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Game Dungeon Wish List

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I recently uploaded a copy of Virtual Corporation to the Internet Archive for preservation (available here), and some friends thought it'd be fitting for Game Dungeon. It seems pretty hard to find these days, I think I bought it in the early 2000s from a British budget bookstore called The Works, from a bargain bin of shareware along with a disc full of MOD files. A couple of people on YouTube have played it, but it's a lesser-known game with some... tricky elements. It's full of dodgy 90s graphics and MIDI music, and has an optional voice command system so you can have actual conversations with the characters. It's old, it's quirky, and basically I just wanted to preserve it, but it'd be nice to get the Ross Scott angle on it.


In case it's of any use, I've tested a bit of the game in VMware (having not used it on a real PC since Windows 98), and it seems to work fine on Windows ME (and I know it worked on native Windows 98SE because that's how I played it when I bought it). Doesn't seem to behave well under Windows XP, but that might be a virtual machine thing.


Anyway, just thought I'd drop it in as a suggestion, keep up the cool stuff :​)

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While I don't think this game is likely to appear on Game Dungeon or be considered for it


It's a Myst-like adventure puzzle game, where you play as a mentor's student who is tasked with assembling the artifact, whose parts are scattered thorought the world you live in. The world has elements of both magic and steampunk, and while the story and the animations are average, the music is fairly good, and the visuals are awesome

It was supposed to be a trilogy, but only the sequel came out, and the third game was cancelled

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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Th 7th Guest

Alien Shooter


Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura

Arx Fatalis

The Avernum Series (not the newest version of the series)

Bard's Tale (PS2/Xbox-era)

Chronicles of Spellborn (I'm being facetious, this would fit more on Dead Game News)


Demon Stone


Divine Divinity

Doctor Brain: IQ Adventure

DROD (I can actually totally see Ross reviewing this, quirky lesser known game)

Dungeon Keeper


Etrom: The Astral Essence





Heretic Kingdoms


Jade Empire


Legacy of Kain

Longest Journey

Megaman Legends

Neverwinter Nights

Planet Alcatraz

Planet Blupi

Rage of Mages





Silent Storm

Space Station Silicon Valley



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

System Shock



Vampire: the Masquerade


Zombie Shooter


I have full faith that he will cover every game (and game series) on this list and that I'm not being ridiculously optimistic.

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Grandpa and the quest for the holy vest.

Point and click mildly smutty game. Early 90s.



Fps rts on the moon. Late 90s.



3rd person jetpack space shooter. Late 90s.


Myth 2 the fallen lords.

Great Rts with funny characters and bloody violence, i love this game. Early 00s?.


Dark colony.

Hard as nails rts on mars with alien greys and bloody violence.


Viz the game.

A series of ridiculous mini games such as making pancakes with a massive pair of testicles.



RTS with tetris puzzle elements from the late 90s, the online community was still working a few years ago.


The muncher.

An obscure c64 game not unlike rampage, where you are a godzilla style lizard monster called the muncher who was the mascot for an english candy company called chewits, you'd side scroll through cities wrecking everything and eating people before fighting godzilla monster rip offs.

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Oh and as added stuff to the muncher, it was an advert for candy (i'm using the word candy because in the us you call it that, in the uk we call it sweets) but the game is really really well made for an advert and then in 1992 they gave the game away for free in c64 magazine on the free game tape. So you have a well made game given away for free by a company...i think it was gremlin graphics when has this ever happened?

Also mr scott if you read this and get a taste for my brain knowledge i have many obscure c64 games in my brain, but fuck the back and forth i'm drunk again.

Deflektor was also a puzzle game given away on the same cassette as the muncher and it was awesome with cool music.

And cuz i can't stop other c64 games that ruled were.


Lords of chaos. (Which a christian friends mother confiscated)

Hostages. Which had a sneak section a sniper section and a fps section and was pretty easy to complete but was based on the embassy terrorist attack in the uk.

Oh and ummm.

never mind im drunk and had a shit week thanks for gettin me through mr. Scott keep kicking ass.

