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Alien: Isolation

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I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on what's shaping up to be not just the biggest survival-horror game of the year, but the best Alien game ever created.

In my opinion this is the Alien game we've all been waiting for. You play Amanda Ripley in search of her mother after the discovery of the Nostromo's black box. You are then brought to a seemingly abandoned space station were you have to use your wits to survive. This time, there is only ONE alien. One Xenemorph. And it is big.

Utilizing a fully unscripted AI, this alien thinks before acting. It hears a sound, it will investigate. It will toy with you. It will scare you. And, ultimately given the chance, it will kill you.


This is such a greatly welcome approach to the Alien video game franchise. This game has succeeded in recapturing the feel and look of 1979's Alien. Those who adore the original film are bound to be pleased with the newest chapter in the Alien mythos.


Ladies and gentlemen, when I get my hands on this game, I think I will have finally found the one game that will truly terrify me.


For those who wish to know more about the game you may visit this title's website here.

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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I am hyped as hell for it. Alien is one of my favourite movies of all time and this game seems to really pay homage to it. Gonna be one of my must-haves this year.


Speaking of Aliens: Colonial Marines, I am one of the 10% who actually enjoyed it. But I know this is going to be a very different experience and I welcome that.

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Colonial Marines was a good game for what it was worth. Do have a few qualms with it though. Hell, who doesn't?

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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I loved the customizable weapons... Something that isn't in enough games these days.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Pick and choose, change things at will... They just needed to add armor customization too... (plastic coated ceramic, immune to the acid)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Pre-ordered it yesterday. Going to do a twitch stream on day of release.

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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The game looks like it's gonna emphasis the survival in survival horror and it's playing towards to old movies ideas that weapons aren't going to save you so it looks like it's gonna be pretty fun. I like how they make it look like they want you to feel hunted. Hope they pull through on that because most games that try that fail to make me feel like something is really trying to kill me.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I am hyped as hell for it. Alien is one of my favourite movies of all time and this game seems to really pay homage to it. Gonna be one of my must-haves this year.


Speaking of Aliens: Colonial Marines, I am one of the 10% who actually enjoyed it. But I know this is going to be a very different experience and I welcome that.


I liked CM for what it was, but it felt too much like a Modern Warfare game than something from aliens. Add that to the bugs, poor multiplayer, and high price ($50!) and it just didn't seem as great as I first imagined.


The game looks like it's gonna emphasis the survival in survival horror and it's playing towards to old movies ideas that weapons aren't going to save you so it looks like it's gonna be pretty fun. I like how they make it look like they want you to feel hunted. Hope they pull through on that because most games that try that fail to make me feel like something is really trying to kill me.


Oh yes, I'm eager to play this game... If it wasn't for the fact that it's almost exclusively on PS4! :x That's $400 not including the cost of the game itself!



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Oh yes, I'm eager to play this game... If it wasn't for the fact that it's almost exclusively on PS4! :x That's $400 not including the cost of the game itself!



It's on all consoles and PC tho O_o

Retired Forum Moderator

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Seems like most people are getting in on consoles though.

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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Only because they were idiots that got a console instead of spending an extra $300 on their computers to make them decent gaming systems.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Since when did saving money for the exact same experience make people idiots? O_o


Anyways, not starting a stupid console vs pc war (seriously, those are dumb no matter what argument you make) I've been hearing a lot of people saying good things about it so I may check it out the next time I have money.

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Since when did saving money for the exact same experience make people idiots? O_o

Wait, so you seriously think paying $300 extra to make a gaming PC that has much lower priced games than consoles on average, ($5-$60 for the same games as consoles) is the same price as getting a $400-$600 console that has almost all games for $70-$90?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Depends on the person. If they don't focus their life around games, and just only play games that they see in commercials or advertisements (aka a lot of non gamers who still play from time to time) which hover around 20-60 anyways (I have yet to see a console game over 60 that isn't some special package and I was browsing the ps4 and xbone titles a couple weeks ago at a gamestop while passing time at the mall), then yes, a console is cheaper.


On top of that to build a decent gaming rig you need to have some technical knowledge on what's good and what isn't. This can be solved obviously with a bit of research, but both of these take time that I doubt these people either have or want to devote to especially if games are a simple pass time to them.


AND THEN, there's the case of my family, where I'm not the only game player in the house and if I get a game on the PC, then the other misses out because it's tied to my steam account. Not to mention I'm the only person in the house with a modernized computer so theirs can't run it even were they to pay the extra price. I would let them use my PC if it wasn't also my work computer therefore needing me to keep in check anything and everything that gets put on it. The work around? We have consoles that can easily move between rooms. If there's a game we both want to play, well hey, a console game works. We can both play it, and we payed the EXACT same price as the pc copy (I check these after each purchase. Kinda my thing).


Seriously not everyone in the world is a gamer and so it's good that consoles exist. Now lets drop this before this is no longer about Alien: Isolation and yet another pointless internet platforming war. If people really wanted to argue over the best/most efficient way to go about something, they could at least pick something more life important than what you choose to play your games on.


Seriously, enough of this. It's gonna derail more than it already is. Start a topic about it if it means that much. :P


That being said, both my brother and I really want to play this game and he plans on getting a PS4 soon anyways to play Destiny and I figured since a console version would be best for the situation, I'll be waiting to purchase it until then. It will be 10 dollars more but that's still cheaper than the alternative.

Retired Forum Moderator

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then the other misses out because it's tied to my steam account.

Steam allows family sharing now... They can access if the login to their account on your Steam install and play your games if you set it to share them.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well that is handy. We could do that but he isn't a gamer after all so he doesn't have a computer powerful enough for anything past 2010 games. I'm not even gonna try to convince him to get a gaming PC though. Not even the whole "Cheaper in the long run" argument would help.


Biggest problem with the sharing though, He wouldn't be able to play anything if I have a program running. That means basically most of the work day when I'm either playing a game with friends or building something in CryEngine.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Actually, if he had a computer capable of running it, and you had previously installed the game using your account, he could play it even if you were doing other things on your account on another computer.


Also, if it's the controls that are at issue, I know of no modern controller that doesn't work with a PC right out of the box.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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