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Do it. It sounds like an awesome idea. I want to do something awesome and romantic for this girl that I like for Valentines, any ideas? (ps, sorry for sort of disappearing for a while. phone got wet)

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So I resently founed a way to watch flash on my iPhone, the app Puffin is free and it is what I use, you start out with 14 days free and a code to give to some one else to let them know you spread the word about it, when someone uses the code they bolth get 4 more weeks free. If any one wants to give the app a try my code is keffdaccfpfna

non-euclidean fuck machine

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If there's one thing putting me off getting an iPhone, it's that it's an iPhone... Since pretty much everything nowadays that isn't an iPhone is better than an iPhone.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If there's one thing putting me off getting an iPhone, it's that it's an iPhone... Since pretty much everything nowadays that isn't an iPhone is better than an iPhone.

I finally got my fathers HD2. Spend 2 days slapping Android on it and I love it.


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Yup... I'm probly going to wait for Ubuntu phones to come out before I get a 'smart' phone though.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The Ubuntu phone looks pretty cool. I'll be waiting for that to come to market before upgrading to a different device, assuming the one I'm using needs an upgrade. It technically does since it's so out of date, but my needs and expectations for mobile devices haven't changed much since I got it, so it works fine for me still.

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Yeah, I just recently upgraded my semi-busted LG500G to an LG840G... From Blackberry knockoff to extreme low-end touchscreen running a Java OS... Meets my needs perfectly, no need for more than that. Still, I like the idea of reprogrammable devices, hence why I'm interested in the Ubuntu phones. (and most Android phones)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have a brick that texts.



It's been dropped innumerable times and has never broken. It serves me well.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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