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Oh shit i forgot about the weirdest cheat ever...creatures 2 by the apex twins (who made mayhem in monsterland which was a sonic rip off that got 1000% reviews) anyway the cheat involvled licking your finger and rubbing your finger over controller port 2 which would do something fucky to the c64 and give you extra lives.

I have no idea if any game cheat code has come close.

A rat picture would appear and you'd be invincible.


Ok im really drunk.

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The built-in cheat in Creatures II is unorthodox. To gain infinite lives, the player must wait for the credits screen to appear, then wet his finger and quickly rub it across Joystick Port One. A big picture of Maximus Mouse (from the games Summer Camp and Winter Camp by Thalamus) will appear, waving his arms every time the player rubs his finger across the port. The player must repeatedly rub the port until Maximus Mouse turns grey, at which point the Fuzzy fountain will also flash to confirm that the cheat is now active.[2]

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Commander Blood seems to fit perfectly in the Game Dungeon wheelhouse. Weird gameplay, adventure game logic jumps... Ross may get a kick out of it.

Don't forget its predecessor Captain Blood, either ;) Cool open-ended procedurally generated universe and a unique communication system, tho unfortunately it's needlessly tricky to figure out.

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Does anyone remember or want to see The Neverhood and the spiritual successor Armikrog?




Brief on the games: Point and click adventure game made entirely in full motion capture claymation.


I remember playing it as a kid/teen and being really wrapped up in the story and music. I even extracted the music files and converted to mp3 back in the day so I could listen to it even when I wasn't playing. But I also could have had terrible kid music affinity...


I would also recommend Magic Carpet (Plus version, Hidden Worlds, and 2). Especially as an early iteration of Peter Molyneux hubris. Most evident in Magic Carpet 2.



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Mushroom Age was rather bizarre from what I remember, nothing too intense, but had nice music too. Hidden object game with puzzles.




D.R.O.D. (Deadly Rooms of Death) is a simple and fun but tricky game where every step you make, the enemies make one too. It's free and you can make your own levels.




Pocket Tanks. Like Worms, except only two players, you can't move. Also like Worms the slew of weapons can be quite interesting.



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D.R.O.D. (Deadly Rooms of Death) is a simple and fun but tricky game where every step you make, the enemies make one too. It's free and you can make your own levels.




HOLY SHIT! I had this game stuck in my head since childhood but I couldn't remember the name. Thanks, now I will hunt it down to play again.

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Well, here's a very good game nobody's mentioned yet: Serious sam

I would LOVE to see a game dungeon (or 2) on those games, really they are something else. I've seen Ross talk about Serious Sam before (in arcade america when mentioning the game's difficulty settings) and in his latest videochat (August 2017) he wore a serious sam T-shirt. If Ross were to do a review off it, my life would be complete!

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Here's one that might tickle Ross's fancy... Darkwood.




Darkwood is a game about survival, exploration and fear, set in mysterious woods somewhere in the territory of the Soviet Bloc. It is a top-down, free-roam, surreal horror experience with a randomized world, taking cues from classic games, where oftentimes you had to figure things out for yourself. By blending RPG, roguelike and adventure elements together with a challenging difficulty, Darkwood aims to please players craving for a deep and rewarding experience.


This game isn't very polished, but is still quite fun. The developers even put up a torrent for the latest version of the game on TPB, just so people who can't afford to pay the $15 purchase price can give the game a go for free.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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When thinking about suggestions, there were some weird games that got images stuck in my head since childhood, but I don't know their names (and also I only played them through Demo Disks) so I will give vague descriptions to see if anybody here can help me:


* One is a side-scroller for DOS, and features a duck in a superhero costume that looks like a buffed (or at least I think it is) version of Daffy Duck. And the plot is that he's a prince from a planet, and he was supposed to guard a royal gem when their parents were away, but he was distracted playing videogames and the gem got stolen, and then he dresses as a superhero to get it back. Yes, I can remember THOSE details and yet I can't remember the name of the game, marvelous...


