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Half Life 2 Episode 3 (Discussion)

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So yes, discuss about the next installment of the Half Life series. So what would be some good topic ideas?


- What you would like it to be, or think it will about or like.

- It's new engine.

- Will you be buying it at a store or via STEAM?

- What are mostly looking forward to about the next installment.

- Anything else about it you would like to discuss.


Here are some images apparently for HL2EP3






Just some news about it.


UPDATE August 7, 2009: Valve co-founder Gabe Newell and other Valve writers have been researching sign language, for use in Half-Life 2: Episode 3, through a deaf people focus group. He explains how sign language might be implemented into the game and story. To quote: “The idea is that Alyx, before she met Gordon Freeman, had a crush on someone who was hearing impaired, so she taught Dog how to sign so she could practice. Something happened, maybe, the person is off fighting the Combine someplace else, but that’s why she and Dog would start signing with each other when they wanted to communicate without making noise, or communicate without other people knowing … That’s the idea of bringing signing into the game. It gave us the excuse to build the technology for signing.”


After Gabe was asked if we’ll hear any further details (or video) about Episode 3 by the end of 2009, he continued talking without giving an answer:

“Just so you know, the thing to me, that feels right, is the rhythm that Robin and his team are operating with. It’s like watching the reaction of that community, watching their ability to respond, looking at the quality of the work they’re getting with the length of those development cycles. They’re having a great time. And I think it shows on the other side, right? I mean, they were just giggling so hard when they were changing the buttons in the movies to say “leak video.” Do you remember the big screen with all the buttons? And they were like we have to put “leaks video” into that thing before we release it. They were just like cackling away. What should have been like, pretty demoralizing and stressful was for them, “Oh, this is no big deal.” So, yeah, people get the idea.”


News articles and websites about it:





Anything you find interesting let me know and I will add to OP.

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As everyone else i am very excited for this, mostly because EP2 had SUCH AN cliffhanger ending. Is there any information on the engine? Will they create a completely new engine just for EP3 or will they again use a slightly modified source engine?


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As everyone else i am very excited for this, mostly because EP2 had SUCH AN cliffhanger ending. Is there any information on the engine? Will they create a completely new engine just for EP3 or will they again use a slightly modified source engine?


Pretty much all the information we know about Episode 3 is in n30's post (a few pieces of concept art etc). Valve have kept very silent about it. We can only wait and see what happens.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Basically I've speculated a few things about episode 3:


1. The collision of the Portal and HL universes (The Borealis, discovered portal tech, etc...)

2. Confrontation of G-Man

3. More information into the vortessence and the vortigaunts.

4. Gordon shoots lots of combines


As far as a new engine, I think they already have one out that they're using for portal 2. If you look in some of the gameplay videos you can see the build number for a new source engine, so they will definitely be updating it after portal 2 release.

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With the amount of time they've been developing, I'd say it's probably Half Life 3, the length and span of Half Life 2.

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With the amount of time they've been developing, I'd say it's probably Half Life 3, the length and span of Half Life 2.

This thread is about Half life 2: Episode 3. Not Half life 3.


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Maybe they wanted to release portal 2 first but it took longer than they thought... just an idea

Everything valve makes takes longer then they think. It's called valve time


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Maybe they wanted to release portal 2 first but it took longer than they thought... just an idea

Everything valve makes takes longer then they think. It's called valve time


Indeed it is.

I think Half-Life Episode 3 will be awesome.


Anyway, do you think the game will have a lot of twists getting to the Borealis and a short time on it, or that you get to the Borealis quickly and you spend most of the game on it?

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Maybe they wanted to release portal 2 first but it took longer than they thought... just an idea

Everything valve makes takes longer then they think. It's called valve time


Indeed it is.

I think Half-Life Episode 3 will be awesome.


Anyway, do you think the game will have a lot of twists getting to the Borealis and a short time on it, or that you get to the Borealis quickly and you spend most of the game on it?

I think there will be lots of twists getting there. The borealis doesn't seem like a place you could spend most of the game on. Then again we also could get to the borealis quickly and get some crazy teleportation action on there.


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New engine, OR fucking good story


More about G-MAN


In end, Freeman dies, that's what im thinking of how half-life will end...


You getting a Portal gun...

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New engine, OR fucking good story


More about G-MAN


In end, Freeman dies, that's what im thinking of how half-life will end...


You getting a Portal gun...

Half life wont end at EP3. Half life 2 will end at EP3. And GMAN has been in the games since the first Half life game, so i doubt he will die in EP3(if at all).


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What has been said in interviews is that the storyline of Half-Life, HL2, and the episodes, will end in Episode 3. But the Half-Life series it self won't end there. But what does this mean really, I have no idea.
It is planned as the last episode in the story arc, although not necessarily the end of the Half-Life franchise.

But this quote is from Wikipedia, and the source is now dead, so I can't find the original.

Well i am guessing it(half life 3) will be like Half life to Half life 2, you will still be in the same universe, you will still play Freeman but you won't be seeing alyx, kleiner or any of them anymore.


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What has been said in interviews is that the storyline of Half-Life, HL2, and the episodes, will end in Episode 3. But the Half-Life series it self won't end there. But what does this mean really, I have no idea.
It is planned as the last episode in the story arc, although not necessarily the end of the Half-Life franchise.

But this quote is from Wikipedia, and the source is now dead, so I can't find the original.

Well i am guessing it(half life 3) will be like Half life to Half life 2, you will still be in the same universe, you will still play Freeman but you won't be seeing alyx, kleiner or any of them anymore.


I disagree, it will be the end of the combine on earth but then it'll be moving on to maybe the combine at large or something. and with what the G-Man said about Alyx(plucking her even though others said a waste of time) you can bet that unless she dies it is almost 100% that her and Gordan with be travelling together.

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I disagree, it will be the end of the combine on earth but then it'll be moving on to maybe the combine at large or something. and with what the G-Man said about Alyx(plucking her even though others said a waste of time) you can bet that unless she dies it is almost 100% that her and Gordan with be travelling together.

Sounds like a recipe for a multiplayer coop campaign...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I disagree, it will be the end of the combine on earth but then it'll be moving on to maybe the combine at large or something. and with what the G-Man said about Alyx(plucking her even though others said a waste of time) you can bet that unless she dies it is almost 100% that her and Gordan with be travelling together.

Yeah your probably right.


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I disagree, it will be the end of the combine on earth but then it'll be moving on to maybe the combine at large or something. and with what the G-Man said about Alyx(plucking her even though others said a waste of time) you can bet that unless she dies it is almost 100% that her and Gordan with be travelling together.

Sounds like a recipe for a multiplayer coop campaign...

Guess it beats the idea of alyx babysitiing you almost the whole game

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