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Anti-hype attempt

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This is an announcement that "The Tunnel" has been uploaded to Machinima.com. As usual, I never know when exactly the videos will post on Youtube. My guess is it will be sometime this week. When the video does post, I'll have lots to say about it, but in the meantime I wanted to hopefully adjust people's expectations to reality.




I am quite pleased with how the episode came out and am very happy it's finally done. Since this episode has been mentioned for years now, I think it's inevitable some people will expect this to be the best video ever created. While I do have future ideas that I think will astound people and will be worth it no matter how long they take, this is just an above-average episode that took a long time for many different reasons. I'll go into more detail after the video's released. I think if you just expect a normal Civil Protection episode, you wouldn't be disappointed; but if you see this as the best work I can possibly do, then you might. I generally hate hype and like to let whatever I make stand for itself, but this one dragged on so long hype for it has been kind of inevitable.




As for the episode itself, the total length will be about 26 minutes and it will be split up on Youtube as 2 parts. An unsplit version will be released on the website afterwards, but it may be delayed more than usual since I may be traveling when the episode goes up.




In other news I unfortunately didn't get to finishing the other Freeman's Mind episode, but I will as soon as I move (and keep making more).

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Woohoo! Finally, lol. I can't believe I lived the day to see this be finished and posted to Machinima. Let's just hope they post in on Youtube as soon as possible. I'm going to like it no matter what, I mean my expectations are high but who really cares, I still know it's gonna be an awesome movie/episode/thing/whatever/etc. HURRY MACHINIMA, at least 2 days from now, or hopefully tomorrow, they'll post it.


(oh, and first commenter ftw!)

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Yay! The Tunnel is finally here! But I must point out that I never expected it to be 26 minutes! Anyway, I guess it's time for us to get out our pitchforks and torches and riot over at machinima headquarters. Ill meet you guys there, also bring food, cause were gonna be there for a while!

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So beautiful...




And now, you could get the Accursed Donation System up, is there any time left before your trip?... *sobs* I mean, a little extra money while moving couldn't hurt, right?




So beautiful...


Yay! The Tunnel is finally here! But I must point out that I never expected it to be 26 minutes! Anyway, I guess it's time for us to get out our pitchforks and torches and riot over at machinima headquarters. Ill meet you guys there, also bring food, cause were gonna be there for a while!

I'm getting my crowbar. See if you can bring ambassador pineapple. Meet you there.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Just wondering why it takes so long for the downloadable copy to show up ?.


Couldn't you encode and upload the downloadable copy when you upload the youtube copy to machinma ?.


Pretty much just trying to say I hate youtube and it's quality sometimes.

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I'm much more hyped now D:

But its OK, because theres really no way I won't like it It's like Freeman's Mind, I like even the weaker episodes (and there have been some), because of the quality of the series before it.

But if it is really above the average, then that means it's gonna rock, because the average is awesome D:


DaftMink, maybe they have some kind of contract with Machinima, so it has to be on Machinima first than anywhere else. I've seen it work like that in many other websites.

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Just wondering why it takes so long for the downloadable copy to show up ?.


Couldn't you encode and upload the downloadable copy when you upload the youtube copy to machinma ?.


Pretty much just trying to say I hate youtube and it's quality sometimes.


Youtube views => advertising money form Machinima.com => Money for Ross


You don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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Good news, 26 minutes of CP goodness will make for a great weekend.


I fear the download size a little bit though.

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Yay! The Tunnel is finally here! But I must point out that I never expected it to be 26 minutes! Anyway, I guess it's time for us to get out our pitchforks and torches and riot over at machinima headquarters. Ill meet you guys there, also bring food, cause were gonna be there for a while!


That sounds fun. I have a few spare cats we could catapult at their headquarters.

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Good news, 26 minutes of CP goodness will make for a great weekend.


I fear the download size a little bit though.


While the episode downloads, I'll make a couple of pizzas, buy a six-pack, setup my desk for it and a game to play while it completes the download.


OMG i can't wait...

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Hell yeah, that's the spirit. Don't know if I'll have pizzas but I will surely have some snacks and a cold soda drink.

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I'm hyped to see whether Dave gets crackers or not. Definitely setting some time away to watch this.

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Woohoo! At last!



Well, I can’t really think of anything interesting to say, other than that I’m looking forward to seeing it and am happy for you that you’ve finally finished it. How does it feel, Ross?


(Also, didn't Ross say commenting would redirect to the forums? I just posted a comment and it's definitely not showing up here. Maybe that'll happen later?)

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