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YouTube forces people to use Google+

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google puts up false top comments to hide the genral google+ hate









If you haven't noticed yet, you may notice soon that new system of commenting won't let you actually to place a comment unless you have a google+ account or make one quickly.


Myself, I've been harrased by google a few times and manipulated to have a googl+ account made while putting up a comment.


Now I cannot comment since I've already disconnected my YouTube from google+ once and I was manipulate once more today. And so I disconnected again.


No more comment for me. What's next?


I find it extremely outrageous and rude towards YouTube users and generally, towards any google users.

Back in the day I thought YouTube is great and I was using google and gmail with no mixed feelings.


On the contrary, I joined Facebook because I wanted to and google is just like "fuck you, you joins us or you get cut out". Now they behave like huge assholes and piss off people, and it will slowly destroy many communities. It qualifies under a huge -ass court case but no one will do that since google is a huuuge company. And treats their customers like the worst idiots :(


It's like internet's 1984 year. I'm pissed off and I'm moving to alternative email and entertainment providers, eventually even with my public -working YouTube channel that I cannot just disconnet right now :/


For me, the time of switching away from google has already started, even if they switch anything back,(doubtfully). Now I'm just a passive reciever. I do not firgive such scums :P

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I feel your anger.Google is butthurt because google+ sucks and nobody is using it,so they're forcing it on everyone.


Kinda on-topic;i found this being posted in comments.


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I feel your anger.Google is butthurt because google+ sucks and nobody is using it,so they're forcing it on everyone.


Kinda on-topic;i found this being posted in comments.


Thanks for the reply! This petition looks interesting but why should I ask a total asshole to stop being an asshole? I do not forget such shitty lack of respect. ;) Hehe but I may consider it anyways... what the helll...


I don't think it'll pass and then Google will occure even bigger asshole. Like, Mark Zuckerberk is just a minor asshole comparing to Google's PR policy.


This whole petition to bring YopuTube comments back reminds me of XBOX One situation when every Xbox fan got relieved after they chenged their plans about accesibility and games selling to slightly better and everyone were happy! But the truth is Xbox people needed a HUGE negative feedback from the internet to take their heads out of their asses so why should anyone buy their product now?


You have to beg them to be a normal, friendly company? To hell with such corporation! :twisted:


Oh man, Google is censoring comments and suspendig accounts of people sharing this petition! Thay're totally powertrippin now!


I don't know when it's gonna end but it's not gonna end good...

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I love how smooth they're doing this.They pretend like these changes are good and they never listen to the complaints they constantly get.They're slowly turning YouTube into Google+,i think the reason why is because Google+ sucks and they need a way to make it decent,so Google bought the biggest video sharing site and now they're gonna strip of what it used to be and give a nice good buttfucking.

There's no point in using google+.Twitter and Facebook already do it 10 times better,google+ is just uncoordinated and ugly.


We can't do shit,they set their goal and now it's only a matter of time.Until someone starts killing Google employees.Well...


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.They're slowly turning YouTube into Google+,i think the reason why is because Google+ sucks and they need a way to make it decent,so Google bought the biggest video sharing site and now they're gonna strip of what it used to be and give a nice good buttfucking.

There's no point in using google+.Twitter and Facebook already do it 10 times better,google+ is just uncoordinated and ugly.



:( I already miss old YouTube. Gonna have to get used to this new shit (no adding google+ to my private profile anyways.)


Well, people just don't sit and wait for the YouTube/google apocalypse, Here's a website that offers alternatives: http://google-sucks.org/about/


google+ is a clusterfuck of confusicng options and settings designed for obssesive-comulsive maniacs!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Here's some good videos about google-












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I'm not entirely sure what google's trying to accomplish. Seriously, I understand wanting more people to use google+, but we're talking about forcing every single youtube commentor in the world to use it. Do you really want a site populated with angry youtube commentors. No offense.

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google+, xbox one of social media... except it turns all your games into demos :(

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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For all the years i've used YouTube there are a lot of bugs.Why are they not fixing them?If you're going to make changes at least make them work right.

Is anyone noticing that people are posting rape,pedophilia,zoophilia and other perverted stories on YouTube via comments?That and now spam bots now can directly link websites,not that it matters,since you'll be scared away because all the Jeff the Killer flash images being spammed everywhere.Boy,this update just keeps getting better and better.


Off-topic:CuteFuzzyweasel subscribed to Ross.


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For all the years i've used YouTube there are a lot of bugs.Why are they not fixing them?If you're going to make changes at least make them work right.

Is anyone noticing that people are posting rape,pedophilia,zoophilia and other perverted stories on YouTube via comments?That and now spam bots now can directly link websites,not that it matters,since you'll be scared away because all the Jeff the Killer flash images being spammed everywhere.Boy,this update just keeps getting better and better.


Off-topic:CuteFuzzyweasel subscribed to Ross.



It has been a hostile take over, not an integration! :/ I'm afraid YouTube's gonna slowly crack and break down from the inside. ;( It'll take months or years but I can see it coming, if nothing happens...


Alright, I had enough moaning...


Meanwhile, there is GorillaGong and it's free of this hidieous google+ creature!

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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it comes from one of the bigger YouTubers out there.... :D

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I honestly don't give a shit... Sorry.



Exile him!


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I honestly don't give a shit... Sorry.

So why bother to even comment?

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I'm interested in finding out how people that feel extremely offended by the change react to those that couldn't care less about it.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I am the Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

That happens when you're powertrippin' :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I mostly find this annoying, but I agree in that some of what Google is doing doesn't make a lot of sense. Like I get why they're doing this, they want to compete with facebook, a lot of people already use gmail and youtube, so by trying to force everyone to use Google+, they see themselves as getting more marketshare and competing with them in the long term. But if they're serious about that, why not improve the experience? Instead it feels like the opposite direction. What I hate is all the Youtube UI changes that makes it a bigger pain to navigate. Some of the ones I've noticed:


Check new messages:

Old method: 1 click, one page load

New method 3 clicks, three page loads


Turn annotations off:

Old method: 1 click

New Method 2 clicks


Change video to HD:

Old method: 2 clicks

New Method: 3 clicks


Watch old videos on a channel with hundreds of videos:

Old method: select page number back in time you want to go

New method: click and load PAGE by PAGE until you want to get to where you want to be, no shortcuts.


These are all objectively worse changes, it takes more time to get to where you want to go, but with the benefit of... nothing? A few extra clicks doesn't sound like much, but when you factor in it affects every video watched across millions of people, this creates an incredible amount of wasted time. Also that last change especially makes the process take exponentially longer. I'm really wishing there was an alternate interface I could install for this crap.


I'm interested in finding out how people that feel extremely offended by the change react to those that couldn't care less about it.
I think it's more the concept that a company is willing to make changes that negatively affect users without batting an eye. So the more this happens, the more it establishes a precedent that this sort of thing is okay and will have no repercussions for them. So you and I don't really care about Google+, but what if the next phase was having an unskippable adblock-proof video ad before you could enter Youtube? Abuses of power is always a danger whenever you have a company in a monopoly position. Google currently has a de facto monopoly on video streaming. Sure there are alternatives, but nothing even close in terms of numbers. The idea is that the more people accept negative changes, by the time they change something you actually do care about, the precedent is so well established there's no real alternative.

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One of my favorite quotes in Final Fantasy 10 is "Those with power use that power. Maesters have power." Said by Auron. Basically there are those that have hold of power will (ab)use said power to do whatever they want and get away with it. True in FF10, true here.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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