic to..... *spins wheel*


...British Weather.


It sucks.


Anyone else want to spin the wheel?


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