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Bomb Runners

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Bomb Runners is a very simple game... very simple if you have good players.

You need atleast 2 players or more to actually play the game! Post a reply and you are already in it.



There are 64x64 blocks in which you can change your position to another block. Note that all players are on the same positions and even if you move yourself.

You say:

"Left" to go to the left block.

"Right" to go to the right block.

"Up" to go to the up block.


"Down" to go to the down block.

Say "Done!" when you come to the yellow block.



BUT! You can reply once and after someone replys after you then you can reply again! But don't be too fast cause then you can get 2 of the people saying "Right" and then you go to the deadline. What happens is BOOM! That is a reason why you need good players. Then you restart all over again except if you got to a checkpoint. Note that you can only go to the next level after you are done with the current.



LEVEL 1 - "To The Right!"




LEVEL 2 - "Woah Blocky!"






Becareful dudes! Don't get yourselfs to be a dead man.

Oh and the game does not start yet. You have to say "I'm in!" example: "I'm in! Right!"

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