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Anti-hype attempt

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Haha. I want to see the new CP as much as anyone, and Machinima is definitely fucking up by taking so long... but you guys are some drama queens! : P

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Hmm... I can't decide if I should re-watch Freeman's Mind or rant on a forum about how long it's taking for the Tunnel to go up...


I think I'll rant.




I MEAN, BEAT GoW ON INSANITY. Because that's manly. Yeah.

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I'd sooner give them the benefit of the doubt. They wouldn't just not post a video that will bring them a lot of hits, right? There's probably some kind of technical difficulty or something.

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OMFG Machimina stop catering to 12 yr old, stop uploading COD videos and upload REAL Machiminas damn.

I try to be moderate but enough is enough, I'm starting to actually get pissed the hell off!

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one week has passed and the tunnel isn't here and 300 videos of COD are uploaded!


Note: we have been waiting for 2 years the tunnel to be released and COD videos are made by fucking 12 years old retarded children.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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This is blasphemy!

This is madness!

Machinima staff:



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one week has passed and the tunnel isn't here and 300 videos of COD are uploaded!


Note: we have been waiting for 2 years the tunnel to be released and COD videos are made by fucking 12 years old retarded children.




YOU FUCKINF CUNT!!! you took my comment from youtube haha!! my name on youtube is nico8393 lol!!

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one week has passed and the tunnel isn't here and 300 videos of COD are uploaded!


Note: we have been waiting for 2 years the tunnel to be released and COD videos are made by fucking 12 years old retarded children.




YOU FUCKINF CUNT!!! you took my comment from youtube haha!! my name on youtube is nico8393 lol!!



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one week has passed and the tunnel isn't here and 300 videos of COD are uploaded!


Note: we have been waiting for 2 years the tunnel to be released and COD videos are made by fucking 12 years old retarded children.




YOU FUCKINF CUNT!!! you took my comment from youtube haha!! my name on youtube is nico8393 lol!!



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Day 9... or something, I don't even know anymore.


Supplies are running dangerously low. Must survive only on old FM and CP episodes. Site keeps crashing at random intervals, posts vanish and are never heard of again. No news from Machinima.com.


I fear the worst...


Are we in a horror story?

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Everyone please remain calm. Otherwise more desperate measures will have to be employed (the gas is non-toxic though I assure you).


It's been over a week, so I'd hazard a guess we could expect to see the video up any time now.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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If the counter passes 10 days without ANY news from Machinima (even bad news, aslong as it's news), a lot of people are going to "mysteriously" disappear, and I suspect that a great number (10^(2*ln(e))% of them, in fact) will just "happen" to be machinima employees. In "unrelated" news, I hope Cthulu doesn't mind it if we sacrifice slackers and/or douchebags to him...

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It's been over a week, so I'd hazard a guess we could expect to see the video up any time now.


Never underestimate the power of stupid things in large numbers.

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Day 10... maybe.


Found an old copy of the trailer for "The Tunnel". Audio was all messed up, but was enough to keep me going. Site still crashing randomly, there's hardly anyone around to talk to anymore.


I'll try to stay awake and signal any releases by Machinima.com.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Ross Scott: It's over, Machinima. I have the high ground.


Machinima: You underestimate my power!


Ross Scott: Don't try it.


Machinima follows, and Ross Scott cuts his supposed savior off at the knees, then cuts off his left arm in the blink of an eye. Machinima tumbles down the embankment and rolls to a stop near the edge of the lava.


Machinima struggles to pull himself up the embankment with his mechanical hand. His thin leather glove has been burned off. He keeps sliding down in the black sand.


Ross Scott: (continuing) . . . You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would, destroy Fox News, not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Net, not leave it in Darkness.


Ross Scott picks up Machinima's 'terms of use', shredding it in his hands and begins to walk away. He stops and looks back.


Machinima: I hate you!


Ross Scott: You were my brother, Machinima. I loved you.


Machinima's clothing blows into the lava river and ignites. Suddenly Machinima bursts into flames and starts SCREAMING.


Ross Scott: (continuing) ...'Til you fucked me in the ass...

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That comment made my day


Although, I imagine Machinima more like the Emperor and Ross as Luke - "The Tunnel... will die. As will your fans love for you Ross, when it isn't released. Good, I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your keyboard. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!"


and then of course Lando and the Millennium Falcon (i.e the fans) blow up Machinima HQ.

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has anyone tried calling machinima? i was able to find their contact info even though they don't publish it (thanks Google). i was wondering if anyone else had tried to contact them and stumbled across the same contact info i did. i've tried everything but calling; they aren't responding to emails, facebook messages, or youtube messages.



1149 North Gower Street

Los Angeles, CA 90038

United States


Founded in 2000





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If the counter passes 10 days without ANY news from Machinima (even bad news, aslong as it's news), a lot of people are going to "mysteriously" disappear, and I suspect that a great number (10^(2*ln(e))% of them, in fact) will just "happen" to be machinima employees. In "unrelated" news, I hope Cthulu doesn't mind it if we sacrifice slackers and/or douchebags to him...

That's just over 1 percent?

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