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Freeman's criminal record

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In Freeman's Mind, Freeman is implied to be a criminal on varying accounts. What kind of record would the police have of him?

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I forgot which episode it is but he talks on how he doesn't make a good patsy and in it he mentions a petty theft charge and a public intoxication charge as well.

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Freeman mentions being acquitted for petty theft. Him mentioning that and only that in the same breath as "never fired a gun, not a part of any extremist organizations" implies that the petty theft acquittal was the worst thing on his record. But that just means he hasn't been caught. He's admitted to stealing from the company in his internal monologue.

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"So, yeah, I'm killing people now! But that was not murder. It was totally self-defense. Just because I had a submachine gun doesn't change anything. It just lets me defend more efficiently. I haven't murdered anyone... Well, not today anyway."

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Did he ever mention getting charged for sexual harassment?

I'm thinking back to when he declared women as being "too damn jumpy" with tazers, and/or possibly pepper spray?

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He gave himself plans to be a strangler in that one episode. The fact that he's a doctor lends into the nickname the fuzz gives him.

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I wouldn't consider his future plans on being a pornstar strangler much of a criminal record...

My previous post is kind of moot as well, since he's not in jail, so the obviously implied murders aren't on record. Off the record he's apparently done some pretty crazy shit for a physicist.

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