* A FPS, but this one I think is for windows, and it tries to be non-violent like Chex Quest. You shoot pies on clowns. (that's it)


* Another FPS for windows, but this one is a bit more weird. The only things I remember about this one is that you shoot undead and chinese necromancers. (or at least I think they look chinese)


* A platformer, but you can't jump and you only go up and down using moving platforms. It's 2D but sprites are 3D Donkey-Kong style, and the heroes look like american hero stereotypes. Also, I remeber a cartoony purple alien stuck in a roast machine. (yeah...)


* A game that's more close to Dig Dug, but you are a prisioner and you are trying to avoid guards. You can also dig to rocks to let them fall and kill them.


* The weirdest one in my opinion. It's a game that's some kind of olympics and it's divided in mini-games, but the sprites are digitized actors (like Mortal Kombat), and the characters you can choose are a fat guy, a amazon chick, a buff dude, and a ALIEN. And the competitions from the demo where climbing a tall building and avoiding falling objects, and a arena brawl. Oh, and each character had their own projectiles, and the fat guy shoot pizza slices.

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* The weirdest one in my opinion. It's a game that's some kind of olympics and it's divided in mini-games, but the sprites are digitized actors (like Mortal Kombat), and the characters you can choose are a fat guy, a amazon chick, a buff dude, and a ALIEN. And the competitions from the demo where climbing a tall building and avoiding falling objects, and a arena brawl. Oh, and each character had their own projectiles, and the fat guy shoot pizza slices.


Sorry for the double post, but I found the name of this one already, it's called Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon. (and I didn't remembered there was a monkey too)






* One is a side-scroller for DOS, and features a duck in a superhero costume that looks like a buffed (or at least I think it is) version of Daffy Duck. And the plot is that he's a prince from a planet, and he was supposed to guard a royal gem when their parents were away, but he was distracted playing videogames and the gem got stolen, and then he dresses as a superhero to get it back. Yes, I can remember THOSE details and yet I can't remember the name of the game, marvelous...


Found this one too, it's a platformer called Crazy Drake. And the macguffin is not a gem apperently, it's a golden egg. (but I got very close :D )



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Seconding the recommendation of 'Shogo' as a game worth playing, though its anime styling and opening music mean I have doubts whether Ross will review it. The rest of the game's music is pretty good, though there aren't a lot of tracks. The sound effects are generally really satisfying. Very few assault rifles, for example, have the same meaty, aggressive bark as this game's rifle. The grenades are cumbersome to use, since ideas like secondary fire modes and grenade buttons were still mostly in the future when Shogo released in 1998.


That said, Shogo did something I haven't seen before or since: critical hits. At least, I haven't seen them done the way Shogo did them. When you score a critical hit, your target loses a ton of health, and you regain a fair chunk. Each bullet could score crits, though they were kind of random, since they didn't trigger every time on headshots or hits to something obviously vital. Oh, and the enemy could score crits on you as well. I never bothered to find out whether these healed the enemy, because it didn't really matter: the gunfights in this game are vicious like few other FPS games', and don't really last long.


I have fond memories of that game, even the brutal on-foot segments where everything can go to hell in a heartbeat. Huh - it's almost like body armor doesn't make you an unstoppable juggernaut or something! Go figure...




A game I think Ross would have fewer reservations about is much newer: Brigador.


It's a top-down, isometric vehicular shoot-em-up that just reeks of awesome 80's sci-fi action movie ultraviolence. You get to customize your choice of pilots, vehicles, main weapons, secondary weapons, and support systems, and get rewarded for blowing tons of stuff up. It's not a terribly complex game, but setting up ambushes by plowing through buildings like a heavily-armored Kool-Aid Man is a lot of fun. It's on Steam and not terribly expensive.

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I made a list of games that I want to see on Game Dungeon, but then I realised that the list got so BIG that I will not post everything now (also, some games I will give a second look to see if they are a good idea or not). I will post others later, but for now...


Ace Ventura




Also know as "Ace Ventura: The CD-ROM Game" (quite redundant name, I know), this is a point and click adventure game based of the Ace Ventura animated spinoff. I do have some vague memories of playing the demo of this as a kid, and I do remember some weird shaneningans like a underground facility that extract the body fat of seals using a massive roller pin.


I consider this one quite obscure since not many point and click enthusiast covered this one yet, and the wikipedia page about it is pretty barren. I'm not expecting exceptional quality from this game though (quite the contrary, in fact), but that is for Ross to decide.


Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge




This game may not be a good idea for Game Dungeon because it's pratically beating a dead horse at this point, but the mere existence of it still begs for this treatment. And hey, if Ross has no better ideas for a Halloween special, here's one. ;) (and also, if Ross even considers doing it, he could try to bring the guy who figured how to beat this madness as a guest)


If Ross considers Armed & Delirious the black sheep of weird games, I consider Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge the black sheep of bad licensed games. One reason being that this game was forgotten until Spoony dug it up, and that it never shows on bad licensed games lists (or, at least, I've never seem a list with it). The other reason is that this game goes beyond the usual badness these kind of games have.


For starters, when you think bad licensed game, you think a bare-bones and badly designed game based on something that was really popular at the time just to earn a quick buck. But this game is based on a movie that was trashed for being a bad sequel (and direct-to-video on top of that) of a lesser know monster movie franchise. How do you even have the idea to license something like that? It's simply asking for bankrupcy.


Also, this game is a hybrid between a FPS, a adventure game, and a FMV game. And saying that this game has moon logic is being a bit too generous, I would say that this game has downright TROLL LOGIC instead. This game is not impossible to beat, but it's full of mean traps that are meant to make you ragequit, like the "hell room" on the second level, a tiny room where every enemy you kill in the level respawn there instead, and you NEED to pass it in order to enter the final room (unless you passed there before killing many enemies to unlock a shortcut, but the game gives zero hints and fucks). And the ending... Oh, the ending... It just reinforces the theory that the designers were huge trolls and weren't expecting anyone to beat it.






Never played this one, but I think it might be a good material for a GD episode. We all know how Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty is a very influential game in the industry and helped create the RTS genre, but don't you guys notice something odd? I'll give a hint, it's the "II". The only similarity between both games, aside the license, is that they were both produced by Virgin Interactive, but Dune II was developed by Westwood, and this game was developed by Cryo Interactive. (the same guys responsible for the Megarace series)


As for the game, it loosely follows the plot of the novel. You are Paul Atreides, and you need to rally the Fremen tribes on the planet Arrakis to defeat House Harkkonen and the Saudaukar. It seems to be a hybrid between a point and click adventure game and strategy, where you go and meet the tribes, and them assign the Fremen to military training and other tasks.


Shakii the Wolf




This is another one of the many mascots that came in the 90's to cash in Sonic's success, but this one really got lost in time. So lost, in fact, that I do remember playing the demo of it as a kid, and then thinking as a adult this was some kind of fever dream until I discovered through Youtube that it really exists, and I do remember it being kind of a mix between a platformer and a beat 'em up.


Total Distortion




I would say that this game is not that obscure anymore since it's catchy Game Over screen became kind of viral at some point, but that's what most of the internet know about it. I tried to play this thanks to that however, but I gave up in frustration without progressing that much, because this game seems to be too much complex for it's own good. But, from the little that I've played, I can say that the Game Over screen is just the tip of the iceberg.


To begin with, this game opens with a extremely over-the-top lore: It's about humanity discovering an alien artifact that allows extradimensional teleportation, but instead of finding aliens worlds we find bizzare dimensions based on many aspects of pop culture, ranging from genres of music to cartoons. And these dimensions are created from our collective minds. And our protagonist is some guy/gal that decided to go the Distortion Dimension to videotape it's phenomena to create music videos. But the Metal Lord, the ruler of the dimension, wants to kill you because videotaping is stealing.


If that description does not convince Ross to cover it, I don't know what will.

Edited by Kaiosama TLJ
The post became a mess with embedded link errors because it was made before the forum overhaul. (see edit history)

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